General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage

Visage in General Discussion

    haha awesome. ultimately average random guy on the internet calls someone else a scrub.
    what has this world come down to.

    Jay Ashborne

      1 Hero
      2 Other Units
      3 Bird 1
      4 Bird 2
      5 All units

      Wards and supporty shit. Boots > Medallion > Mek or scepter, whatever the team calls for.
      AC works, Shivas, Sheep. I save for BT's because running on brown boots is normal for me.

      Scout with birds. The threat of birds is usually enough. Try and block pathways and cut infront of people because of their mobility. Time your stuns well. Keep soul assumption always on CD. Get a magic wand. Will save your life.


        I think now you will get soul assumption level 1, picking up chill at 2. Early ganking power is a bit lower but now you just rely on slow/stuns of your laning partner and burst with soul at 1.

        mana boots are not an automatic pickup, but medallion is. Treads are better by far unless your laning partner needs arcane boots
        I 'would rather have my fingers cut off' than skip medallion. I dont think pipe is really worth it if you already have mek except in very few situations


          My control group is usually:

          "F1" for Hero
          "1" all units
          "3" Familiars

          It's pretty similar to how Akke sets units w/ Chen except I don't use 2 & I don't separate familiars. I don't know why but i hate using "2" button. I think this is quite common for players from WC3 normal game players.

          As for familiar individual controls, you don't really have to because they're suppose to be together most of the time for chain stuns.



            Personally I like to wait to get the level before I actually need it. Skill Q immediately if either carry or you needs to escape (or if your team has enough dps/burst to bring opponent down but not slows/stuns). Or W for obvious reasons/


              I was talking about after 6.80 in my post. I usually go Q first also in 6.79, but I do wait and see depending on late partners and opponents etc. in new patch q will be highly mana intensive so I think the skill build might change a bit.


                Yeah, that extra 30 mana cost really hit the mark :/ But I don't think it'll change that much after level 2. I feel like I'd still leave Q at level 1 then max W and E before going back for points on Q


                  treads on visage are equivalent of treads on abbadon.
                  people who struggle to keep 50 win rate should not be giving advices to anyone. ever.

                  one and half gun

                    why is visage being nerfed all the time


                      ^Icefrog must've had bad memories w/ creatures similar to Visage resulting to this hate.


                        every post you have made in this thread has been almost entirely wrong. People who dont know how to build a hero should not be giving bad 'advices' to anyone. ever.

                        in what way is treads on visage like treads on abaddon? completely irrelevant comparison. more than half of the pro games i have watched with visage they go treads, and every game without an alc they go medallion. but hey, you must know better than them

                        maybe your kda would be less atrocious with visage if you put any thought whatsoever in your item builds. you would die less if you didnt blindly buy the wrong boots. you would kill more if you had a medal. If you had any brains at all you would research and question things you think are great, realizing that there are way to improve. But we know thats not gonna happen


                          i wouldnt die less. i am super aggressive with every hero and i die often, hence average kda. medalion is good (i never said its bad, you have reading issues) i skip it because it delays my meka/aghs. + im good enough to make it work without it, unlike some.

                          yes, pro players do that. they make mistakes. most of them cant play micro heroes to save their life. and yes, i know better than most of them when it comes to micro heroes.

                          if you want more hp that you get from treads, save 200 gold more and get a point booster. 10 times better. or get a stick. getting treads on visage is borderline retarded.

                          if anyone wants to take up advices from you its fine. if they want to be mediocre that is.


                            wheres my popcorn!
                            Guys calm down. You 2 are both right. Medallion is strong but not a must. It can delay other items.

                            About the choice of boots. I prefer Tranq most of the time. In some scenarios I go for treads and if I am the one to rush Mek i pick up early Arcanes to my meka.


                              "yes, pro players do that. they make mistakes. most of them cant play micro heroes to save their life. and yes, i know better than most of them when it comes to micro heroes."


                              No KDA>3 on any micro heroes, 500 total games. Must be better than pros at micro. look at your kda's. such trashcan

                              Quick maffs

                                " i know better than most of them when it comes to micro heroes.""

                                Ok xan i dont give a shit about visage but bro even the worst pro player is capable of playing the hero better than you, i am sure.

                                I agree with the aghanims rush but if no one else can get medallion you should get it, even more if you want to rosh and shit.


                                  reason I like medallion so much on visage vs other heroes on your team is that it really ups your ability to win fights solo. You can solo almost anyone on the enemy team except their hard carry if you have medal, aghs, mek and decent levels. and you are a logical medallion holder since you just auto attack and cast souls on CD, giving you plenty of ability to focus on medallion uptime


                                    no, they actually arent. you would be surprised at how many of them cant play micro heroes at all.

