General Discussion

General DiscussionHoly Sampson

Holy Sampson in General Discussion

    what can i do to win in this

    and then batrider + troll flaming me all game saying im shit im the reason we lost
    Sigh i hate my friends

    King of Low Prio

      almost every item you build was wrong, read my guide


        harsh shit


          are you serious wheres ur guide


            those items are shit. battlefury bh ROFL that shit exists in 2k mmr


              how can you gain/lose 30+ mmr, i always get +-23-27


                stfu rambosalad


                  @fuzzy Idk i fuckiing lost 31 wtfff

                  Quick maffs

                    Dont get battlefury, and i think you needed AC that game.


                      why is Bf so bad it makes pushing lanes easier???

                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        Why would you want to push lanes on a hero that ganks when hero's are past the safe mark of river.
                        (Honestly river isn't even safe. A lot of times you aren't safe in well.)

                        Quick maffs

                          Ok let me explain it, when are you going to get bfury ?

                          Early you need items like wand drums phase.

                          In mid game when you need a damage item desolator will be better than bfury for damage.

                          After deso you will probably need bkb or something like that, if you need more damage there is still way better items than bfury for damage.

                          btw your HD is too low

                          King of Low Prio

                            just read the guide....


                              Bfury on bh



                                your fcking trash


                                  BF is a shit item because BF shouldn't BE pushing lanes. He should be roaming around 2-shotting squishy supports with Jinada. By showing yourself on the map by farming creeps, that tells the enemy where it's safe to farm - wherever you're not. If you stay hidden while roaming, you have much better map presence, as the enemy do not know where you are, you could be anywhere on the map, which makes the entire map unsafe.

                                  If you show, it makes it so that the rest of the map where you aren't at, is safe to farm. BH is also a good early game hero, so you should get easy to build items that are still effective even if the full item is not complete. e.g. Bracer for Drum of Endurance gives you good survivability on it's own. A Drum of Endurance which costs 1775 gold also provides BF much more of what Bounty needs than the Perseverance for Battle Fury which is 1750 gold.

                                  Your skill build is also shit. Getting Shuriken that late is pointless, you could've gotten it earlier where it's static damage is more useful when people have lower health pools, and you can use it to interrupt channeling spells. Not to mention that if you did want to go Battle Fury afk farming, you should've maxed crit first, but that's besides the point, because BF is shit.

                                  It seems like you don't even read the advice people give you, because your skill and item builds still suck after your several threads asking for advice and the like.


                                  2 points into Craggy Exterior by level 5, what the fuck


                                    Maybe he was being heavily harassed


                                      @frostychee @Androgynous I was laning vs Sniper + Drow...

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          leave lane and jungle, sitting there does nothing for u team (im talking about tiny not BH)


                                            That's not a valid excuse. The stun range of Craggy is smaller than both their attack ranges, meaning the skill only gives you armour, which can be solved by cheap items. Nuke damage however, is not so cheap, so if you have a choice between putting points into two abilities, and one ability can be acquired from cheap items, you get the other ability.

                                            4 points into Craggy = 5 armour = Chain Mail, which costs 550 gold

                                            2 points each into Avalanche + Toss = 540 damage if comboed correctly ((260x2) + (150 x 1.2)) = > Dagon 2 which costs ~4k gold if I remember right.

                                            So if you had a Dagon 2 and 4 points in Craggy, you'd have similar nuke damage and survivability to 2 points into Avalanche + Toss with a Chain Mail, yet one build is 3.5k cheaper than the other.

                                            If you are in a losing lane, the way you come back from it is to kill your lane opponent, or to farm stacked neutrals, both of which Tiny can do with maxed Avalance + Toss.

                                            How does Craggy make you win the lane? Even with points in it, you'd still get heavily harassed, it makes little difference to your lane staying power, whereas going 3-2-0-0 by level 5 would give you 700 damage if comboed correctly (Avalance 260 x 2 damage, Toss 150 x 1.2 damage, which would've helped you much more than 3 extra armour which can be gotten from items.

                                            If a teammate does come into lane to help get a kill, what's going to help more, a 3-2-0-0 build, or a 2-1-2 build? You don't need armour if you can kill the enemy in 2 seconds flat with your Q-W combo.

