General Discussion

General Discussionhow 2 alne against undying?

how 2 alne against undying? in General Discussion

    help me please idk hhow tf to lane against undying. It's going to sound bad, and please don't flame me, but I actually lost storm spirit mid versus him. every time enemy lane has undying i just fucking lose lane. plz help and give the poor boi some tips

    Jesse Pinkman

      G wynter weavern and fuck him at lane

      Meia Vida

        If you are laning mid vs a Und, focus on farm. Storm really cant kill a good Undying in lane. buy magic wand a lot of regen and whenever you have -16 str stacked in you, go jungle farm stacks. Then come back later. Undying is good in lane but suffers later, storm sucks in lane but does good in late game.Why force a fight you should avoid, besides storm is a good ganker, undying not, there are MANY things you can do besides sitting in lane whatching a Undying deny your creeps.


          In Undying (or any melee hero) vs Storm situations you should always max your remnants ahead of your passive.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            You can't hahaha
            Undying mid is rare though
            Problem with Undying mid is he can't scale


              From my experience when I used undying before, the worse lane I lose is going against Vengeful spirit, silencer, and void. Void is very strong at trading hits even with str reduction and can reach tomb easily, Silencer's arcane curse is really hurt and Venge can reduce armor easily. Antimage & Weaver is also very annoying if u played udnying