                                    @ arka, i never argued about medalion. its good, but i dont make it.

                                    @ lowbob, once you leave 3k mrr and get 51% winrate you can call others trashcans.


                                      @xan it was refered to other dude since he is madly in love with medallion. #gotchaback

                                      I do agree to the fact that a majority of the proscene is just mediocore or worse in microing


                                        Always 5 stacks -> insults others for having a lower winrate than him.

                                        Stack mates carry him day in and day out -> Has shit KDA but good winrate

                                        less than 25 games play on all micro but meepo with less than 2.5 kda -> better at micro than pro players and knows more about micro than pro players


                                          twist all you want. i played visage mostly solo que. still doesnt change the fact you are absolutely average player. if that even.
                                          if people want to take advice from mediocre players, be my guest.


                                            Theres some serious dunning-kreuger going on here. I never claimed to be anything other than average, or anything at all.

                                            You claimed to be better than pros at micro, know more about it (with <2.5 kda and maybe a hundred micro hero games). You claimed that item builds that top pros (talking DK here not trash tier pro) prefer are borderline retarded. making seriously boneheaded and delusional claims with the apparent inability to look at your own dotabuff. i'm not the only average player in this thread, but at least im not completely delusional about being better than top players in the world

                                            Quick maffs

                                              For what i see in pro games the best boots on him are brown boots and if you really need hp treads,i really dont think mana boots is a good idea.

                                              Aui_2000 seems to get medallion and after that aghs.

                                              Akke and kuroky they both try to rush aghs but if they cant they get treads.


                                                dude you forget. Xan is better than pro players and knows more about micro and micro heroes. akke and kuroky must be borderline retarded. 2.5kda 24 games he must know better

                                                But seriously Xan, thank you so much. The research I did, at first to see if there was any truth to your claims about arcane boots, and then after i realized you were wrong to look into what items builds top visage pro players use, actually helped me to greatly improve my builds and understanding of the hero. So thank you for giving me a reason to learn more about the hero and dota


                                                  I like treads on Visage and I am retarded. huehue.

                                                  I get arcane tho because that's what the team needs most of the time. I only get BoT when we're very much ahead.

                                                  I almost always get medallion first because I feel that it somewhat helps with the mana problem. I spam grave chill to harass and I find that early Sage's mask really good.

                                                  Usual item progression is boots > sage's mask > chain mail > medallion > headress > buckler > mek > point booster > whatever is left for aghanims. Club or staff first depending on what I will be needing.


                                                    basically same item build here. sometimes finishing treads or mana boots in there somewhere. I also get arcane sometimes if the team needs them. But treads is nowhere near retarded. honestly all boots are viable on him, with phase probably being the worst


                                                      d1 didnt exist before d2 apparently. neither did wc3. and kda and micro are somehow related. so much clueless stuff coming from you its incredible. carry on


                                                        what you just said changes nothing about the absurd claims you made versus your actual stats. you did contribute something to this thread, which was discussion about pro builds and the merits of different boots on visage.

                                                        pro player who is most certainly better than you at micro, who would disagree with your assertion that treads are borderline retarded on visage(see him go treads on visage majority of the time and i can post sources):


                                                          @-hg- HungLikeKimJong

                                                          effectiveness in a game cannot be measured with kda
                                                          kda do not mirror microskills
                                                          you do not prove a point by saying countering an argument which is about most players and you posting just one player(and its the micro player in that specific team. wp)

                                                          Now just stop being an idiot trying to attack him with every lousy idea you have. ty


                                                            The point is that treads are not atrocious on visage. This guy comes in claiming treads are shit, only a retard would not get mana boots on this hero. My last post was just an example of a pro player (who is good at micro and micro heroes) often prefers treads or non-arcane boots on visage. treads are preferred by some of the visage players


                                                              You state something in the previous post you did not stated in others.

                                                              Some people prefer battlefury on darkseer ? Does that prove a point ?

                                                              Please do not feel offended when I ask you to stop posting on this previously friendly thread (and even on this forum). Thanks a lot in advance. I now proceed to ignore you forever.


                                                                Ignored forever whatever shall i do? If you had actually read the thread you would see that the core debate was around arcane vs other boots on visage

                                                                "Some people prefer battlefury on darkseer ? Does that prove a point ?"

                                                                doesnt relate at all to

                                                                "id rather get my fingers cut off than buying treads on visage." "there is absolutely no fucking reason what so ever to get treads on visage. its just so painfully stupid i cant begin to understand why would anyone do that."

                                                                being absolutely dead wrong and ignorant dogshit statement that could be construed by OP or other new visage players as meaning treads are bad. it has been established that is not the case. glad to have a brood picker not participating threads I post in anymore. cheers

                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                  Play broodwar. Get that Apm up.
