General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy have I been demoted to NS when all my games were in HS

Why have I been demoted to NS when all my games were in HS in General Discussion

    Please tell me, my KDA is not garbage, my farm and xp is far from trash.

    Is it because of my winrate even though I do well in most of these games?


      dunno, maybe cuz this number >>> 42.86%

      Mother Russia

        Winrate doesn't affect your skill bracket. Look at mine, I lose 12 of the last 13 games including an abandon. Just don't be a trash. Hehe

        doc joferlyn simp

          win ranked = higher bracket placement
          42.86% wr= demote to lower bracket



            git gut mate


              i fucking hate trash like you. a 2k fucktard scrub opening a smurf account in hopes of getting high 4k mmr. do you know how much pain you cause those in higher skill brackets? those that deserve to move on to even higher mmr brackets? you fucking think you're good but your real mmr is 2k for a reason. you pick mid in a 4k avg game and you fucking feed 1/10 in like 15minutes. your kind is a fucking pain in the ass. please just use your main account, get to that skill range, then open a fucking smurf. dont fuck up other people's lives please.


                Except I actually have not fed like that though. if anythingthe most i've focused on is my KDA and I think i've done a half decent job. I was in a game versus a 4.5k sniper and I went 6 4 9 as dark seer


                  Probably because you suck more than others.

                  senior professional griefer

                    damn you take the skill bracket way too seriously

                    you're probabably floating around 3-3k5

                    thats it


                      I agree with Pinoy Major.

                      Nuff said. Screw smurfs.


                        " i've focused on is my KDA" nuff said


                          KDA GPM XPM all mean shit dude. literally means shit if you lose. you die less doesn't mean you're good. i have 2k friends that get 21/1 on ember and still lose. this is the fucking mentality of scrubs. it's all about game sense and map awareness that you guys are lacking. ALOT. all you want to fucking play is core core core CORE CORE CORE CORE BECAUSE OH FUCK YOU I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SUPPORT PLEASE SUPPORT ME INSTEAD. please just slowly climb on your main acc. i suggest watching streams from pro players to get an insight on HOW TO FUCKING PLAY DOTO PROPERLY.


                            Maybe you should try playing cm solo mid like me. Amazingly brought me to VHS in few games. Prepared to gets lots of report thou.

                            Execute Order 322

                              Dude please, stop forcing this stuff around. Any ~4k player will wreck your ass so hard with any classic mid hero, that you will delete doto after the game immediately.


                                Well i don't have a main account anymore because I sold it, so thjis is my new main I guess. I play mostly offlane, it is a core but I don't prioritize on farm as much and I try to set up kills once I get level 6 on the mid or my safe lane to get the KDA ratio up. Because of my focus on my KDA I used to gank but not like I now do, before I used to just tp, hide and wait for an opening, now I set ganks up with the support or mid or safe lane and its jut a lot faster, my xpm is not hurt and we gain either a kill/assist and some gold and xp. And I go back to my lane again.

                                I know this is pretty standard but I had a somewhat different idea and I think most of the low 3k, 2k- players don't understand the concept of actual ganking and how you should set them up effectively.

                                I'm constntoly checking the map to not get ganked I think I have semi decent awareness. I don't mind playing support the problem is I mostly end up feeding and that is wht i'm trying to avoid, but I buy wards, i upgrade the courier, i buy the smokes for the team, i stack camps for the safe klaner and mid the only differnce is I play offlaner or jungler but I'm still playin for the team and not very greedy

                                My past two games have been in the HS bracket but it might go back down to NS if I underperform i think

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  42% ratio is your problem


                                    It is all about win rate. As long as your win rate is greater than 50%, your MMR will climb.

                                    For example, if my MMR was 3000 and WR 60% and I wanted to have a 3500 MMR, I would need to play around 100 games to achieve that assuming my WR was constant.

                                    Here is a calculator I made that you can use to calculate how many games you need to play in order to reach a certain MMR you have in mind:


                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!