General Discussion

General Discussionalmost 15 million votes for io arcana

almost 15 million votes for io arcana in General Discussion
Pale Mannie

    my reaction to io arcana


      Keep the meme votes goin boyz


        @spunki u tried to make a new acc to improve better gameplay but lost so many LOL

        those were the days of trying and practicing IO supp , that's why low wr

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Why does everyone here care anyway? 95% of people don't buy any arcanas anyway, for Io it will just be 99% not buying.


            @kenz ofc im trying to improve on this acc, did u even bother to check the games?

            @sam i care because i might buy a decent arcana, and an io arcana is literally a waste of an arcana vote

            roshan killerz

              500 mmr hating io for being a supp :(


                Pudge is one of the all time most picked heroes, how the hell are people not voting for him above Wisp? I mean I don't play pudge but I just don't understand.


                  Its community troll.. We need diretide and new bloom Event :)


                    Alright I see all the points people are making here but you have to think the positive of what might happen if io wins, maybe, like with zeus, he gets a remodel, which will be cool cause his desing is kind of boring. Also maybe good io players might be inspired to play io more often, which would be cool to see (coming from someone who LOVES io). Also so far all the other heroes he is going against all already have a set, the reason I voted zeus over qop even though I cant stand zeus in my pus is because he didn't have any cosmetics.


                      Ftw! io will be more bigger and rounder and softer with new arcana. I hope they make it purple color, adding wings and horn to io.

                      Argon d'Orleans

                        Coming from a born-jugg player (have over 250 games not counted by dotobuff) I honestly hate playing against him, so that might be the reason why I'd like to see Wisp get its fucking arcana, but I'm voting jug nonetheless.



                          Preap Sovath

                            If Io looklike Io from Granblue Fantasy I may let her lead Zet


                              nc folks vote io really save my wallet. really


                                Jug beating pudge? Are you effing serious? Jug?

                                This guy already has basically an arcana in the form a legendary set which provides unique icons, models, animations etc. Plus he is annoying as fuck to play against and has plenty of immortal items too (including that stupid cat healing ward I mean wtf). Having to build ghost sceptre or euls every game he is in blergh.

                                Honestly if it comes down to Jug vs wisp then I'd prefer to waste the arcana on wisp than give Jug yet another set.


                                  I do like to waste votes on a hero useless for 97% of players.

                                  Unity Chan

                                    i probably had about 50 votes for IO just for troll rest r the leading candidates

                                    Jerusalem_Capital of_Pale...

                                      I choose IO arcana for lol


                                        At least if he gets Io arcana this year there will be a different hero arcana next year.


                                          Io would be a great addition fo the already launched arcana, ffs. Why u guys seems really hate this cute shiny little thing^^