General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to solo offlane as pangolier?

How to solo offlane as pangolier? in General Discussion
69 god

    I find difficulty in the early game. Very less regen and hp pool. How to survive the early 3-4 levels?

    arrogant adolescent

      just pull the second wave loooool 4HEad


        never farm with swahbuckle, swashbuckle for escape


          don't solo with pango


            I think its more harder to play offlane for non str hero my brother, expecially since poor man shield has been removed

            SASA POPOVIC

              Since you cant cheese pull first creep wave solo offlane is only for bosses like " underlord, tide, dark seer and Doom, exception is WR now she is buffed and she cam really be on any lane. Brewmaster is hit on miss, if you dont ban Naix afk in fountain.

              69 god

                Okay thank you guys :)


                  pango is fine, u just have to survive early and get levels, u can have no mana and still solo kill the carry at lvl 5 or 6 if theyre not careful
                  use tree juke spots, and only use swashbuckle to get last hits if their support is in another lane and they dont have kill potential on u


                    ^pff u can't do that if by the time ure lvl 2 the carry be level 5 u can't solo pango vs aggressive duel or 3lane where carry denies all creeps and two people beat ure ass


                      Pango isn't supposed to beat a cancer trilane and tbh I don't think any offlaner can beat a super cancer trilane
                      As pango u can also make space elsewhere on the map and u only rlly need xp and ur not THAT gold reliant, so u just have to try to sap xp, and then with lvl 6 u can start to rotate. U can even tp at lower lvls if they're diving ur team or whatever. If u can mess up the creep equilibrium then u can also get free levels. Worst come to worst u shud be dual laning anyway so try to get ur 4 to show up.
                      Pango can solo but not against some real gay shit like sky wd or maybe shaman kunkka


                        This is super important...
                        Buy taunt and taunt supports for camping your lane in all chat. Say “3 idiots for 1 pango lul” works in my bracket and when I hit 6 and start killing them I say “lol nice trilane trihards.” You have tk be good with rolls and swash and you’re guaranteed comebacks with insane flashfarm. Also snowball potential with an easy lane.


                          This is super important...
                          Buy taunt and taunt supports for camping your lane in all chat. Say “3 idiots for 1 pango lul” works in my bracket and when I hit 6 and start killing them I say “lol nice trilane trihards.”

                          Actually provoking really useful in real case brother. At that time i use solo centaur offlane cuz my teammate go afk jungle, they 1st act safe like pull creep, zone me away and some stuff. Then i provoke them in all chat by telling them "3 p*ssy being gay*ss retards" and "go suck each other d*ck f*gs sh*t.

                          Luckily they got triggered and started to dive tower just to chase me and i ended up kill all of them (thanks to centaur op 3rd skill). True story my brother


                            ^i love this guy fullh0m0


                              ^woah brother don't want to do the gay, that is Haram in the eyes of Allah


                                You basically fucked them as if they were your brothers, we get it

                                SASA POPOVIC

                                  Still Pango has "amazing" winrate of 46.74% on offlane plus 2 hard counters ingame, 1 is very popular often first picked support other is getting buffed all the time becauseFrog wants to see it in pr0 matches, unless you mastered Pango mechanics to the point where you play him on 5k level i wouldnt recommend, there are many simple offlaners that gets the job done with half the effort.

                                  After all point of ranked matches is to gain MMR if you want to have fun there is plethora of other game modes.


                                    Survive get gold get xp, harrass enemy carry with swashbuckle while trying to lasthit creep.