General Discussion

General DiscussionOrganize a Highskill vs Lowskill Match

Organize a Highskill vs Lowskill Match in General Discussion

    @Shred You can set up a 3k team if you want/can?

    @SvenGuy Ive got 2k team almost done here. Understood! I think we are legit 2ks so far here, checked the profiles and all are fine ;)

    @ceesa Allright, but we will preferably play on EU West I think.. Whats your MMR?

    @λ³ Great. Okay, np I will be supporting and I hope to find one more player for that job :D


      Sure, I can set up team of high 3ks and low 4ks, which is my true rating.

      If you have 5 people with mmr from 2.8 to 3.2k we can setup and play even now.

      Finding low 4k and high 3k won't be a problem at all, since a lot of dotabuffers are close to that mmr.


        3ks not 4ks. My team is pure 2ks. Get a team of pure 3ks are we can play.

        Idea was 2ks vs 1ks and 2ks vs 3ks but 1ks wont show up so we can do the second one. Matches are planned for the weekend.


          @Shred - dont wanna flame or anything, but dont you have 3.3k solo on your main account even tho you're trying for 2 years to get it higher? Even if you can sustain low 4k rating for a while on your smurf it doesnt mean you're gonna stay there with 43% winrate :D

          When you arrange for the game let me know guys, i will cast and stream it probably :)

          Canned Yams

            I have a solo 3.3k, I can join the 3k team !


              was 3.1k a few weeks ago, just dropped recently so like 2950 (sadboys)



                I have over 950 matches in VHS on my main account dude. I was several times 4k , I'm 3.4k solo on my main now, but the reason why I don't go higher is because i don't really play solo ranked there. I can perform at least on 4.1k level now, and it's matter of time before I climb to that MMR on my main. And I was never 3.4k in the first place. Just look at my stats.

                I'll be easily able to get back 3.7-3.8k, which used to be my avg. back when I was playing solo ranked on my main.

                I don't know, I dare to say I have more matches than you on solo ranked, even on this smurf.

                Last time I checked, it was like over 100 games of solo ranked, and I never actually went lower than 4.1k, and was several times higher than 4.4k.

                I'm averaging about 4.3-4.4k for past 100 games of solo ranked.

                I can easily sustain 4.3-4.4k mmr, and I already showed that. Only blind person will argue about that.

                Keep in mind the reason why I'm around 44-43% winrate is because I'm playing party/solo in the same time, so I can't really maintain higher than that, esp. since I can't really climb above 4.5k regardless.


                  Dude, you dont even have 50% winrate in ranked in 3k on your main lmao, how are you supposed to climb :D

                  Anyway boys, try to get your teams together asap and write who will play here. So far 2k team looks pretty full and for 3k team there is few players too, so it should be ez :)


                    Well as I said, 3 months ago I went down from 3.8k to 3.4k, this is why my winrate felt from 50.50% to 49.50%

                    I also have over 2.000 matches in ranked. You do realise even if I climb to 4k, winrate won't change by much.. :)

                    I'm supposed to climb. Easily. I don't know why you don't give me credit, I'm capable. It should be obvious.

                    If I was capable to climb to 4024 MMR 6 months ago on my main, I'm more than capable now.

                    I respect civil conversation, but keep in mind you're not even playing solo ranked, yet, you're questioning my ability to climb 3k MMR.

                    Yes, I might not be able to do it with 70% winrate, but eventually I'd pull it off.

                    I just don't have need to show-off that I can do it. I'll do it for myself, just as I did it several times in the past, when I was worse player.

                    At the end of the day, I'm amoung few people who actually climbed to 4k and never posted that on Dotabuff.

                    It's irelevant to me, my goal is higher than that, and I'm trying to get better as a player.

                    Proof is I'm able to maintain 4.3-4.4k after @ 100 games on this account. You can't really do that if you're legitimaly 3.3k yourself.

                    One more time, big repsect for civil conversation. That's all I wanted from you in the first place.


                      @DramaKings Dont spam the tread with wall of text please xD

                      @ceesa Well cause of that I think you are more suitable in 2k team, if you want to play support ofc? :D

                      @Yamashi Ask Shred, he is supposed to menage 3k team.


                        3k people can add me.

                        This is minimum criteria for 3k mmr:

                        At least 150+ games of high skill. At least 3.3k MMR.

                        I need:

                        Support, carry, offlaner.


                          Played one game in 3.4k. Holy shit. It seems like I can't stress enough how easy is to win it now.

                          I remember half year ago I had troubles wining games where my team falls behind and simply can't comeback.

                          It's just different story now.


                            I am 3.4k solo and 3.6k team, I only have 450 ping to EU servers.


                              I can join the 1k team if you are still looking.


                                Is this still on?


                                  I play carry or midlane, 2k rating. Feel free to add me :)


                                    can i get in? im 4.


                                      It's on.

                                      @SEA players I don't think you can play with us on a ping high like that unfortunately..

                                      @!magine Got that already, we need second support.

                                      @mikealexjohn Ok, but you are first 1k to join, find more if you can.


