General Discussion


NEW SEASONAL RANKED in General Discussion

    The new Ranked Season of Dota will go live with tomorrow’s update. As we kick off the season, your new Ranked Medal will be calculated through a calibration period of ten games. This season's calibration will allow for a substantial change in rank based on your performance during calibration, seeded by your previous rank. Your previous season’s medal will be displayed in your profile, alongside your new medal.

    We've made some changes to the Ranked Medal system itself. You'll now be able to see the progress on your profile medal, visible only to you, to track your advancement towards the next star or rank. Additionally, the steps between ranks go from 1 star to 5 stars, instead of 0 to 5. There is also a new tier of Ranked Medal exclusively for players positioned on the Leaderboards — designated as Immortal — to help more clearly distinguish the top players in the world. The Immortal rank does not have stars, just the explicit leaderboard ranking.

    As always, Rank Medals represent your highest performance level for the current season, and a medal will never decrease in rank once you've earned it. Once you've calibrated your new ranking, there's nowhere to go but up.


      Wait so if u played so good on the 10 games u can be div 5 if youre previous medal is like in divine tier?


        I am not sure but I think it would be +-500 range


          From Jeff valve guy

          "I've done work on the re-calibration code for this season; I can answer that. For the seasonal re-calibration games, it only uses wins or losses, the relative team rank balance (match fairness) and the estimated uncertainty on your rank.

          You will not get additional calibration credit for your performance in the game beyond simply winning the game. For example; hero damage, kills, assists, wards placed, creep score, gpm, hero choice - those kinds of things do not inform the re-calibration system today."

          Time to lose all my calibration games and become herald.


            So just win? Rofl

            Lruce Bee

              I interpreted that as meaning it's harder to swing your mmr now since it's just based on win loss.

              Lruce Bee

                What else is the point of recalibrating? You just win 10 in a row or max lose 10 in a row and gain/lose maximum 500 mmr for example.

                Where in the past you could make yourself look really bad by feeding and lose 1000 mmr or more during calibration.


                  Why is everyone surprised. Calibration has always been +-50 (or was it 25) per game anyways regardless of KDA ratio, or am I wrong


                    TBH I am not that interested in the re-calibration all I want is meepo getting buffed if they plan to release a patch with it.

                    SASA POPOVIC

                      Finally they have demystify calibration, i got sick of people here hoping they will jump 2 tiers, mow they can go back to blaming teammates. :')

                      @lone dov, you cant lose nor gain more than +-500 mmr in calibration, otherwise evryone would just borrow their accounts to a random divine friend and stack them LUL


                        Yeah i got 800 gpm xpm avg on recalibration and only lose 2 game i got exactly 150 mmr(+-25/game). So all we need to do is win

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Honestly guys, Valve is a stingy company that has been cutting corners everywhere, they cant/wont address any problem ingame unless there is huge shitstorm on reddit so eventually they succumb and start working on it.

                          Did anyone really expected some complex recalibration algorithm that counts various stats from multiple players on each match? You guys are funny.


                            Except that is exactly how calibration works - Valve compares your stats to the average performance of players on your hero and then increases/decreases your mmr by a larger or smaller amount accordingly.

                            The reason no-one moves during calibration is because everyone is already at their correct mmr +/-500.

                            I guarantee that if I played the calibration matches for a Divine account, they would qualify Legend at best...

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              If thats the case my boy this smurf would be banned 3 years ago or they would put me in 5k mmr where my main is, ive stomped unranked in VHS started feeding to normal skill calibrated low abd started stomping again, as you can see, nobody cares!


                                There's no way you are 5k. That meepo is 3k at best.


                                  "I've done work on the re-calibration code for this season; I can answer that. For the seasonal re-calibration games, it only uses wins or losses, the relative team rank balance (match fairness) and the estimated uncertainty on your rank.

                                  You will not get additional calibration credit for your performance in the game beyond simply winning the game. For example; hero damage, kills, assists, wards placed, creep score, gpm, hero choice - those kinds of things do not inform the re-calibration system today."

                                  From JeffHill (Valve's employee)


                                    Fair play. Looks like I'm wrong!


                                      Retard harold his explanation proves his own point is wrong


                                        we will never now what the divine 6 was for :(

                                        Potato PC

                                          Time to spam IO on calibration and get Herald 1.

                                          Story Time

                                            who cares....

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Am I the only one bothered by how they're naming medals? Why would immortal be above divine? Wouldn't you already be immortal if you're divine?

                                              Story Time

                                                ^wow, sounds like you are a bit schizophrenic

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  I don't think you know what schizophrenia is.

                                                  Story Time

                                                    i knew one guys with this mental disorder though


                                                      not all gods are immortal potato. plenty of the old gods die in mythology.


                                                        rocket is onto something here, divine creatures in the old tales were not always immortals per se

                                                        I am starting to like this forum tbh


                                                          also, I agree with lone dog
                                                          incoming 10 straight losses

                                                          the hardest thing will be to not get a report in every game I would say, also there are some games you simply can't lose