General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
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    worst thing about this is that dodging draft will get you into military prison instead of the regular one.
    normal prison can be quite nice and sometimes even better than their normal household, go google swedish prison and you will see what i mean.

    man, in military prison all you have is a bed and a bible, i recorded a swiss one a year ago

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      yep many guys from 18 to 27 are concerned with how they're gonna dodge, you can be ineligible ofc, but also one of the ways to do it is to get into postgrad (or idk whats the equivalent in the west, here it's бакалавр (bachelor) -> магистр (master) -> аспирант (postgrad i guess)), and you'll spend a total of 4 + 2 + 3 = 9 years in uni but will not get drafted. if i go this route i'll graduate when i'm 26 lol

      there was a very prominent case (or several) of abuse (дедовщина) in army where they straight up killed a guy in 2014-ish iirc, and after that i've heard they watch the troops' conduct more closely, but it depends on where you're gonna be serving i guess. rumour has it that people with IT-adjacent skills and degrees mostly just do errands like filling the documents for higherups (as if you need a CS skill for that) instead of getting drilled like the other plebs, but i don't know how true this is

      getting into a jail is defo not an option, fuck that

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        oh yea another amazing army perk is that you get a mandatory buzzcut when enlisted and i haven't been to a hairdresser since last july and i'd like it to stay that way, so fuck the troops and fuck their hair stealing cabal, i'm a non-conformist beeeeeetch

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          do you have another link? streamable doesn't open for me

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            idk looks better than my dorm room sign me up

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              tbf this is a rather new one, i've seen more scuffed ones with old wooden doors and a hatch on it


                draft is very fucked up concept.


                  prison seems like a viable alternative to being poor, actually thought about it a lot in 2018ish

                  moving from paying 700€ a month to living in your own space, with tv, own toilet, free food etc while still being able to go to uni sounds great


                    not american prison tho xd

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      prison seems like a viable alternative to being poor, actually thought about it a lot in 2018ish

                      moving from paying 700€ a month to living in your own space, with tv, own toilet, free food etc while still being able to go to uni sounds great

                      yeah i almost wonder if making prisons more humane is counter-productive without simultaneously reducing poverty. by having nicer prisons you will incentivise poor people commiting crimes because it's better than poverty, but if you're gonna do that, you might as well just use the money you put into nice prisons towards welfare programs instead


                        nicer prisons are good i think if its not in a vacuum, cuz if ur society has better tools and options for poor people raised in accordance with prison, it keeps things relatively similar

                        like jail should be nicer but so should regular life for poorer people.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          well ideally you would only want to have prisons for people you can't possibly or practically rehabilitate, and they would serve not as a tool of punisment, but just to keep those individuals away from society (or society away from the individual, nobody wants to have lynch mobs on their ass) and would have decent living conditions


                            i can agree with that for the most part.



                                bümp et

                                me, government hooker


                                    tfw working as cashier or filling up shelves gives you more money than teaching at uni






                                          let this thread die already




                                              Alenari has it tuf man



                                                  Guess who


                                                      ya all shoukd watch this i think "Once is not enough!" "It's just as high as we can count."

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        Macrodactyly of the hand is a rare condition in which a person's fingers are abnormally large due to the overgrowth of the underlying bone and soft tissue. This condition is congenital, meaning that babies are born with it. Although babies are born with the condition, macrodactyly is usually not inherited.[1] Most of the time, only one hand is affected, but usually more than one finger is involved. Macrodactyly may also coexist with syndactyly (a condition in which two fingers are fused together) or clinodactyly (a condition in which a finger or more curves). Macrodactyly is deforming and can cause symptoms in some people. There have been cases of people with macrodactyly also having carpal tunnel syndrome. Surgery, usually involving multiple procedures, can help the condition.[1]


                                                          you didn't have to, but im glad you did

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                              no worries good sir


                                                                Théodore Agrippa d'Aubigné, né d’Aubigny (le véritable nom était d'Aubigny, mais par erreur, ce nom fut transcrit en d'Aubigné) le 8 février 1552 au château de Saint-Maury près de Pons, en Saintonge, et mort le 9 mai 1630 à Genève, est un homme de guerre, un écrivain controversiste et poète baroque français. Il est notamment connu pour Les Tragiques, poème héroïque racontant les persécutions subies par les protestants.

                                                                Calviniste intransigeant, il soutient sans relâche le parti protestant, se mettant souvent en froid avec le roi Henri de Navarre, dont il fut l'un des principaux compagnons d'armes. Après la conversion de celui-ci, il rédigea des textes qui avaient pour but d'accuser Henri IV de trahison envers l'Église. Chef de guerre, il s'illustra par ses exploits militaires et son caractère emporté et belliqueux. Ennemi acharné de l'Église romaine, ennemi de la cour de France et souvent indisposé à l'égard des princes, il s'illustra par sa violence, ses excès et ses provocations verbales.

                                                                À sa grande horreur, son fils Constant d'Aubigné abjure le protestantisme en 1618 pour mener une vie de débauche dans le château paternel de Maillezais, avant de tuer sa première femme, qu'il surprend en flagrant délit d’adultère dans une auberge, puis de se remarier en prison à Jeanne de Cardilhac qui donnera naissance à Françoise d'Aubigné, qui devient marquise de Maintenon et maîtresse puis épouse du roi de France Louis XIV4.


                                                                  please don't screw up @ lawlie and team.


                                                                    Elo is known to have the biggest dota-related-single-shitpost-thread to be known to man. And it's even well regulated.


                                                                    me, government hooker


                                                                        saleel al sawarim


                                                                          Check out my video ! #dota2


                                                                            so, how are you all doing?


                                                                              doin your mom. doin, doin your mom.


                                                                                thanks meka. playing among us lately


                                                                                  I'm just going to leave this here


                                                                                    RIDIN WITH BIDEN


                                                                                      @everyone Check out my videos @DOTA2 on @YouTube at
                                                                                      #dota2 #dota2joke

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                                                                                          hi @everyone Check out my videos @DOTA2 on @YouTube at
                                                                                          #dota2 #dota2joke

                                                                                          Disturbed Jawker

                                                                                            are u ok

                                                                                            не говори по РУ

                                                                                              just downvote his shit and we will stop posting it

                                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!