General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes tinker need a nerf

Does tinker need a nerf in General Discussion

    enough of this thread, delete it, forget it
    theres only hate here.


      (Console) : . . . . . . ROFLUL

      Final Boss

        There's only hate here because this is what you deserve, what you wanted. It is a consequence of your own actions. This man made a thread expecting people to prior have a basic knowledge of dota, said knowledge comprising the difference between an early game and late game carry i.e a hard carry. All he got in return was hate, insults, and the typical 'Make America Great Again' shirt wearin' yahoos and whatnot. This thread will serve as an example of what happens when you bring logic to the table.


          I'm blessed with this meta, because every time enemy team got tinker, i pick nyx.

          Here's typical example - 5.3k average.


            i think u deserve ban

            Johnny Rico

              But Nyx has less stars than tinker how come he wins.
              You asked
              99% : no;
              You made points
              99.9% : no;
              You made more worthless points
              99.99% : noooo pls stop
              them another guy agreed with you after 5 pages of no.


              Johnny Rico

                It shall never dies it is already on my favorites!!

                Final Boss

                  So 'no' is supposed to matter?
                  99.9% : no

                  Final Boss

                    That one guy that agreed with me actually UNDERSTOOD the topic. That's all what's important. Continue with your walls of text leading to nowhere. They're exactly what this thread needs.

                    Grey Wind

                      fuck ur self


                        slark used to have no role except for escape, that role system made by valve is useless except for giving a vague idea to new players

                        Johnny Rico

                          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi id augue suscipit, gravida mauris vel, tincidunt leo. Pellentesque sit amet elit ipsum. Nulla ut dictum nulla. Integer interdum sodales risus, a blandit leo tempus non. Pellentesque et purus non risus lobortis sagittis. Sed ac eros imperdiet, dignissim lorem id, mollis lectus. Pellentesque sagittis, enim vel elementum aliquam, ipsum augue volutpat quam, ut semper libero risus at nulla. Nam quis tincidunt est. Cras magna lectus, rhoncus a lorem sed, eleifend accumsan arcu. In eget libero neque. Nunc eget mattis sapien, ut maximus quam. Mauris mattis id elit et molestie.

                          Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. U are a ass sir. Curabitur magna risus, commodo vitae pulvinar sed, scelerisque porttitor ipsum. Nunc eu sollicitudin lectus, eget commodo quam. Duis tincidunt, odio ac tempor auctor, nisi neque maximus sapien, ut ullamcorper sapien justo vel ligula. Donec vulputate in tortor ac commodo. Cras blandit, erat in vehicula tristique, diam enim pellentesque magna, quis porta diam arcu vitae libero. Nunc et ultrices leo. Aenean arcu dui, consectetur ac egestas eu, condimentum eu velit. In feugiat nisi ultricies massa pellentesque tincidunt. Ut luctus semper lacus. Aliquam eu nisl vel est vulputate vestibulum vel id nisi.

                          Proin pulvinar lectus non nisi pulvinar iaculis. Proin vel viverra lectus. Vestibulum sed dui cursus, iaculis tellus et, dapibus lacus. Donec a molestie dui. Nullam accumsan augue et ex placerat, in porta mauris pretium. Ut molestie commodo metus vel convallis. Nullam eu mattis elit. Nullam ut turpis tincidunt velit dapibus viverra eget id arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur tristique bibendum erat, eget interdum purus elementum et. Aliquam tincidunt nisl augue, nec porta magna mattis sed. Donec sed ligula efficitur, dapibus sem a, dictum lorem.

                          Suspendisse maximus nulla faucibus sapien convallis,fck you, sed vestibulum odio convallis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam ut dapibus urna, vitae eleifend tellus. In eu nunc a ex ornare porttitor. Pellentesque aliquet leo ac tellus aliquet, eget accumsan nibh dictum. Sed lacinia finibus posuere. Quisque sagittis tristique tellus, vel iaculis odio ultrices vel. Phasellus commodo hendrerit risus, eget pulvinar justo malesuada in. Phasellus mattis tincidunt nunc, quis placerat nunc varius vel.

                          Vivamus sagittis nisi id sollicitudin hendrerit. Duis imperdiet eu enim consequat porta. Vestibulum vitae fringilla urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin a suscipit dui, sed auctor nunc. Nunc nisl felis, facilisis placerat felis quis, interdum imperdiet magna. Donec ac ex in lectus consectetur fermentum. In placerat tristique nisl non semper. Aliquam et risus eget dui posuere pretium. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque pretium ante eget augue imperdiet placerat. Aenean at magna id nibh commodo vulputate a et elit. Proin vitae leo fringilla, gravida dolor nec, lobortis ante. Suspendisse mattis, justo at tincidunt fringilla, dolor dui finibus neque, sit amet tincidunt mi nisi in metus.


                            That one guy that agreed with me actually UNDERSTOOD the topic

                            this is what makes OP + his thread are retarded. its ok cuz its amuse me LUL, plz continue ur so called discussion.


