General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestions to improve the site

Suggestions to improve the site in General Discussion

    @mods or whoever it may concern
    Love using the site, great interface, lots of stats, decent blog, overall very easy to use. But there are some issues that would make the experience a whole lot better if addressed.

    1. There are many heroes on the "most played heroes" list that show an incorrect winrate.

    When I manually search the hero in the "matches" section, the winrate is different even though the number of matches is the same.

    2. On the overview page, in the list of "most played heroes", when I click on the hero icon, it takes me to the Hero page. When I click on the hero name, it takes me to the list of matches I have played on the hero. And when I click on the time since I have played the hero, it takes me to the last match when I played it.

    Similarly, the same does not apply to the list of "latest matches". Clicking on the hero icon takes me to the hero page. That is fine. But clicking on "Lost/Won match" and the "hero name" takes me to the same page i.e. the last match I played on the hero. If clicking on the "hero name" instead took me to the "list of all the matches I have played" on the hero, that would be good.

    3. One of the more irritating things is the fact that I cannot change my Diary Rating once I have set it. It is also impossible to remove or reset it, especially for matches where I clicked the rating accidentally and it got stored forever. A small fix to make this editable would be great.

    4. Some of the team rosters have not been updated in the "Pro Circuit" section. Take OG's roster for example:

    5. After MMR's were more or less replaced with medals, MMR tracking is no longer possible. In its stead, being able to see Medal tracking would be an excellent idea.

    Once again, big fan of the site in almost all aspects. Just providing some constructive criticism to make improvements.