General Discussion

General DiscussionAnalyze the draft

Analyze the draft in General Discussion

    Wanted to have two strong lanes and we went 2-1-2, they did 3-1-1

    Suspected the WR was offlane during picking phase, we chose Jakiro which I think was a mistake now since we didnt manage to zone WR.

    Maybe we picked up the PL to early and restricted our draft? Thought of picking a Gyro or BS there as well.

    Regarding bans their Omni ban felt very weird since we already had Axe, also our ES last ban is a bit odd.

    Interested in your input, thanks!


      I would prefer your team lineup,propably just better players in enemy team.

      daryl from the hood

        its a free pl game, you lost because monkey is smurf


          i'd grab a venge instead of the skywrath here. swap monkey out of his ult, provide a reliable stun which your team was lacking, wave whoever pl focuses
          sky wanted euls first, imo force would be better. maybe slark focused him and he thought he needed it, dunno
          axe had a really bad game in general, needed an extra item for those fights
