General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm just about reached my limits

I'm just about reached my limits in General Discussion

    Dear Dotabuff community,

    What do i have to do so that I don't get matched with people who rage quit every fuckin time a fight doesnt go there way or they dont follow the team communication. I swear to god, almost every game i have played for the past four days have had at least one rage quit mid game and it just fucks shit up. I'm a new player here but my god I am surprised to find myself almost giving up this game before i even played 100 games. Someone fuckin counsel me or tell me this isnt how the dota community is going to be for the rest of my future time. I am not saying its all their fault we lost, but the fact that they rage quit really hits hard and demoralizes everyone in the team.

    Sincerely yours,


      git gud.


        git gud.


          git gud.


            git gud.


              Got it! LETS DO THIS!!!!

              Bad Intentions

                Yo op, i feel ya man, add me up so we can check those gamez. Also, u gotta learn to dominate man, be the alpha hero, high impact gaming!

                  Riguma Borusu

                    you'll play even if it frustrates

                    nobody leaves doto


                    Sexo Meister

                      Git gud

                      Also flame the fuck out of your team, it helps with the stress


                        Play with a stack, thats really the only solution that works.


                          i just had a 6k average game where my mid 6.3 failed mid and then asked if he could abandon and went on to do so.
                          Get gud.

                          Pale Mannie

                            git gud skrub liek me XD


                              How does one be a high impact player in the game. When it comes to picking, i always have to pick last beacuse they all enjoy going 4 cores or some random stuff. I have the desire to play carry so i pick carry but end up with no support and when i sup its mostly me playing a pos 5 alone with almost no second item other than a boots, tp, and wards. I could just be that bad but then again i have had like not even 100 games.


                                If all you care about is winning, then just spam your top winrate heroes

                                Why join, if abandon?

                                  can't guarantee anything but could help by just playing the game and being unhostile, not saying things like 'omg' 'wtf' and ping spamming, if someone abandons, just use the bonus gold per second and try best


                                    git betor