                                            Should you feel the need to a value point in Craggy earlier than level 9 though, then don't get anything more than 1 point in it, because that means you cannot get 4 points into both your nukes before level 11 (you can only go 3-4-2-2 or 4-3-2-2), meaning you miss out on an extra ~100 nuke damage for one point of armour, which is a big deal because the XP required to go from level 11 to level 12 is 2200, compared to 10 to 11 which is 600(?), so if you mis-skill at 11, that's probably the biggest timing window you'll be ineffective for.

                                            I should add that getting damage when you're behind is probably the best thing you can do on any hero, because it at least allows you to contribute something to ganks. e.g. if you're a 0-3 Dragon Knight 10 minutes in, you can at least contribute a 300 damage nuke and a 2 second stun then back off. If you go 1-1-3-1, you're even more useless because you contribute much less damage.

                                            Faceless Void and Spectre, max Time Lock / Desolate and use your ultimate to kill people who are alone with your teammates. There's no point saving your ult for a teamfight that you're still going to lose with Chrono/Haunt, so you may as well use it to get guaranteed kills. Dispersion / Backtrack won't help, you'll die just as easily if you're behind. If you die, for an assist/kill, so what. You're behind, so even trades are better for your team.

                                            In this case, Bounty Hunter. If you had a shit lane, and you don't even have Phase Boots to your name, what good is max Jinada going to do? Max Shuriken is far more effective. If you're mega poor, you should stay back and nuke people safely from range, rather than getting close and making it easier for yourself to die. And 4 points in Shuriken is better than 1 point, because 325 > 100

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              If you are ahead --> you should be ganking
                                              If you are behind --> you should be ganking
                                              If there is a 50stack ancient and your team says its all for you and you have 5k gold in the bank --> buy a tp scroll and gank

                                              nuvole bianche

                                                what if you dont have 5k gold in the bank and there are 5 gems on the enemy team


                                                  I think the point they are trying to make is BH isn't a carry by any stretch, but a ganking single target burst damage hero. Use hero kills to farm, not creeps/jungle.


                                                    Gank with teammates. 5 man gank one person if you have to.


                                                      Ez get rapier

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        if they have 5 gems gank them for gems


                                                          well at one point there lich had 2 gems and i said FUCKING batrider PLEEEEZ blink lasso his Ass!!!! but he was like nawww im not wasting my ult on a FUCKIng SUPPORTTTTT because i have an ego im like shit nigga JUST DO IT and hes like "ok muted"
                                                          im like the fuckkkk but then i realized they cant hear me and i go cry in rosh pit with my obese black buddy

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            after like the 30min mark you are just a aura bot who puts up track.


                                                              Max craggy make sense only in Ability Draft when you can get some skills that synergise with it like Berserker's Call or Reactive Armor. Tiny actually has no real reason to have Craggy Exterior other than filler. It's only slightly better than leveling stats, and there are probably situations where stats are better than craggy.
                                                              Sniper and Drow both die to Avalanche+Toss combo immediately. Isn't that reason enough?


                                                                Lets wait for new meta with Blink Dagger on Bounty Hunter.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  blink dagger is not really a 'new meta' it has to do with naix bombs...........


                                                                    The thing about Bounty Hunter (in my opinion, at low tier) is that he relies on being unseen on the map. People tend to play safe if they know an invisible Bounty Hunter is running around waiting to shit on whomever over extends themselves. If they see him happily farming with a battlefury, they'll know they're safe.

                                                                    TL;DR Bounty makes people scared by not being seen lots of the time. Battlefury can be used if antipushing against broodmother or someone like that. But usually you wouldn't get battlefury

                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                      well first of all u bought one bfury, should've bought two to make sure you cleave through them


                                                                        He needs multiple phase boots for more damage.


                                                                          bf on bh lmao


                                                                            If you buy battlefury on bounty hunter, you deserve to lose your games. Plain and simple.


                                                                              I think battlefury is worth it you guys are fucking so stubborn


                                                                                it gives sufficient damage + regen a perserverance wouldnt give you sure you could get a linkens but that is situational


                                                                                  For the same price is desolator, and that offers armor piercing on top of that. The 5 hp regen can be gotten for 875 gold, which youd be able to get with your ulti + ganks.

