General Discussion

General DiscussionOn Sumail....

On Sumail.... in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    I have no words for Sumail. he's so aggressive he scares me and I'm an EG fan! So many deaths, but also so many kills. I dont know what to think LOL. Is that style of play good or what. When it comes off it looks spectacular, but when it doesn't he just dies....kind of lamely, I might add. His item choices are another point of interest. He's the one who got the ultra aggressive veil idea on Ember, so you stick close to your target chase him around instead of use skill 1 and 2 from a safe distance to fight. He's the one who got the scythe+eblade idea on SF and pave the way for a true nuker sf for the first time in history or something. His item choices are like his games. If they work, they look spectacular, if they don't....well, lets just say the internet isn't too kind to him for those moments.

    Everytime I watch EG, i keep one eye out on what the hell sumail is doing and hope it pays off. I'm sure a more conventional midlaner like No-One doesnt give their fans that kind of a thrill, as he's a traditional rely on your superior mechanics to win the game kind of player. Case in point : that 1v1 championship, raze lvl1 completely taking No-one by surprise. What a lad! In my opinion, he's the most exciting player in dota to watch from a neutral perspective. But as an EG fan, bloody hell does that boy give us the scares!

    Palmen aus Plastik

      Turns out, I have plenty of words for Sumail LMAO.


        EG + OG = GG

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          In the game 3, he YOLO Blinked into Team Spirit twice, and twice for absolutely nothing. And the whole EG wasn't even trying to follow up.
          I think he's trying too hard to make plays, to prove himself.

          But then, he has Bloodstone so it's not as YOLO as Illidan going DAVAI DAVAI trying Ancient instead of taking two set of racks as LUNA. I am 100% sure if Team Spirit just chill the fuck out and take racks instead, they would have slowly won the game.

          Palmen aus Plastik

            ^That's what! He got obliterated quite a few times during the midgame, but also was up 4 kills and 0 deaths in the early game, and that ultra kill late game because of the kind of plays he made by being aggressive. I'm not quite sure whether to tell him to relax or continue what he is doing. That kind of aggression might not work against a well-oiled machine like say, Liquid. Spirit, being relatively new perhaps felt the pressure. Don't see any of the Liquid boys letting that hyper aggression go unpunished.


              sumail doesnt give a F anymore. look at how he looks during drafting phase, there you know who has the bad mentality that makes everyone leave the team.


                EG never gonna work as long sumail and babyrage still in the team. Misery and ppd were right


                  @oklahoma what Misery saied? Can you tell in short, or send link? I know for ppd is the same?


                    he said someone has a really bad attitude and when EG looses games its very toxic, people het real salty.

                    interview with misery after kick:

                    i remeber seeing truesight with EG where in one game Sumail made a crucial mistake that basically lost them the game. Sumail basically tilts out goes to his room and plays CS:GO. Fear (at that time the coach) walks up to him and wants to talk aout what happened in the game and sumail is like ''shut up man''. Kid cant take criticism or being told what to do by others.

                    You really see this ingame with EG, where sumail jumps into 4 enemies as QOP or dies solo somewhere, 100% sure that he straight up ignores calls from captains.

                    New Freezer

                      I love how so many people hate on Sumail when he's earned over $2,000,000 in DOTA 2.

                      EVERY SINGLE PLAYER in DOTA has head SEASONS and YEARS in which they did not perform as well as they would want. (except Mircale perhaps) Sumail has had more successful years than unsuccessful years and that's why people put so much pressure on him.

                      Yeah he might have died 2 times Yolo but guess what? His plays also secured the early game and gave EG the opportunity to get control over the majority of the map. He secured all towers, kept Team Spirit in their base for the most part.

                      Stop hating, SHH!!! and show some respect!


                      He's said himself on camera that he hates losing.

                      So what??

                      Is he supposed to be a perfect human being for you haters? NOPE.

                      You all call sumail emotional and salty but you haters look like the emotional salty ones TBH LMAO.

                      I am an EG fan but I do not hate on any other players the way people hate on RTZ and Sumail.

                      RTZ has a super high win rate pretty much 60-65% in proffesional dota with EG which includes constantly facing the worlds best teams, and you all still hate. Get a lifE!


                        Punks will never be satisfied


                          winning TI doesnt excuse being a toxic lil brat


                            he may be a 7-8k player, but he still could work on his attitude
                            sure he gets a disproportional amt of hate considering no one really knows whats going on in the team for sure
                            but, like all players, he has quite some stuff to improve on


                              Hes a spoilt kid,any interview with him or any his talk is just "wtf is going on" back in the years he had some respect but now you can see how shitty person is he become,good player but trust me hes the one you dont want to have in team.Even ppd is better but hes also arrogant fuck.


