General Discussion

General DiscussionThis guys desearves -100mmr at least.

This guys desearves -100mmr at least. in General Discussion

    Its just me who think that the fucking monkey (idk how to call this guys ) who pick monkey, gyro, ... as suport or make the worst pick ever and get 4-5 reports in that match desearves to get -100mmr at least ? I'm realy tired that after 15 min looking for a match and my team first pick is some trash suport pick, or get someone that after 2 min in line decide to go dancing around the map doing nothing. I dont think 2 or 3 low games is enough to this kind of people.


      let me guess
      u have below 5.5k behavior score ur self :)


        Just mute all and play your own game. Don`t flame, cry, whine about it. Carry the game on your own if you have to. And remember keep a PMA.

        LOST BOY

          Kowareta i have 9,8k behavior ...

          LOST BOY

            Reshin i dont even open my mic couse if i open im sure that i willl say something that i shouldnt... but when you take 3 or 4 games in a row this can realy make you dont play enymore ...


              Instead of flaming strange, weird picks u see in the game just sh*t up and play. Ull be better this way and ull not tilt your team mates....


                ok i got baited by first statement, there is no gyro,mk,etc pos 4-5 on his games, he is mad because his supports playing like legend 2 instead of immortal.


                LOST BOY

                  lol my statement was couse i play 2 games and get tilted on main than start to play on my smurf (has the same mmr ) and happends that ... idk why you act like the rest of world dont reach you couse you are so pro but ... The only thing that make me angry is that some people just feed or make one line so strong that i cant beat then and loose the game is not funny dude ... i realy try to understand my mistakes and get better but games like that (stomps ) dont make you better.

                  LOST BOY

                    1h qeueu i dont flame my teammates ... i dont even open my mic like i said , but that things make you dont want to play more or get tilted and cant focus on other game .... make dota not funny . :/


                      You are flaming or blaming them here which doesn't change the fact that u get tilted easily.

                      Acoon ak'mp Put in

                        Why Gyro 5 is that bad of a pick? Just wondering... Because it has not been played on Twitch so far or a cup?

                        LOST BOY

                          no ... i mean... when people who doesnt have impact on their respective roles couse dont know how to suport and get a hero who doesnt realy help so .... the diference on impact in shaman 5 and a gyro 5 or mk 5 ... make hc losse his line offlane can solo line againts every one who get closer suports( opposite team) rotate mid and bot and win the other lines, so you dont have space to get the game back ... snow ball games ... (stomps )

                          LOST BOY

                            1h qeue i realy need to improve on this aspect but i didnt make then worse i just tilt myself and get mad or doesnt want to play more ...


                              ... idk why you act like the rest of world dont reach you couse you are so pro but ...

                              i totally didnt get this part, reading it over and over still dont make any sense. are u talking to me ? or what is this xD
                              get better but games like that (stomps ) dont make you better.

                              because u are not looking what u did wrong and u always blaming others!!!
                              i mean u dont have +50% winrate on your most played heroes. is that because of feeders? LUL. why other players dont have your problems then?

                              LOST BOY

                                well you talk like im just some piece of shit that cant reach your rank ... and im just talking about something that happends in games....

                                -"because u are not looking what u did wrong and u always blaming others!!! "

                                ok i get it what you mean, im not blaming others im just getting mad couse this shit have a big impact on others games... but lets presume that is my fault how i can be present on every single line? if i tp mid to save mid my hard carry dies ... if i plant myself on hc line my off will be feeding bot and the enemy off will be farming jg result ? if i step in other line enemy off will gank my hc ...
                                idk maybe i can let bad things happends to secure some objective but im not sure when do that ... i think i play realy well on mid-late game but at early game i cant keep myself calm when others line is feeding...

                                im use to win my party games 70-80% of the games but i dont have a lot of friends and when i play solo i get one of this games and tilt... :/


                                  All im saying is that don't get mad at people who pick different heroes in different positions, because that tilts them and they play worse. Gyros been played as support before in competitive, but since its not something every day picks to some it might get weird. Also in pubs EVERYTHING can work. Nowadays i see Riki and pudge mid but i get over it.

