General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc + Guiri race to 5k

Havoc + Guiri race to 5k in General Discussion

    ^heyhey Vael :D


      That's not a vote! you said Benao if Benao wins, if not then Guiri! haha

      bum farto

        I am well aware of the impact of supports, but most of the time regardless of what I say I am usually left solo and will have to six slot myself with utlility just to ensure a win, which is overly stressful.

        Still decent enough games and I wish my losses were actually challenging but they're usually one person sucking or throwing or an abandon straight up. Following on from this one of the main reason I never did solo is cause they tend to be infuriating, frustrating and overly stressful for no reason which is why the majority of the QQ threads are people who primarily go solo queue.

        I enjoy playing with friends even if it's just the one, cause it means you have someone to put you in check or vent to if a game goes too bad or (main reason) just have a fun time and joke around.

        EDIT: I think also with this originally being a simple gentlemens bet between me and Guiri, being put on "public display" in direct competition (for me) can be counter productive as the pressure to win can sometimes have a negative result.


          Add me for the race, I'll hit 6k be4 u guys hit 5k!

          And I will start playing by the end of august to give u guys a headstart ;D


            Well, I just played with a scummy person. Insta pick Wraith King, feeds first blood in minute 1, abandons. We win the rest of the game really hard but enemy AM just afk farms until he has to tp to base defend, we couldn't stop it and eventually they got aegis and team fought us with AM aegis, sad. Abandons really need to be sorted out here.



              abandons really aren't punished hard enough imo

              SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                5k can be awful sometimes


                bum farto

                  Player rating doesn't really matter so long as they play decent, keep in mind the other team will have an equal handicap.

                  EDIT: Put it this way, had you won would it really have been an issue? Obviously the moment you lose you look at the MMR's and it's either "haha you're 5K and still so bad?" or "wow I am queued with 4K scrubs".


                    exactly, there are games at 4.5k where you think wow how good my teams are, ppl making effort etc. then there are games at 5k which u wonder how they could be carried over 3k rank....


                      I bet two rares on havoc


                        So, ending my night with frustration. I'm matched with Xan of the forums (5.3k) and a really random MMR spread.

                        We start really well (our team) but as we have great game momentum Clinkz (also 4.5k) goes AWOL and misses key team fights, which we lose. Team flame him a little bit, so he stays AWOL and decides to fuck us all out of our (probably) deserved win.

                        Kinda shows the toxicity of my range though, the game ruiner on the map is the other 4.5k player.

                        Real big shame from my point of view that both of my losses have been from Game ruiners (previous loss, WK gives first blood and abandons, we dominate the match but lack carry and push potential to end, eventually losing 5 v4 )

                        SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                          havoc it does matter, if u keep the ratings a lot closer it's more indicative of skill as opposed to "which 5k player can better carry retards"

                          there's a reason one of valve's stated matchmaking goals is:

                          "The discrepancy in skill between the most and least skilled player in the match is minimized. This is related to team balance, but not the same thing."

                          it's because i can expect of allies what i would expect of myself

                          to put it in perspective you probably get mostly 4300-4700 teammates, with the odd game every now and then with 5k or even 6k, how would u feel if it was a 4500 player on the other team and ur team was full of 3500-3800 players. you urself have mentioned the tremendous skill gap between 3k and 4k. (3k's have trouble last hitting)

                          also i have never said "lol why is this guy 5k he's so bad." i acknowledge people will have bad games but not doing something like buying dust/sentry against an offlane sand king is just absurd.

                          SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                            anyway just ranting, good luck to everyone. i might try and rank up one of my accounts to 5k since games generally look like this, now that i've had a taste of 5k matches


                            ta/timbersaw/void/doom were all 5k+, feels great when i'm supposed to be the "inhibiting factor" in 4k matches. no stress environment

                            SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                              how the FUCK is bogi not 5k after all those slark matches, slark is a free win in the 4k bracket

                              in the game i just posted i was sitting around 4400 on that account and the other team counterpicked me hard (void/bs/doom LOL)

                              i don't even play slark, i have maybe like 25 games with him total on dota 2 across all accts


                                so who's going to need a support? :P


                                  ^^ Bogi was 4.9, almost 5k.

                                  Guiri, put my vote on Benao for now, as motivation. :D
                                  Youre gonna play to win anyways, so gl for all of you.

