General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win & the most important strategy in dota that no one talks ab...

How to win & the most important strategy in dota that no one talks about. in General Discussion

    Let's be real. No one likes losing especially in a ranked game of dota. Sure I'm no Miracle or Dendi or anywhere near to their skill caliber. In fact if you checked my profile I'm barely holding on to my over glorified ancient.

    But don't press that back button on your browser yet! Sure some of you might call me a scrub casual warlock spammer. (Which I am.)

    It doesn't mean that I can't teach you anything today. In fact this is the most important strategy in dota or any kind of multiplayer game.

    Teamwork & Positivity.

    Positivity over teamwork especially when matching with random since positivity is one of the foundations of good teamwork.

    When you get matched with 4 other randoms they are now your family & your blood brothers (or sister, equal rights.) until the end of the match weather you like it or not you're stuck with them boohoo. Weather you choose to take that relationship 1 step further after the game Is up to you.

    Sure your team made some mistakes but don't act like your opponents are not making the same ones. People often blame their team for losing a match. When will we accept the fact that the enemy team played better & obviously had better teamwork?

    Enforce positivity in your team. This is especially easier if you're not the victim who gets flamed for dieing. Help out your fellow team mates who're getting flamed. Stand up for them. Tell the flamer to focus on the game instead. Both of them should just chill the f out and play dota. Be the one who stops the negativity from escalating.

    If you're the one being flamed. A simple sorry/my bad will do. Nothing good will come out of them if you try to defend yourself trust me. Even if you think you did nothing wrong.

    It is my practice to say glhf in all chat before the game starts to get some positivity started in the game. This is mainly more for myself than for others. I don't feel so bad losing a game when I've established that it's a glhf game. Which keeps me calm & collected throughout the game. I also feel like I played better because of it.

    Take what you will. The toxicity should end. It really benefits no one.

    Story Time

      i am sure most of dota players think that by flaming and cursing their teammates, these players will start playing better

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        ur writing style makes me wanna tell u to fuck off

        fuck off


          Try playing to improve at the game. Its better than positivity.


            By being positive all the time means you did improve in the game.


              i dont think positivity is going to help much when its 0-15 in your enemy's favor


                retard just be actually good at dota and ur gucii whats wrong with yall did your parents raise u right DASDAS


                  Please tell me how to be positive when i got an acc buyer as teammate who went 0-12 SF


                    in all seriousness if your opponent is better than you, they will win like 90% of the time
                    sure maybe you will coordinate shit better but if they are like mechanically more skilled than you eventually they will win anyway

                    being positive is a good attitude and it makes the game more enjoyable for everyone, so theres no harm in doing it. But I wouldn't say that its a "DO THIS AND IT WILL MAKE YOU WIN MORE" thing.

                    if positivity can win mmr im pretty sure ppd would be 9k by now


                      most important strategy is to kill the enemy ancient at any cost


                        I agree that if the enemy is better mechanically then you deserve the lose. No questions there. But no matter how bad our teammates are we're stuck with each other & we just have to make do with what we have.

                        How many times have we lost games because we were tilted by our teammates? Losing focus, doing things rashly, being impatient. Aren't these things important factors?

                        Having a clear mind makes us learn & perform better.

                        Being tilted stems from negativity we can't say for sure that positivity wins games all the time since there are so many other factors that come into play. But I'm pretty sure negativity makes us lose games we could have won.


                          Positive Dota :)

                          Except if u pick am, pango, mk, or kunkka in my games then I will immediately run down mid.


                            Positivity alone has minimal impact if everyone is playing alone optimally, but negativity affects everyone (in a downward manner) regardless of how everyone is performing. For those who is saying how to act positively in a certain scenario, take a moment to ponder this and some friendly reminders here.


                              how about toxic 7k players playing in 4k mmr bracket
                              did he win the game ? ofc because his skill is god

                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                Except if u pick am, pango, mk, or kunkka in my games then I will immediately run down mid.

                                What's wrong with pangolier and kunkka?


                                  skill - shots

                                  obviously bad, because everyone is a low skilled dog until 7k.

                                  Machado98 #xatubaking

                                    There is no communication or positivity when I am matched with 4 ppl that don't speak the same language (80% of South America games)

                                    Mute all and play. If I am better than the other 9 I will win

                                    If I am not better than the others I just hope someone on my team is because nobody is talking to each other due to language differences


                                      most important strategy no one talks about

                                      Except everyone talks abt it, and it's just the same over used cliche as "git gud"
                                      "Just PMA LOOOOOOL 4Head"