                                  LOST BOY

                                    i believe that everything can work i just dont know how to not tilt when they dont even know how to sup and want to do something harder ... but ok .. i think i have to improve my patience. :/


                                      it happens in higher mmr too so don't worry. I myself like to experiment with different heroes in different positions and every time I pick those heroes my team goes full retard and i'm playing to win...


                                        pos 5 supports always ruin the laningstage, especially in 3k bracket. It has been like this last year when I was at 3.5k and its the same this year at flat 3k.

                                        90% of all games supports just run around alone in trees, obviously die and then cry at their carry that farm under tower that he didnt help. Eventually they cry and just leave and then instantly die at whatever lane they show up.

                                        I havent really seriously played carry since early 2018, as carry you always get trashed on in lane and if your other lanes loose as well eventually the carry gets blamed (''spectre 0 farm gg''-offlane kunkka 0 8 5 ).

                                        Even at Immortal top 100 carry players get their lane ruined by pos 5, its the same everywhere. If you want to play pos 1 look for a pos 5 friend to party Q with. Otherwise play pos 2/3. Easiest to play atm is pos 4 I think. You usually win the lane, if you buy a couple wards people are thankful and you can actually pick heros that can have impact eary as well as in the late game.
                                        Not like pos 1 thats completely dependent on his support


                                          u have issues buddy, as i said, u want to legend support know how to support, isnt that enough for u to realize how retarded u sound to others?
                                          stop crying ur just bad, either try to get better or give up.
                                          this is 2 possiblle scenarios:
                                 supports are bad -> i lose and thats their fault
                                 supports are good -> i win and thats not because of them KEKW
                                          guess who makes the difference :)

                                          still, ur just shti. if i was legend 2 and play with a guy who has 40% winrate on his most played heroes, i would report him and flame him. obviously u are the problem not others. either accept it and fix it, or cry like baby here about ur teammates like retards where obviously stats saying YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG ABOUT EVERY THING.

                                          LOST BOY

                                            just like that Hávamál but sometimes happends that i won mid and the enemy carry or offlaner is so fucking big ... but in that games if you dont do a mistake you can win ... im realy thinking about climb my mmr doing mid or suport(idk if worth ) .

                                            LOST BOY

                                              Kowareta. Dude i think you didnt get it .... im not putting in their shoulders the fault .... im just saying that is even harder to get better when you cant play a normal game ... when you get stomped by retard picks(players) 2 on 3 games. im not crying about the game i just think that people who troll others game should take better punish then 2 low games .

                                              hahhahaha i dont flame anyone dude i dont even open my mic ... you like to say shit about others just cuz they have lower mmr than you ...


                                                look buddy, i started from 1.8k now im 4.3k, in this road, yeah there were bad games that made me tilted and go crazy.
                                                i flamed a lot, i blamed a lot, but there was a reason behind it! i had a good winrate and i had the feeling these dudes slowing me down.
                                                but in your case thats not the issue, u are the goddamn problem in your team! either accept the truth or keep saying bullshits here!

                                                hahhahaha i dont flame anyone dude i dont even open my mic
                                                i dont remember when i said u do.
                                                you like to say shit about others just cuz they have lower mmr than you
                                                yes, i like to shit on others but not because they have lower mmr. i shit on higher mmrs too :)

                                                tbh u deserve to get punished with your amazing performance on your most played heroes if thats your logic for punishments

                                                LOST BOY

                                                  how can you tell that i am the problem of my matches if you arent playing with me ? you are rare and the world slow you down ? wtf ... i play with my friends divines and i play well cuz they play well ... they comunicate ... they do what you espectate from then to do .
                                                  if you dont remember just read.... zzz


                                                    by ur stats! if u are not hte team problem why u lose ? why u have 45% winrate?
                                                    because u tilt? so u tilt every game? then u have problems!


                                                      kowareta i dont know if you are in the right path. hate just create more hate


                                                        Support monkey king main here


                                                          sry, but im not hating. but ok i will stop it now.

                                                          NlGGER (mute+core only)

                                                            kowareta i dont know if you are in the right path. hate just create more hate

                                                            sounds about right


                                                              cuz im always right

                                                              LOST BOY

                                                                45% wr are you blind ? or just retard ? i have 51,04% . zzzz


                                                                  im just a retard buddy, parden me. talking to wall more rewarding than talking with some dudes.
                                                                  just stay insecure about any criticism on internet and try ur best to not using ur brain.