General Discussion

General Discussionconsitency in gaining mmr: playing less everyday vs playing more ever...

consitency in gaining mmr: playing less everyday vs playing more everyday in General Discussion

    which should i try to do if i want to consistently start gaining mmr?

    i actually dont have the motivation to play a lot everyday, since first of all 30-40 min games are very stressing for me. i cant find it in myself to play 3 or even 2 games consecutively, since i get tired of playing real quick and start to do so bad

    second, i only get the chance to play a lot during weekends, since i have college and even tho i have to do it, it's is actually very tiring and bothersome (fuck education). so to sum it up education comes first since i aint EE so i cant rly play more than 3-5 games during weekdays

    but then there goes the problem. all of my friends managed to gain over 500-700 mmr during summer (which i spent being a weeb) and now all of them are 3.3k-3.5k solo mmr, while im still sitting 2800 mmr trash. i then checked how they managed to do it, then i saw their match histories; voila: 10 games per day, with them going mostly 6-4 up to 8-2.

    i actually tried to play 10 games per day last year, and if you check my early 2015 match history, it's filled with huge ass red and orange spots. i couldnt play good after 2-3 games, and by my 6th to 7th game i just lose my shit and play like a monkey

    so to get to the point: if i want to get my mmr high consistently, should i do what ive been doing until now, or should i try to play more games?

    fishy boi

      Play one every day is good bro
      I am just normal skill player so idk if my comment is relevant


        its personal.
        if u feel unconofrtable playing several games a day, dont do it.

        D the Superior

            when i lose i play till i win
            when i win. i say its enough then i stop playing that day


              i stopped being a weeb because i was prophesied to be the next pub superstar. soon i will quit college to fulfill this #Deluded

              @Zaywop that's usually how i do things, but i still play more even if i win if it's party mmr, and if i lose more than 2 gmaes i'd say i'm done for that day

              Execute Order 322

                >when i lose i play till i win
                when i win.

                Best way to a lose streak.

                Id say if u lose 2 ranked games - call it a day and sont play ranked till tomorrow.

                Id recommend u to stop playing ranked at all and play unranked unless u get consistent vhs in unranked games. After that, return to ranked and follow the rule above. Number of games per day is personal. However, most of the really high mmr players play a solid amount of games every day.


                  all of my friends managed to gain over 500-700 mmr during summer (which i spent being a weeb) and now all of them are 3.3k-3.5k solo mmr, while im still sitting 2800 mmr trash

                  i can boost you :horse:

                  to the topic i feel like i want to play 10 games per day and win all of them but after 4 or 5 games i feel pretty tired and even if i win all of them, i start losing again after and at the end of a day i end up with 0 or even -25 from something like 10 or 11 games, which sucks

                  if u can manage to play a lot of games without losing focus then go for it, otherwise screw it

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    rofl sat in the pc for 8 straight hours 7-1, few months ago did same thing sometimes overnight see my recents you can see big green blotches. sometimes it gets to orange but the ratio is like 4-1


                      In my experience it doesn't matter: 6 or 2 games a day, I have consistently lost 800mmr over last month.

                      Dire Wolf

                        do you even like dota? I don't get why someone who enjoys playing would not want to play more than a game at a time. It sounds like you don't like playing the game. So why play it? Go be a weeb, enjoy your life.

                        Now if it's time constraints it's a different story.


                          ^it depends on player personality i cant listen to one song for 2 or 3 times in a raw so do dota but some persons like to listen to same track on repeat


                            Think about attention as a resource and it will be very obviuos why you cannot play 10 hours straight and not get worse over time.
                            there is a reason most people work 8 hours per day and have 1 hour break while doing it.

                            Also there is the "first game of the day concept".


                              less is more

                              i don't have that much time to play dota but i make each game count lul


                                Imo, in your case gaining mmr is not about playing more but about improving ur game knowledge on a consistent basis. So, 2 games per day will be enough, however you will get a lot from lobby practicing (last hitting and creep equilibrium, microing heroes like naga, ld etc), reading gamepedia and guides and ofc watching pro replays


                                  @triplesteal- do you ever give actual sincere advice like ever? Or do you just state the obvious in each thread? Serious question for the steal


                                    I usually play a normal mmr as a first game as a warm up , or I'll watch a pro video of a hero I'm interested in playing , that'll keep me motivated . so yeah 1 normal + 1 ranked should be consistent as a starter


                                      If you know you can't grind 10 games consistently, please don't. Play 3 games at most and stop.

                                      Depending on how much free time you have, you can do what I do (now that I am really busy during the day), play only at night and use the fact you must sleep to limit your games. If you win, quit. If you lose, play one more game and then quit.


                                        tbh i dont rly like playing dota that much, at least not as much as my friends. its very frustrating and stressful and i quickly get tired of it after a few games. im probably just very competitive about this shit because of the fact that players who were worse than me are now better and have higher mmr kek

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          well they reaped the rewards of determination and commitment, cant be sad about that. just be happy for them they're your friends lmao


                                            The days where I have only played one game in a day and won it were infinitely more enjoyable than the days where I played 4-10 and won/lost some or just lost/lost/lost some/all.

                                            That said if just raw MMR is what you are after then spamming playing is what you have to do. Eg Swirl was like 1.8k a few months ago, now is the same MMR level as me since he played like 5-8 games a day every day over the past 6 months while I've barely played at all since the end of last TI.


                                              It depends how good you are. I spammed games and got from 4.6 to 5.5 now im 5.4 in 2 weeks no matter if I spam or play once in a while


                                                To mean games are best played in pairs becuase game one warms you up then game attention span is still good but after that for best results should take a break . If your only thing you wanna do that day is gain mmr and you got Good sleep the night before you can get 6-8 good games in a day , this isn't practical for most people though so I would say 2-4 dotes per day prob best for mmr gains