                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                    Why no halberd? Its the best item vs voids who are too greedy to get BKB. Dont understand why you build dmg items considering your team composition and swap battlefury for orchid vs no linkes weaver.


                                                                                      "[color=#fcc2ff]I think battlefury is worth it you guys are fucking so stubborn it gives sufficient damage + regen a perserverance wouldnt give you[/color]"
                                                                                      That's exactly how every moron who buys a Battle Fury on Bounty Hunter, justifies buying a Battle Fury on Bounty Hunter.

                                                                                      If you still believe your shit build is the way to go, I'm going to explain how, although you probably can't be fucked reading any advice given by me, since you're still not maxing Fire Spirits on Phoenix by level 7.

                                                                                      Compare Boots + Battle Fury to Phase Boots, Vlads and Drum. Looking at your PA games, which you went BF in 3 out of 5 of them, the same applies (or you could get Dominator instead of Vlads on PA). Not that you should always get Vlads, sometimes it's Urn, Medallion, etc, but these 3 items have a similar gold cost to Battle Fury.

                                                                                      [color=#affaff]Stats of brown boots + BF[/color]
                                                                                      • 450 + 4350 = 4800 gold
                                                                                      • 65 damage
                                                                                      • 6 HP regen
                                                                                      • 150% mana regen
                                                                                      • Cleave which is useless because only retard Bounty's afk farm
                                                                                      • 0 HP
                                                                                      • 0 mana pool
                                                                                      • 0 armour

                                                                                      [color=#affaff]Stats of Phase + Drum + Vlads[/color]
                                                                                      • 1350 + 1775 + 2050 = 5175g, 375 gold more
                                                                                      • +36 damage (Phase +24, Drum +9 agi and +3 damage)
                                                                                      • 15% damage aura for you and your team
                                                                                      • +2 HP regen
                                                                                      • 16% melee lifesteal aura for you and your team
                                                                                      • 0.8 mana regen aura for you and your team
                                                                                      • ~6 armour (5 from Vlad's aura, ~1 from +9 agi)
                                                                                      • 9 str = 9 x 19 = 171 HP
                                                                                      • 9 int = 9 x 13 = 117 mana
                                                                                      • Phase gives unit-walking and a temporary 16% speed boost
                                                                                      • Drum +5% MS/AS aura
                                                                                      • Drum +10% MS/AS active

                                                                                      I'd say it's definitely possible for a level 11 Bounty to have this much net worth, so I'm basing my next calculations on the stats of a level 11 BH.

                                                                                      • At level 11, a Bounty will have 85 base damage (45-59 base, 52 average, and 11 levels of agi growth @ +3.0 agi per level)
                                                                                      • With Drum, add 9 from the +9 agi, so 94 base
                                                                                      • Vlad's gives 15% more base damage. 15% of 94 = 14.1 -> Vlad's gives 14 damage
                                                                                      • So in total, PB + Vlads + Drum gives 50 damage (24 Phase, 12 Drum, 14 Vlads)

                                                                                      Assuming a 4-3-2-2 build to be in favour of the Battle Fury while also being reasonable (4-4-1-2 is unlikely), that 15 less damage results in a level 3 Jinada doing a measly 30 less damage, but it makes your team hit 15% harder which more than makes up for it.

                                                                                      [color=#affaff]Mana regen[/color]
                                                                                      At level 11, Bounty will have 30.4 int (19 starting int, 11 levels of int gain @ +1.4 per level), so 31 int.
                                                                                      • BH's mana regen without items would be (0.01 + (31 x 0.04)) = 1.25 mana per second
                                                                                      • BH's mana regen with BF will be (0.01 + 31 x 0.04) x 1.5 = 1.875 round up to 1.88 to try and favour BF as much as possible
                                                                                      • BF gives an increase of 1.88 - 1.25 = 0.63 mana regen per second
                                                                                      • Vlad's gives 0.8 extra mana regen per second, and also gives it to nearby teammates.
                                                                                      • Drum would also give an extra 9 x 0.04 = 0.36 mana per second from the int, so a Bounty with Drum + Vlads gains 1.16 mana per second

                                                                                      Ring of Basilius alone gives more mana regen than a Battle Fury at +0.65 per second too, and it costs 9 times less than a fucking BF, you could build that shit in lane 2 minutes in, and be reaping the benefits of it for 20 minutes more than a BF.
                                                                                      On top of the higher mana regen, Drum also gives you an increase in maximum mana of 117, which is another level 2 Shuriken, which deals 200 magic damage.