                                haha he is shitty person i know him from the context of some interviews and what people who dont like him tell me

                                you really cant judge anyone for what they let u see, because there r plenty of celebrities or whatnot who may act nice but are bad people, and people who may act bad or give off a poor reputation but they could be good people who are bad in social situations.
                                you cant know that, and it seems really foolish to judge based on very little, even though u will continue to do it, and so will everyone else.

                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                  Lets not make this about his personal life. I was talking about his in-game abilities here. Unless you are suggesting his bad attitude leads to those YOLO plays, stick to topic.

                                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                                    Grandpa Thad > Sumail


                                      spoiled kid,if his parents teached him proper manners,he would be so much better,its sad.Cant blame him tho,playing dota all day cant be good for your health.


                                        all you nibbas hatin on a kid who's better at the game and earning off of it while you nibbas accomplishing nothing


                                          you are a true sumail farm
                                          so much yield of descriptions

                                          by the way,how do you guys know he acts bad?


                                            maybe its a next level strat where the outcome is either sumail dead or you wipe the enemy team. it isn't a terrible pay-off even if it only works once in four times.


                                              Well... He a te aye weiner


                                                Sumail and his aggression was tailor made for the midlane. When he had control on the 1vs1 matchup. He could do the aggressive plays more safely. He knew what the other hero could dish out, so he could go in with more confidence. Now that he is offlaning, the calculations get a whole lot harder... There are 2-3 enemy heroes there. They might be hiding in any number of spots etc. You cannot play as aggressive as you can in mid, where you pretty much know where everyone is.

                                                This is why I think moving him off from mid was a big mistake. Sure aggressive play style is suited for the offlane, but you have to be careful not to feed the enemy core. Cause that will get you a loss quite quickly. I hope they get their act together, EG, I mean. Really liked their play in TI5...

                                                butterfly effect

                                                  Punks will never be satisfied (+999)


                                                    I don't know if he should care about some random scrub talking about his personality or for the money he makes(has made so far) in E-Sports


                                                      uuh sir sumail did move back to mid in case you missed it

                                                      Ear of Skadi

                                                        @JOLLY GREEN GIANT

                                                        sumail is 19 and babyrage is literally a true thing, not just a meme. arrogance and inability to take criticism is a real thing in teens and 20s because the brain isn't fully developed yet. people don't normally chill out till their 30s. and by that time their dota career is over.
                                                        it's overrided in other sports because of how crucial a coach is to the team and sports psychology is applied and miles ahead of what is available in esports.


                                                          but i'm on those age and i can take all of those stuff easilyyy
                                                          am i 10000 years old?


                                                            Came across this comment on reddit (made on a specific game of his). I do not believe that I have the required technical expertise to comprehend it completely. Maybe someone with in-depth knowledge of Dota can elaborate on this.

                                                            He HAD to play agressive. Think like chess. Low level players think losing a queen is throwing. High level players know when a queen HAS to be thrown away becasue there is something bigger than the queen.

                                                            Think of it this way. SD purge fucks troll badly. considering troll is the carry, you need someone important enough to force SD to purge him. Now S4 can't be the aggressive one per se because if he jumps in lasso, SD fucks him with disruption not purge. None of EG other heroes were important enough for purge. Only answer is core Lesh with aeon disk. conclusion, sumail HAD to play aggressive to tank that spell or they have no carry.

                                                            Some people question the item choice and say he should have gone bkb. I disagree aeon disk first was correct. I play SD. If you play SD you understand why. If Lesh has neither aeon or Bkb, there's no need to purge him. he will die anyway. Now if he gets bkb early, he will waste the early charges. So aeon disk is uniquely the item you get to force an SD to purge you wihout losing too much. And of course sumail knows this. You see can infer this from thr intemization and play making.

                                                            First sumail gets aeon disk at 30. This allows him to tank the purge and frees s4 to lasso axe or luna. He does this for 15 mins. Peeps say why did he keep doing it. Again like the queen in chess, it IS the correct play. So why did he stop eventually? Because Sd got aghs at 45 mins meaning it doesn't matter if he tanks the purge since sd now has more than 1 charge. So now the game changes. Sumail can sell his disk and get something better and you now notice that S4 started prioritizing the shadow demon.

                                                            ;tldr the repeated blinks look like bad plays to you typical pub player who only cares about himself and not the big picture. Whereas those plays were the correct plays because they needed to get rid of a critical spell that cripples the troll.


                                                            Edit: Formatting errors

                                                            SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                                                              The king is back to mid... and feed.