General Discussion

General DiscussionTalent suggestion

Talent suggestion in General Discussion

    mirana: lvl 25 talent-auto attacks while moving(like wr ulti)
    meepo: lvl 25 talent 30-50% status resistance
    arc warden: lvl 20 or 25 talent plus 5-7 tempest duration
    oracle: lvl 20 talent fortune's end strong dispell lvl 25 either ult gains status resistance, gives spell immune, constantly purges debuffs or ult 100% more heal/50% less damage taken
    dark willow: lvl 25 talent ult gives movement speed slow 25-35%, lvl 20 talent brambles refresh every 5 sec
    kotl: lvl 20 talent +1200 night vision +200 dayvision (shines brighter XD)
    night stalker: lvl 20 talent ult affects building's
    phoenix: lvl 25 talent supernova gives 3000 unobstructed vision (phoenix is like a mini sun so why not)
    antimage: lvl 25 talent -30 or 40 status resistance
    invoker: lvl 25 talent- defeaning blast hard disable
    morphling: lvl 25 talent can cast attribute shift while disabled
    luna: lvl 25 talent eclipse pure and pierces through bkb as well as lucent beam or 3rd grants unobstructed vision or true sight

    also I suck being a support and my dota life is full of curses and conditions that only I can understand XD


      morphling would be broken IMO

      Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

        Well invo's defeaning blast is already undispellable.
        The rest talents are whether broken or a pure non-sense tbh.


          meepo: lvl 25 talent 30-50% status resistance
          yeeeeh buddy lets do that, sounds really great

          Suck my tiny curry dick

            Riki: lvl 25 talent all friendly heroes within 1200 radius becomes invisible. Can attack and cast spells without breaking invisibility.

            Morph: lvl 25. Can instantly move anywhere in the river + 200 hp regen

            Tinker: lvl 25. Rearm works on all items now.

            Invoker: lvl 25 has access to all 9 spells. No need for invoke anymore and -25% CD on all spells.

            Tiny: lvl 20 his armor is equal to his strength. So if tiny has 200 strength then he gets 200 armor

            Lich: lvl 15 sacrifice works on enemy creep. Will give hp instead of mana if used on enemy

            Pudge: lvl 10 now it steals enemy hero strength and adds to pudge. Just like silencer with intel


              mirana: she is riding and it would be logical if we see her attack while moving.
              meepo: since bkb is a trash item for meepo
              arc warden: lvl 25 talent is not appropriate especially the lifesteal since most of the time he only uses his ult minion.
              oracle: if slark can dispell stuns then why not oracle if he reaches lvl 20. oracle is getting useless when he reaches lategame. so he needs these talents.
              darkwillow: it would be gamechanging ultimate and 1st if used correctly.
              kotl is easily countered by night stalker so its good to buff kotl. a talent that makes him shine brighter gives logic.
              am: he needs status resistance rather than spell sheild talent
              morphling: reaching lvl 25 is hard and it wont change his early game playstyle.
              luna: well luna lvl 25 talent needs attention lol


                Medusa lvl 25 rapier doesnt drop at death


                  Alchemist lvl25 can grant any item passively to allies.


                    bloodseeker lv 25 driving a lambo if ms reach 550 or more. Allies can get into passenger seats. Blood can hit all enemies while in lambo mode, damages enemies, stuns enemies and pierces through magic immune.


                      Meepo 25: All clones gain meepo's item, at 50% effectiveness. (2x CD)
                      Tiny 10: Make him viable
                      Tiny 15: Make him viable
                      Tiny 20: Tree 500 attack range
                      Tiny 25: If Tiny doesnt attack for 2 minutes (whilst having a tree with him), his next attack on shots the next unit he attacks. (Buildings are not units)


                        Lvl 25 silencer : Now mute everything forever, including chat, speaker and mic. No trashtalker cancer again

                        Lvl 25 slark : Shadow dance now make everyone actually dance(?)

                        Lvl 25 AM : Instantly win the game. Because its not magic that bring him back, but purity of will


                          Pudge lvl25 Meat Hook +4 multishot

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            pudge 360 degree hook PogCena


                              Storm lvl 25 +99999999 int


                                ^OK that's just lazy fella.


                                  Chaos Knight level 25 every time Chaos Knight receives a debuff he has random status resistance applied to it between 0-80%


                                    ok this topic turned into a joke and I like it ROFL.


                                      Doom lvl 25 doom 900aoe