                                                                                      Even if PB + Vlads + Drum gave 0 extra mana regen, with the extra 0.63 mana regen that the BF offers, it would take 185 seconds (3 minutes) for you to gain an extra 117 mana. So for fights longer than 3 minutes, you'll get more mana from BF's passive regen. For fights less than 3 minutes (i.e. every fight ever), Drum's mana pool increase of 117 gives you more mana.

                                                                                      Bounty's strength gain is also terrible, with no stat items, he won't even have 1000 health until level 16. Drum gives you +9 strength, and with Bounty's strength gain of 1.8, 9 strength is equivalent to 5 levels. i.e. a level 11 Bounty with Drum has the same HP pool as a level 16 Bounty. HP does matter on BH because you will take damage at some point in the game, even in the shit tier that you're in, enemies will at some point, get detection against you, or damage you when you break invisibility.

                                                                                      Movespeed is also an important factor in escaping. Activating Drum and Phase will give you a 31% increase in MS, boosting your MS of 365 (base 315 + 50 from brown or phase) to a ridiculous 478. Most heroes will only get 400 MS tops.

                                                                                      [color=#affaff]Advantages of Battle Fury[/color] (at level 11)
                                                                                      • 15 more damage per hit

                                                                                      [color=#affaff]Advantages of Phase, Drum + Vlads[/color]
                                                                                      • Gives you and your team more survivability
                                                                                      - Vlads gives melee lifesteal, and armour
                                                                                      - Drum gives you 171 HP and ~1 armour
                                                                                      • Gives your team more damage from Vlad's aura
                                                                                      • Lets you and your team chase after Jinada has worn off - damage doesn't mean shit if you can't hit people
                                                                                      • Gives you and your team more mana regen
                                                                                      • Drum's mana pool increase allows you to stay on the map longer before returning to base
                                                                                      • Helps your team take Roshan much faster
                                                                                      • Easier to build - individual components increase your stats, increasing the chance of success of the next gank
                                                                                      - individual components are cheaper than Broadsword and Claymore, gold can be spent before death
                                                                                      - items range from 175g to 900g. Of the 13 items required, recipes included, only 2 are above 450g in cost
                                                                                      - individual components are not from the Secret Shop, they can be "panic-bought"

                                                                                      An alternative to Vlads is Medallion, that also helps you do Roshan, and will increase your damage that also scales in the late game. A Medallion will increase your damage per hit more than a Battle Fury will despite being 3k gold cheaper, as well as increasing the damage of your teammates.

                                                                                      TL;DR :
                                                                                      • BF is crap on Bounty Hunter
                                                                                      • Be a team player, carry aura items
                                                                                      • Maths in Dota is srs bznz
                                                                                      • Get some -armour if you want damage.

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        thank you for the math, do you mind me added it to my guide? ( I will credit you)


                                                                                          yeah sure, whatevs

                                                                                          Miku Fan


                                                                                            • BH's mana regen without items would be (0.01 + (31 x 0.04)) = 1.25 mana per second
                                                                                            • BH's mana regen with BF will be (0.01 + 31 x 0.04) x 1.5 = 1.875 round up to 1.88 to try and favour BF as much as possible
                                                                                            • BF gives an increase of 1.88 - 1.25 = 0.63 mana regen per second

                                                                                            Wouldn't it be 3.125 mana regen/sec with BF? You add the 1.875 to the 1.25 and that makes 3.125.


                                                                                              Battlefury works on BH, if you get a good early start and dont fall into full game netural farming. When you have any form crit, cleave works. Gives you cleave, hp/mp regen, 65 damage in 1 package.

                                                                                              Rape some heroes, farm the side lanes/neuts, invis. Sure the drums+vlad build works as an aura holder but usually someone in the team already has those.

                                                                                              850gpm BH.

                                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!