                              Omg guys stop giving this guy so much attention he's obviously a troll , i mean look at his grammar and his sentance construction , or atleast either that or he's just fucking stupid i mean just the phrase "int heroes arent supposed to be able to kill your carry" is enough to prove this guy doesnt even know wtf he's talking about


                                Just nerf him in overthrow, he's an autowin 90% of the time in quintet



                                  Johnny Rico

                                    I hereby declare this topic alive
                                    Post memes motherlovers

                                    el niño peruano

                                      wow another normal skill player saying shit
                                      why am i not impressed?

                                      Final Boss

                                        @Androgynous Slark was always able to kill off supports easily and snowball mid game, even the noobiest of noobs knows that. I'm surprised you'd go for that argument.
                                        @ZtD another example of why this thread is reaching no conclusion, you just don't get what's up, ADD I guess. Int heroes aren't supposed to kill your carries in the LATE GAME SOLO. Go back to the first page son.
                                        @Mashiro I'm glad that this thread amuses you but I'm sure all of your comments are much more amusing and well thought out.
                                        @Hook and Roll You already declared it alive a few comments ago, can't think of anything new? I guess that's as far as you can go with an underdeveloped brain.
                                        @Pedro el conquistador The purpose of the thread is not to impress you. Take your attention seeking ass elsewhere thank you.

                                        Final Boss

                                          Swarming a guy with hate just because you don't agree with his logic has been the way of the world for millenia. Doesn't mean majority opinion is always right though.


                                            Int heroes are not supposed to kill carries because you say so ?



                                              ✪ BATSSS

                                                So... 1 thing... Tinker MIGHT be OP... but, it isnt quite spammable as a Storm in 6.84, OD In 6.86, and stuff.. Despite he can 12 slot with ease, and has massive damage output... He is in his Buff phase.. Dont nerf him... Give heroes some time to enjoy theirselves in their meta...

                                                Final Boss

                                                  Int heroes are not supposed to kill carries in the late game i.e when they are farmed since int heroes have all the nukes and disables without needing much items or effort to take out late game carries, plus have better escape mechanisms. A late game carry should be stronger solo compared to an int hero. Must I repeat myself for every other lost soul who managed to stumble upon this forum expecting another 'ayylmao' thread?


                                                    My mom always angry and warn me dota is game of devil, because i play and play overtime when i get home.

                                                    After read this thread, i think like... man this thread OP is shit, maybe a new player, lets check his profile. OMG MORE THAN 6000 of games, and it is normal skill and talking like a ...uh something.. then I pray i dont want to be ended up like him

                                                    Maybe she right, its real, i can feel it consume my soul everytime i finish an online match. How is your soul OP? Do you remember your wife, name, death, eat, friends, shit? should i really quit and uninstall dota 2, before its too late.

                                                    Help, i really enjoy this game


                                                      Tinker has a very high skill cap, so mainly a good player will benefit from his ability to kill anyone late game. Tinker has significant disadvantages eg. stealing whole farm from lanes.

                                                      If u have problems with playing against tinker just uninstall. He is easily countered by globals. Eg. Bara, spectre


                                                        Gotta love people who think theyre right even tough 99% tell them otherwise. Ignorant twat.


                                                          dat 54-1 tinker in his last game, rofl

                                                          Final Boss

                                                            Slowly losing interest in all these comments posted without prior understanding of the topic. Ad hominem will get you nowhere children. Please behave.


                                                              okay, now i get your point, in most cases a late game carry is stronger than an int hero but theres od and tinker that are extremely powerful in late game. just cuz these examples differ from most other int heroes. They simply are powerful in ultra late and also have their weaknesses but in a 1v1 situation if one of the previously mentioned int heroes gets a better initiation on late game carry, then the late game carry is most likely dead, but if the late game carry gets better initiation on one of those then late game carry will win. But as i mentioned earlier dota is a 5v5 team game and if tinker jumps on the carry, he needs to repeat hex and dagon quite a few times which gives carry's team time to react and jump on tinker as he is extremely vulnerable while casting rearm. but if there is no team nearby and tinker jumps on a carry and solo kills him when there's 60 mins in game this means tinker gets a dream initiation on that hero and that hero was by far out of position.
                                                              I think u just shouldn't think about heroes as int str or agi heroes. Of course in most cases int str and agi heroes have their peak strength at similar point of the game but there are exceptions.
                                                              A dazzle shouldnt be able to solo kill a carry in late but tinker will destroy most late game carries in a 1v1 situation. So a support shouldn't be able and isn't able to solo kill a carry in late game.

                                                              Final Boss

                                                                A dazzle doesn't kill late game carries early game either unlike tinker/voker. You still don't get my point, this is NOT balanced.


