General Discussion

General DiscussionMid and ganking

Mid and ganking in General Discussion

    So serious question, invoker in pro games isnt really expected t9 gank lanes except maybe tgrow a few sunstrikes here and there right?

    In my game both top and bot lane were destroyed and around 9 minutes 3 or so heroes were pressuring mid. Thats when i was a shit player for not ganking.

    Is it my job to help them win their lanes? I wasnt having the easiest time in lane this game already. I would have had to go to base to get mana, tp to top or bot, then walk back mid. Doesnt really seem worth it on a hero thats supposed to stay ahead.


      I understand shit tier isnt a pro game as well, but in my 700+ invoker games, ive noticed that staying ahead of the enemy is vital

      D the Superior

          Nah i wasnt complaining at all. The other lanes were lost yes, but i was having to use mana in my pabe a lot to get cs as well, so i wouldnt have been able to do much if i ran to top or bot, especially with the way my team was holding it down there


            IMO, you should start ganking as soon as you get your core items e.g. Force staff or euls scepter. Because if you fail on early rotations it would be just a waste of your time going bot or top. You should have farmed for your core items and control mid lane. In your game where you lost both top and bot tier1 towers around 9 minutes, maybe your teammates didn't played well or maybe enemy team was just better.


              Well my team didnt play well, and i definitely didnt either. U didnt have a core item by the time they blamed me for them losing. Look at ky past 2 involer games, its like night and day.

              Idk, maybe i was just tired. I found it hard to lh under a silencer though

              D the Superior

                  Yeah i dont have friends anymore :(

                  Me vs the world


                    I feel you. But that was before. I think i'm getting used with stupid teammates. If you want to win, dont flame them, you adjust yourself to fit their playstyle. But if they really playlike shit then you have to do it your way.


                      I dont flame. Unless you count saying "shut the fuck up and farm" flaming. Mostly i mute. I really dont think i could have done anything different in that game. Well, probably going exort for sunstrikes and easier cs would have helped. I just didnt think it would go that bad

                      Alien Righteousness

                        Gank side lanes when the opportunity presents itself, not just because its what some scrub expects of you. The second you hear, "gg mid no gank" or that kind of stupidity, mute them. You aren't going to reform their newb ways in-game by explaining anything to them. The best you can do is prevent them from hurtingy your focus.

                        I only play a few mid heroes, and not of the ganking variety (e.g., Dragon Knight). The ONLY time I go to another lane is 1) if I get a haste rune and the opportunity is there, 2) the enemy is diving T1's and I can help my team secure a kill. Invoker is a better ganker but overall I think its better to get your core items ASAP, which means concerning yourself with guaranteed farm rather than a non-guaranteed kill.


                          Amen. That last game i got pretty tilted. I shouldve muted them sooner but i didnt and missed some cs because i was paying too much attention to their ridiculousness.

                          It was just insane how worked up they were over it.

                          The whole time i was thinking to myseld...why didnt the clinkz come mid and kill the silencer? That maybe could have turned the game, but he was too busy saying "cool items but no skill"


                            The mute button is there for a reason, you know? I tilt hard and often, when I see the misery I have to play with, then mute and go PvE to get some farm and try to turn it. Problem is when your safelane (both core and support) and your mid all go to the jungle and leave the lanes for the enemy, then I'm like hoping for fast end and thinking what to play next game.

                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                              Invoker it's the kind of semi greedy hero, you can gank after get midas but if you're sure that you will kill someone, if you're not. stay in the lane till you get drums at least. Invoker has not rotation capability as qop, puck, or storm spirit. In the early game Invoker has not good movement speed, low Cooldown on the Invoke. so your best way to gank would be forge spirit, cold snap and sunstrike, or cold snap meteor and defending blast, and hope the best.
                              My advice its keep farming.

