General Discussion

General DiscussionHow should I hide my stats from other users?

How should I hide my stats from other users? in General Discussion
Saucisse mmh

    Let's say I don't want people to see my stats... Is there any way to do this? It kinda pisses me off that anybody can just see everything about my dota stats without me having to say anything...

    I don't think setting the profile private works...


      Valve has released a public API for anyone to use, which make your stats available to us. It would probably be easiest if you contacted them to remove your stats from the API.


        Could this be taken into consideration? I don't particularly like how much "more" information is available to internet trolls in this manner. Because, now as I see how anyone can view all available information of you, I feel quite exposed. Now, I'm not a bad player, but when a person goes into DOTABUFF just to spam how his ratio is better... its rather annoying. Not to mention that the whole pre-game is statistically divided now where everyone just looks up names and laughs. This is not DOTA worthy. Not where the enemies and even allies berate you for being worse than them.

        My friends agree. They say that this information should be provided at user's request. Valve built DOTA without anyone else being able to see another person's losses unless they provided them to you. Or a person's hero performance.

        Stats do not define a person/player. If Valve provided an API for you, aren't you able to regulate the information?

        *** I'm not saying that these stats are not helpful, in some ways I appreciate it, but it should be available to the user only. ***

        If a person wants to go to the trouble of seeing your past matches, I would rather have them do it "after" the match.


          Yes, the staff is obviously able to regulate what they show or not here, but then I would ask you, what's the point in that? There are other sites (although not as good)... And they even hide the only info that could technically lead to some real trashtalking (The skill bracket in which your games happen).

          And by the way you wrote there, I'm not sure you understood this, but Valve didn't provide the API FOR THEM. It's public. Anyone can use it right now to get the same things you see here, and some more.


            i like how people with bad stats are the ones complaining.


              You see, people like you are the reason they complain... Why even bring that up? Does it matter at all here? And before you act like a complete asshole, look at your own stats.


                If someone goes to the trouble of looking up your name on DOTABUFF during a game, you are probably losing the game and he is not helping a lot. I would see no harm in muting that kind of a person (I never even met someone like that, though). It is not like he will suddenly start saying useful things, calling smoke ganks, predicting roshan, etc.

                Personally, I think stats should be more transparent. As long as MM works, there won't be any problem, since people will be at a similar level in the games and will have nothing to trashtalk about.

                If you are genuinely bothered by it and want to get back at the flamer, just tell the guy that W/L ratio is not that important for people with few matches, since a couple of matches can affect the percentage drastically. If he has fewer games than you, tell him he just got lucky and probably got carried by others. If he has more games than you, tell him Valve's MMR is more complex than a simple percentage, and according to it you are at the same level, with him having played a lot more.


                  Imagine sports players (even the ones in amatrur leagues) trying to hide their scores in matches they played. All the results should be public, the only thing that possibily could be used in any way by someone is gametime to determine on what continent you are.


                    I am actually against it. I have never meet a person who will stalk my account during a game by surfing the net when I am feeding. Even if in the future someone does, I still don't support of making the stats invisible because I know stats don't really important. It does reflect a person level to some degree but obviously it doesn't mean a higher percentage W/L ratio is better than a lower.

                    I am not a stalker lol, but I do stalk my friend and some pro player profile, curious about their games and signature hero and will try to download their replay and watch when I am free. Making it invisible will kill me.

                    However, since some people don't like to share their replay, maybe it is because they perform badly in certain games or they wish for some privacy, etc, valve should grants player the ability to hide their name from being searched by stranger (player who they didn't play with) but they still can search for the game by entering the game number code (In my opinion, every game should be accessible for everybody). And of course, do not apply this on pros, or else I will not able to access their epic replay and learn their skill.


                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!