                                        @Defianc3 I don't know about 4ks team, we haven't discussed that, only 1k,2k (almost full) and 3k so far..


                                          Man, fuck you Sano.

                                          House Cat

                                            I'm a 2k scrub, but from SEA :< <- mid/ semi support/ support here


                                              I'm still waiting for 3k players to contact me.

                                              You have to be 3.300 at least, with 150+ matches in high skill.

                                              Everything from 3300 to 3.999 is okay.

                                              My solo is 3495 on main, so I'm qualified as 3k captain and leader of my team.

                                              I suppose EmotionalDrift will take care of other players.

                                              Add me folks. Let's play this tomorrow.

                                              I need:

                                              Carry, off, support.


                                                can i fill the 3k team? :D


                                                  I need someone who's capable to play on Eu West.


                                                    you can add me I am 2.6k if this is no problem for u
                                                    I play only Eu West.




                                                      Would be good if you can share your main with us.

                                                      (WDB) Queen C

                                                        This is OP,King of loow Priorit again (too lazy to log out). I got 3 1ks available at anytime on the weekend iif we want to do that. mikealexjohn, and kumbosolini Ibelieve wanted to be on it. So yeah just hit me up in the thread. I guess I am official 1k representitive.

                                                        Note my actual solo mmr is 700, but I calibrated that long ass time ago and hardly ever play ranked. When I do I usuallyply party with similar mmr friends, andmy party is 1100, which has rose from the original 800 calibration. I would say I'm actually around the 1500 - 1900 area, seeing as I have 60% winrate in ranked.


                                                          Kumbo is not 1k, what the fuck are you talking about?


                                                            who would willingly play with shred lol


                                                              Not Arin, I guess


                                                                Arin, mate, I would sugest you to visit some mental hospital mate. For some reason you really hate me. Would be good if you can check yourself and see why is that, since last time I checked I never did anything to you.

                                                                Is that just because you're mentally retarded, delusional kiddo, or you just like to trash talk a lot?

                                                                I mean, I don't mind. I can just ignore you, just as I always do when you show up, but you're wasting your time.

                                                                I don't see any reason to hate me, but if you do, sure, bring it on.

                                                                (WDB) Queen C

                                                                  kumbosolini said early that he was 1k


                                                                    He's not mate. He's way above that.



                                                                        So you're just retarded, I see. Will keep ignoring you. Thank you for showing me what I wanted to see! ^^


                                                                          shred's alarm clock starts ringing immediately after someone posts something about him on dotabuff


                                                                            I was just curious if you're retarded or not. Nothing else, no worries.


                                                                              your assumptions about one's life or mental state based on one's posts on shitposting forum are bulletproof, keep going :horse:


                                                                                just finished playing with 2k friends. gameplay was way too different. really


                                                                                  рабів до раю не пускають.


                                                                                    @ Arin

                                                                                    Since I never met you irl, I can't draw any conclusions. However, I can always judge your acting here, on Dotabuff.

                                                                                    It's not like it'll show me much, but hey, then again. If you're hating me, you also made assupmtions about me or my mental state based on my posting on Dotabuff.

                                                                                    So basically, your post makes no sense, because you're backstabing your attidude towards making conclusions based on online shitposting..


                                                                                      Cmon guys, 3k vs 4k game will hopefully happen soon, so you can give it all out then XD Just dont embarass 3k's Shred, you got to actually win 2k's with stomp :D

                                                                                      THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                        yeah i just looked at kumbo's db. obviously not 1k XD. Anyway I still need a 1k player and when will the 1k vs 2k game be?
                                                                                        I guarantee you we will rekt you 2k no problem. Biggest problem for 2ks is thinking they are no longer 1k


                                                                                          Dani, that's why I want decent people to play with. Like at least 150+ matches of HS and 3.300 MMR.

                                                                                          Can't really play 3k vs 2k if you make average of 3200 MMR vs average of 2800 MMR, right.

                                                                                          Makes no fucking difference. Even 3300+ is same shit, but at least, hopefully, it'll be a bit harder for 2ks..

                                                                                          "I guarantee you we will rekt you 2k no problem. Biggest problem for 2ks is thinking they are no longer 1k"

                                                                                          Well yes, I have to agree on this one. 1.8-2k is not much different than 2.1-2.5k for example.

                                                                                          But once you climb 2.7k+, difference will be noticable. 2.7k+ player will eventually outlane and win against low 2k/1k folks.


                                                                                            If you're really 4k you will stomp 2k's anyway, so i dont see any problem here :D Just put the team together guys and stop making a drama about other things, rather make it in terms of 2k vs 3k so it would be fun to cast :D


                                                                                              this thread is so 4Head


                                                                                                My other account is at 4K but this account is at 1k. I want to see how this goes and I could play for either team.


                                                                                                  Well I'll try my best, but since I know how 2k players play, I don't see any problems.

                                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                    ^ my main acc is 1k, but I bought a 5k acc which I downgraded to 4k. That what you trying to say?

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!