General Discussion

General DiscussionIncorrect stats page/s?

Incorrect stats page/s? in General Discussion
Ultrix Prime

    I've noticed that, in my case anyway, the number of losses is significantly higher than what I actually have on record inside Dota 2. Is there a reason that accounts for this? (dotabuf -> 716, actual stat -> 689)

    thank you,



      Some games aren't recorded in the Dota 2 client for some reason. Most people have more wins/losses on Dotabuff than in-game.

      Ultrix Prime

        "Some games aren't recorded in the Dota 2 client for some reason" - I don't really believe that. For one thing, it's stored in the steam cloud from the server side, not the client (otherwise, you'd just hack the client, give yourself 10,000 wins and call it gg). What's stored in the cloud and what Steam has recorded is the correct and official value. I've watched my win/loss over time and it has consistently been correct. Dotabuff is wrong.

        The only possible explanation that I can think of is that in the case of dc's from no-stats games where someone else abandoned, it's awarding a loss.


          There is no way for us to be 100% sure if a game counted or not (if it had an abandon in it), because Valve doesn't give that info. The method we use is only 99% accurate, so small differences can occur.

          Ultrix Prime

            "The method we use is only 99% accurate, so small differences can occur." - it doesn't seem so as I see more than a 1% variation. In this case the variation from the correct value is 3.918% - so very nearly a 4% inaccuracy.

            It just seems like something worth working together with Valve on. Otherwise, having two decimal places of accuracy in the win rate value doesn't seem realistic.


              In total, its only 1%, for individual players it can be higher, if you play in a lot of abandoned games for example.

              Ultrix Prime

                Actually, I can clearly see the issue. "if you play in a lot of abandoned games for example" - it's the opposite. For instance, I just had a game recently that lasted 30 seconds because a player on the opposing team hard dc'd and then everyone on my team left. The game did not count for stats, but on dotabuff it's counted as a loss.

                This is what I thought was likely and what is clearly the case. The no stats games apparently get chalked up as losses.



                  It clearly says on the match page itself the game is insignificant and is not counted towards your stats. It's still shown in your games list, because that's how Valve does it too.

                  Ultrix Prime

                    I realize what it says. I just don't believe it (note the use of the word "likely" in the comment). Anyway, you're satisfied with how it currently works and I accept that. I'm skeptical and you need not accept that.

                    Thanks for the feedback.