                                                                  so ur typically saying that if the game stretches out to super late game it should be an auto win for agi carries cause they farmed their hearts out for 1+ hour.. well too bad most of us dont agree to this and if u do have high confidence in ur logic then be openminded... its as if you want answers u have in mind than ask for others' opinion imo


                                                                    Tinker doesn't kill late game carries all the way through the game.
                                                                    In the early game he has enough nuke damage to probably win a fight against a carry.
                                                                    Mid game, when tinker has Bottle, Soul Ring, BOTs and maybe blink, the carry will have a few stat items and probably a bkb too. At this point, the carry will be able to survive the initial burst and then pop BKB and kill Tinker. The only way tinker wins at this point is if he has a teammate or if he TPs home and comes back fully healed and with full mana while the carry's bkb is still on cooldown. (which would be the carries fault for staying around for so long).
                                                                    Late game whoever gets the initiation off first wins assuming neither is near their team. A carry that gets BKB off will kill tinker before tinker can escape and a tinker that blink+hexes a carry will probably kill him (or run out of mana). Also while a tinker is capable of killing a carry 1vs 1, hes not capable of killing multiple enemies in a late game teamfight as quickly or effectively as a carry can. Tinker usually kills one enemy then has to TP to base for mana and HP which gives time for the remaining enemies to turn a fight around or escape. A carry can keep going after killing a hero and kill the rest of the team if they aren't stopped.
                                                                    So while Tinker is a very strong late game hero, in most cases he doesn't replace a carry. He's more effective then most carries early but that is made up for by him being unable to fight as reliably as a carry can. He's hurt a lot more by silences and hes more mana reliant then regular carries in the late game. He is also useless against enemies with BKB, unlike regular carries. That makes him balanced.

                                                                    Also being an Int hero doesn't automatically exclude you from being a carry just like being an Agi hero doesn't automatically mean you are a carry. OD, Windranger, Natures Prophet, Silencer and Invoker are int heroes who can become fairly powerful right-click carries. Leshrac, Tinker, Necrophos and Storm Spirit are other int heroes who are very powerful late game even though they're not typical carries.


                                                                      I just got cancer reading OP' arguments xD atleast I have a happy life playing dota 4head lul memes

                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                        Agi carries are weaker than int carries early game and so it follows that in a BALANCED game, agi carries would dominate late. If you got cancer from my comments imagine what I got from yours.


                                                                          int agi and str means that they get right click damage from their primary stat
                                                                          a hero can scale into late game regardless their primary attribute

                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                            Yea I should be open minded, like the people calling me a retard, or they got cancer. Talk about hypocritical. Is the whole of these forums filled with such beauties? If so, then I begin to feel sorry for anyone who discusses anything here.


                                                                              agi carries weaker than int carries early game agi carries weaker than int carries early game agi carries weaker than int carries early game agi carries weaker than int carries early game lul


                                                                                go one on one ursa early any int carry xD

                                                                                Final Boss

                                                                                  a hero still dying to an int carry what dominated it early game should then be removed from the game as it has no purpose whatsoever except for rosh or pushing towers as some guy suggested a few comments ago. Tinker can pretty much nuke down anyone solo by permahexing then, push lanes faster, counter push against mega creeps and then also escape with eul's, blink. They take 2 slots. Not 6. Voker pushes towers faster, can rosh faster. What's the point of these heroes i.e agi, if they're shit early game and still die in their ultimate 6 slotted selves to a hero who's been getting kills the whole game AND farms creeps waves faster than them.


                                                                                    Each hero has their own weaknesses lets say a 1v1 game with tinker vs x late game carry
                                                                                    tinker dominates the carry both early and late but if the game is 5v5 the tinker is EXTREMELY vulnerable to ganks and can be shut down easily.


                                                                                      u thinking absolute.. lets put it simple, 50%.tinker games ez late game 50% tinker sad late game due to incredible ganks by enmy team

                                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                                        In a 5 v 5, your agi carry is ALSO extremely vulnerable to ganks, get your head outta your ass.

                                                                                        Final Boss

                                                                                          Sigh, this is a waste of time. You people are clueless.


                                                                                            yeah but an agi carry will farm a lot of the time in mid game as well while tinker can start snowballing in mid game thus a tinker should be ganked more


                                                                                              and yes ofcourse a late game 8 slotted tinker should be able to kill anybody since u did not kill him early cause ur at ur jungle potato farming and not even thinking the incredible late game potential of the hero


                                                                                                if a storm gets bloodstone or orchid he can start snowballing but when anti-mage gets a battlefury he cant snowball with it the way storm does with bloodstone or orchid
                                                                                                for example in a game where u play against storm and anti-mage u start by ganking storm to delay his bloodstone or orchid and making him unable to snowball then when anti-mage has a battlefury u can gank him to delay his items while storm is unable to do anything coz he also needs farm

                                                                                                Final Boss

                                                                                                  A hero that is snowballing should be ganked WHILE he is snowballing thus increasing his already 'incredible' late game potential because a 'potato' was in the jungle and enemy counter ganks made it possible for tinker to snowball even more.
                                                                                                  Logic be dashed - Anti Mage


                                                                                                    clueless? u r just stating ur experience and from ours.. thats what my games felt like.. only lost to a stomping tinker omce since I pick riki or clink to gank him from the strt to end


                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!