General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is the best carry to sustain against undying

what is the best carry to sustain against undying in General Discussion

    i saw undying is really good offlaner, but is that undying really good ?

    what carry that doesn't give a fvk about undying and farm the lane :thinking:

    any advice how to deal undying?

    Grandpa Limbasia

      Try Tiny



        Try Tiny

        get a stick, don't let him to double decay you and your support and you'll be fine
        also no, undying is a dogg offlaner that's why he's being played as pos 4/5. He doesn't need farm but time for his zombies to spawn and eat everyone alive LUL

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          undying can do literally nothing against most ranged carries. you can get troll, gyro or anything.

          Grandpa Limbasia

            Pudge is a pretty strong carry. With enough kills, his right click become very strong.


              undying is pretty weak as solo offlane

              i have a lot of success with in dual offlanes as pos 4 though

              PL is something i really dont like playing against, and morphling.

              troll and clinkz would be good too, tombstone wont have much effect

              you just shouldnt tilt because undying as core wont do anything as a core, you will just win later


                huskar shits on his lane and kills his tombstone fast


                  PL is good


                    get purge support.

                    Marko Bulat

                      PL shits on Undying, illusion attack counts on tombstone this will make your difusal faster and when you get it, it GG for undying...


                        URSA shits on zombie

                        Marko Bulat

                          ^and everything else shits on Ursa, Meta is there for a reason, play meta carries or suffer losing from them!

                          Potato Marshal

                            Undying has huge mana problems early on and decay does like nothing in the laning stage if he can't do a lot of damage when a unit is decayed.

                            He just kinda does nothing in lane if you can destroy tomb easily and Undying doesn't have a strong lane partner.


                              ^ah, so that's the reason why Undying + KotL is cancer lane

                              Then again you stuck with Undying as your offlaner, soo....

                              Lruce Bee

                                What about lycan guys

                                < blank >

                                  Undying ain't a carry... Only a supp can counter a supp in early game... Get ur supp to make that zombie stay far away from ur creeps and maintain equilibrium... Ez pz


                                    Am good vs undying my brother. Unlike axe or centa, he cant do shit without mana

                                    Marko Bulat

                                      AM is utter shit beyond 3k my brother, current meta is fast paced and teamclash based, AM provides nothing other than a burden to his team to 4v5 until he comes online, This will pass under 3k, because they cant finish game until 45-1hour to save their lives so AM can afk farm carelessly but above people generally know the value of pushing.


                                        Brood is good i think tho meta is not for brood rn.

                                        Muhammad Sumbul

                                          @Marko Bulat. I have an 2 recent AM games where their oflaners raped the shit out of me.Maxed Spell shield 1st got vanguard and a magic wand before boots.Then casually watch as the enemy team works their ass of trying to kill you

                                          Story Time

                                            have u heard of Monkey king? :D


                                              AM is utter shit beyond 3k my brother, current meta is fast paced and teamclash based, AM provides nothing other than a burden to his team to 4v5 until he comes online, This will pass under 3k, because they cant finish game until 45-1hour to save their lives so AM can afk farm carelessly but above people generally know the value of pushing.

                                              Ty brother. So thats explain why im still in 3k even though im good


                                                seeker of blood


                                                  why everyone is brother

                                                  dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                    the point is you shouldnt play defensive vs undy, go aggro with some stunner safelaners and kill him before he realizes whos the boss
                                                    ck+shaman/lion i.e.