General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout behavior score

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About behavior score in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    Did higher score help u get better attitude teammates ?
    And if yes,what's your score atm?


      in between 9k and 9700.
      no, i get all kinds of teammates - both innocent angels, and filthy bustaz who spend 90% of their life in lpq.

      Swap Commends

        The value changes after every conduct summary based on your abandon/reports/commends.
        Yet there is no clue how it's used in MM (if they use it at all)


          doesnt it updates more often than conduct summary? it used to.
          the only thing used in MM is ur rating. there are a lot of parametres in dota, like versatility, beh. score, etc. none of those are supposed to affect mm.

          Johnny Rico

            where can i find the behavior score? does it come with the behavior summary, i almost never get reported and get a commend each 2-3 games.


              ^open console, insert the following commands

              developer 1

              you'll get a list of parametres, beh score gonna be in its bottom part.

              KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                I've recently got 10 commends from spamming omni and im still playing with fuccstains so idk :/

                Swap Commends

                  Ty Volvo for creating none use able parameters


                    "The value changes after every conduct summary based on your abandon/reports/commends.
                    Yet there is no clue how it's used in MM (if they use it at all)"

                    i abonnden 2 game every week and 10+ report with zero cm so my score should be very low


                      Maybe you set your standards too high triple:-) play a dozen games with a hero you are bad with and rack up lots of reports then come back and say your behaviour doesn't affect mmr...

                      I was shocked at the teammates I got when I did this. I thought people just whined but there really is a pool of crapness on the outskirts of LP.



                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          Not sure, but every fucking time I pick Juggarnaut, I get the most toxic, stupid, passive pieces of shits and cannot hold in my rage like I normally do because of how stupid people are fucking playing.

                          It's like a curse. I probably had awesome teammates, then I pick jugg, and the curse starts and it's like those players disappeared and stupid dumb fucking assholes become those players with the exact same names and stats.


                            same for me with juggeraut clue:

                            ASSESS Product

                              For me, idk why but when everytime i pick support in rank, the chance to lose are too damn high.


                                yo OP u said that was bullshit few months ago and now u ask it, LUL 4Head. ye, its still bullshit cuz we dunno hows that works, im 9.2k and toxic still everywhere


                                  well, idk. its not just about my impressions, rather than how often they get to lpq.
                                  also i easily snipe allison even tho he used to get reported ~3 times more often than I did.


                                    i think it is along the same basis as language preferences - the system places more significance on matching mmr but does try to match you with the correct language - i think it does the same with behaviour.

                                    totally anecdotal though - solely from my experiences. i hope it does though!

                                    Swap Commends

                                      I am still saying the same.A clueless parameter we don't where they use it.


                                        why shall they use it anywhere? like, u also know ur KDA, for example, ur lvl of supporting from Play Style graph, etc. Why shall it have ANY effect on the MM?


                                          Why does it have to affect MM? it could affect other things such as how easily you get put into LP. Just theory-crafting here but maybe people with a low behaviour score require fewer reports to get into LP than those with higher behaviour scores.


                                            Never heard of behavior score, but in one other account of mine that i use to test out things, i also actively throw games every 20 games or so. Imagine buying courier and wards at minute 0 only to lay them down on enemy mid and then proceed to feed. haven't been sent to LPQ yet, but the teammates I get are just stone-dead retarded 80% of the time. Meanwhile on this account, I've been doing the absolute opposite of being toxic, like offering to buy courier and wards even when going mid. Everyone seems so nice, or maybe it's just MM luck working both sides on both accounts. Who knows?

                                            Swap Commends

                                              Looking to know why it exists & why its hidden comparing to other active shown parameters of a profile.
                                              They just made a useless number?
                                              I also find commends useless,they are nothing but partial symbol of your profile which likely no one cares about.
                                              There are many things created by valve in Dota2 that mean nothing at all.LUL


                                                commends = forum karma, its just a pure achievement. a lot of ppl like such stuff (like reddit, lul).

                                                beh. score is not the only thing that appears when u insert dota_game_account_debug in the console, this stats are just not very interesting. the conduct summary is a more user-friendly representation of the same stuff, and the fact that its short-term and not all-time, makes it more relevant.

                                                people just love stats, records, achievements, etc. volvo gives players what they want, cz why not. (not rly about beh. score, but all that other stats that are easy to access and mean jack shit).


                                                  i think the conduct report had a big effect on people's behaviour. was quite a eye-opener to many to realise that most people don't get reported and that they are actually toxic.