                                  Not sure now, youre playing and hes watching ti, so maybe you have a lot higher chance. :D


                                    Nah, my last game was thrown by a clinkz who went AWOL when the team told him to buid certain items. I cant play any more until tomorrow now

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      road to 5k

                                      bum farto

                                        Last game for the day in unranked, played it against Benao (he played really well)

                                        My current rating as of this evening.


                                          havoc is winning dawgs, prepare your rares.


                                            im closer to 4,0k than 5k

                                            bum farto

                                              Did you see the warlock on your team, he was in my last game.

                                              Look at any of his games....literally any. Doesn't matter what he plays his item progression is this...

                                              > Treads
                                              > Drums
                                              > Blademail

                                     the fuck does he have 4.5k building that on every hero.


                                                  wwow somany games and still trash... he literally converter my carry to an offlane vs dual/trilane situation going woods and pulling havving me deal with creeps on tower the whole early game...

                                                  sad we cant punish/get rid of players like that

                                                  SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                                    i know there are some people who do shit like ancients medusa and get to 4500

                                                    really nothing special

                                                    [DFG] Whale King

                                                      GO HAVOC :D!


                                                        Again I'm put in a higher MMR match and again I play better than everyone on my team (bar maybe drow), extra thing this time, I'm the only non-Russian!


                                                          HAVOC HAVOC HAVOC

                                                          Continue abuse Ogre and you might actually take this lel

                                                          Miku Plays

                                                            Havoc win back my rares please :3


                                                              Well the problem with Havoc is that he's played his games last night, he built a decent lead but he won't be playing for a while, time to catch up and take over :P




                                                                  Add me
                                                                  2700 mmr


                                                                    It's so fucking sad that right now EVERY loss I'm taking is completely down to 1 (just one) ruiner on my team. This time it's a clinkz again.

                                                                    They go aggro tri lane against us (ok, our mid and supports really sucked) and put some damage on us, clinkz wins his solo top vs tiny, their push is too strong and they push us back to rax, clinkz doesn't join a single team fight.

                                                                    he was 4.2k.


                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                      ^isnt that like 99% of the losses, though at any bracket I suppose the team should be able to kappatalize on enemies mistakes to win anyways, obviously it is most difficult if said retard is mid (or offlane)


                                                                        Na, there are some games where you are genuinely outplayed or whatever, I'd say it's still at least 1/3 losses, just it's been all my losses recently, bad luck I guess.


                                                                          you should learn to expect people with russian names to be trash


                                                                            have people noticed how the ''Psychedelica'' lowfag talks about rating and rants about 5k in every god damn thread?

                                                                              kanye went to uni

                                                                                Betting on Benao


                                                                                  How all you Benao backers feeling?


                                                                                    after an convincing win with g+d combo, I'm not sure. I might have to change my predicitons. ddsama, guri, gd, good, coincidence?


                                                                                      LOL I think not.

                                                                                      Actually as a side note, as I move away from 4.1-4.4k my games are actually getting better. I'm being matched up more than not and my last two games (even with a loss) were very enjoyable.


                                                                                        Can I bet on who will reach 5k last? :D


                                                                                          If you want lol, although I'd like to know your first place prediction too! :P


                                                                                            add me to havoc homies

                                                                                            bum farto

                                                                                              Watch the end of this

                                                                                              For those of you who won't here's what happened....we did good but had basically lost. We were down and they were taking ancient. Omni comes back and ults (sceptre) and then refreshes and does it again protecting our mid from their team for 20 seconds which allows enough time for the creeps to wipe their ancients.

                                                                                              Seriously the most palm sweating finish I have had in a long time.


                                                                                                Naaa... you missed the Lycan BoT rat down to the bot, it was creeps + Lycan...

                                                                                                You were in the game! lol


                                                                                                  Guiri Guiri Guiri Guiri Guiri Guiri Guiri Guiri Guiri Guiri


                                                                                                    K, I'll vote on Guiri to win the race and seal your fate with that, because I always lose when I bet something :3
                                                                                                    Also, because you have less homies it seems.



                                                                                                      U literally cursed me.

                                                                                                      I just got matched with this.


                                                                                                      I score first blood, next second he abandons. If I DIDN'T get the FB, I wouldn't have lost MMR. Is this really the best you can come up with Valve?

