General Discussion

General DiscussionUsefull keybinds etc

Usefull keybinds etc in General Discussion

    So what did you change in your settings that made your life easier in the game? Some kind of quickcast on some heroes (never looked into that), keybinds for items? Maybe some commands like denying on right click or that command that shows you the range of skill when you got it picked? Just share your "tricks" and what made your game better


      I guess changing from WASD (Camera movement) to Camera pan was what made "life easier in the game", which then again changed to camera grip instead of edge panning which made it even easier.

      Camera Grip>Anything

      I still have trouble having 100% comfortable hotkeys, might change item hotkeys to ALT+QWEASD, although that will fuck up my quick-cast settings.

      Just hope they will add customizable keys for each hero in Reborn.


      These are also some useful commands I use:

      dota_camera_disable_zoom "1" //Can't zoom camera in

      dota_disable_range_finder 0 //Shows spells are within casting range of targeted area/target

      dota_minimap_hero_size 1100 //Changes the size of heroes on the minimap

      dota_minimap_misclick_time "0" //Removes delay before allowing input on minimal

      dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0" //Fade time on DMG done/received reduced to instant
      dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0"

      dota_health_hurt_delay "0"

      dota_pain_decay "0"

      dota_pain_factor "0"

      dota_pain_multiplier "0"

      dota_pain_fade_rate "0"

      and some preference changes


      // Change minimap colours.
      dota_unit_use_player_color "1";
      dota_friendly_color_b "0.8"; dota_friendly_color_g "0.7"; dota_friendly_color_r "0.3";
      dota_enemy_color_b "0.4"; dota_enemy_color_g "0.4"; dota_enemy_color_r "0.8";


        range finder is good

        keybinds are just preference

        plz do

          I use Alt-QWE and besides pinging accidentally all day long at first - I saw some disadvantage when I need to cast/use Q (e.g. 1st spell) and alt-Q (e.g. 1st item slot) at the same time. Happens rarely though. Otherwise it helped my finger keyboard coordination a lot.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            The only advice I can give is, just don't use someone else's hotkeys just because they are a pro player etc. They may be doing really well with those keys, but that doesn't mean you will have the same success. Just use whatever you feel comfortable with, no matter what anyone else tells you. Also I don't use any commands, I think they are overrated.


              1. Switching to qwer from legacy keys. Best decision ever!
              2. Placed item hotkeys to DFGCVB (secondary skills at Z&X)
              3. Tried using quick cast last night and i'd say I'm a fraction of a second faster now. Although double tapping is such a pain! double tap your tp and you'll be in the nearest tower instead of fountain. no self force staff/eul/clarity/salve either.


                @ios all you do is have one item slot not bound to quick cast and viola, you can still double-tap to base.


                  So do you guys think getting along with quick cast is a good step forward? Im trying to apply it to my most usuall situations and I think quickcast on pudge's dismember could be a huge advantage, because sometimes you just dont click fast enough


                    waga did a nice vod about key settings - bind QWER as quickcast and alt-QWER for normal cast. makes life easy...


                      Watched that waga vid - indeed helpfull, gotta try this quickcast and bind it like he did

                      Just realized overthrow gonna be so usefull for getting used for new keys, - ty volvo


                        quickcast is definitely useful. it might take some getting used to but imo it'll pay off in the long run. just don't have quickcast on all 6 items, because quick cast turns off double tap self casting for things like TPs and force staff. i personally have 3 quick castable item slots.

                        if you have a programmable keyboard (or a keyboard with DIP switches), you might want to consider swapping left alt with left ctrl, since left ctrl is only used for two things - levelling abilities, and issuing unified unit orders, while alt is used for more things, and more frequently (if you have quickcast). having alt where left ctrl is would personally make it easier for me to use alt+(key) abilities when I need to, since using my thumb to hit alt (as opposed to my pinky to hit ctrl) is somewhat uncomfortable for me.

                        hotkeys themselves are personal preference, but definitely make use of the space bar since it's easy to find and doesn't get in the way of much. I personally use it for defensive items like force or euls (just mash space when im in trouble) or for tread switching.

                        if one of your keys feels out of reach, don't ignore close-to-qwer keys like tab and/or caps lock if you can help it. most people have tab to swap between control groups because that's what it is by default, but don't even bother with control groups. if you're one of those people, that could be a more optimally placed key that you're essentially 'wasting'. same with caps lock.

                        you can change the minimap icons to be hero icons rather than coloured dots, its easier for me just to look at the map, find out what hero is missing rather than look at the map, look at the colour of the dot, then figure out what hero the coloured dot is, but you might be different.

                        don't copy waga's hotkeys exactly. iirc he had the '7' key as a hotkey which would be impossible for people without large hands to reach comfortably and/or without taking your hand away from your other keys. you have to use alt though because it's the only modifier available and there just isn't enough keys on your keyboard without it.

                        pudge not dismembering fast enough isn't due to not clicking fast enough generally, but the backswing of the hook animation, and the 0.3s cast animation of dismember which gives you time to use items against the pudge. quickcasting is undeniably faster but even with it, you've still got almost a full second between the cast animation and backswing that it's probably not going to make a difference. imo quickcast is most beneficial on instant cast abilities, which are mainly items.


                          i always have bkb bound to space bar - its the panic button...


                            I actually took some waga's keybinds, andro's advice (binded like 3 item slots - I realized what items i usually have) and just changed some of the other binds to suit me more, now Im getting used to it in the overthrow solo's - I get to play a lot and I dont fuck anything up - Im so smart man