                              ( ͡° ͜·°)

                                On exort invoker ganking early on feels pretty awful because of your low ms and your mana problems.
                                Taking the mid tower with forge spirits while the enemy mid is missing is the better decision most of the time and will give your team a lot of mapcontrol. I would still carry a tp in case people are diving your towers. Generally pressuring towers and splittpushing as invoker in the eary game will force tps and will take pressure from your teammates or will give your team more mapcontrol and towergold. Ganking the enemy offlaner at lvl 8+ can result in a t1 or even a t2 if the enemy team cant fight into you.

                                Then again, i feel like winning a game in lower tier rmm is a lot easier on an active midlaner like qop..

                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                  ^ totally agree.


                                    In my game, my mid ask "why no sup gank mid"


                                      suntrike wins games.


                                        If ur Q/W u should try to fight a lot because u have to snowball in order to be useful

                                        If ur Q/E u should farm constantly and splitpush with travels and midas until u become strong enough to fight with aghs lvl 16 etc
                                        Q/E can farm anywhere and tahts why its so good in pubs u can just do ur own thing and help out with sunstrikes and splitpush/jungle/ancients. U used to be able to even solo rosh but im not sure anymore since changes, maybe if u build medallion or something.


                                          i think you can still solo rosh, there's nothing changed from previous version if you have exort maxed afair
                                          though it's slow as shit and i always spent like 2 minutes hitting it


                                            Rosh got buffed is waht im talking about and ur spirits get hp from quas now instead of exort

                                            Johnny Rico

                                              People still think that the mid should gank, the sups should gank mid and the enemy safelane.




                                                  in playing 5 stacks go gank, in solo go farm. don't listen teammates when they lost lane on 9 min.


                                                    I use sunstrike to help out my team in every fight on any lane, staying and farming mid. Ganking lanes depending on rune or enemy T1 dive, as already said. If they say "mid ls no gank" mute, ban, ignore and forget. Play like he's a bot. But sometimes teammates blame me for stealing with SS, when I thought i'm helpin... xD


                                                      I believe that given the idiocy of people in pubs, it's better to go quas wex than exort, because it offers a lot more cc and your blockhead teammates can benefit from at least some of it. And when you're facing mana dependent opponents, it's actually better for the QW invoker to start the fight with tornado/emp and help teammates position themselves and their abilities. Besides, if you have a bad game playing Exort, most of the time there's no coming back. A bad start in a Quas Wex game is recoverable from IMO, but then again I'm just a normal skill player, so my knowledge may be limited in this regard.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        It's all situational but if they are getting dove under their tower you should rotate. Maybe they are mad cus of that, maybe you could've turned a dive into a 2-0 for your side.


                                                          I was in no position to do anything except right click. Im sure the witch doctor supporting the level 6+ pa would have just punished me for trying that.

                                                          God Blast You

                                                            I think it depends if you are qw or qe invoker. Based on what you wrote seems you play more qe invoker, which is fair enough in this patch. If this is the case just ignore those flames of "mid not ganking". QE invoker should get ahead as you said -- this is learnt not only from my invoker games but more importantly from Miracle & W33's invoker replayes. Before 20mins a qe invoker hardly has any ganking capability unless you were so ahead in cs plus rush euls. If enemies dive tower your tp assistance will be great with forge spirits and cold snaps however I don't consider this as gank coz it's more of a defending tower and help out teammates.

                                                            From watching Miracle's invoker replays, my observation is that even when his other lane teammates in general are getting rekt he doesn't go ganking unless there is a team fight which he believes is a guaranteed win with his participation. His priority is absolutely avoid unnecessary fights - especially death. Just take it as teammates created space for him to farm midas/drum/travel/euls/aghs at around 20~25 mins mark with almost level 16. This sounds quite cancerous but in fact it seems way better than going to each fight and risk dying, which slows down invoker's leveling and items. Need to bear in mind if your teammates are getting rekt you will naturally be disadvantaged in a team fight even if you participate because they fell behind -- and this poses more risk for you to die rather than yielding more than split farming/pushing.