General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo bad hero for 1k trash tier?

Meepo bad hero for 1k trash tier? in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    So I've been spamming meepo for a few games after I played some bot matches against "hard" bots. Won all of them with ease. But then again. Their AI is about the same level as me, and the other 1k people i play with.

    To get to my point. I'm always able to get the items i need in bot matches because their is actually a decent lineup of support and carry's. Something that doesn't happen in pub games. My bot lane with WK gets destroyed within 5 minutes by a slark!!?? (0-7 WK) Then how am i supposed to be able to farm the jungle and lanes when our cm is not warding in valuable spots? And get caught out by a fed slark early game.

    To sum it up. This is what happens almost every game. When our team isn't feeding from minute 5 i manage to play meepo 7 0.

    My question: Is meepo possible to be played in 1k? Because i feel I play him decently but can't get the farm i need. Should i just stick with early game heroes to secure the game and pubstomp heroes that are no fun to play to get out of trashtier?
    And move on try again when I ever reach 2-3k?


      ^kek, his 7-0-7 game, he had less than 10k hero damage in 30 minutes and no blink.

      Advice: look up professional meepo games. Its not really everyone else's fault.

      Dark Hunter

        ^I watched the Xcalibur Meepo game from Fnatic VS Alliance. He doesn't really do much other than farm for the first 30 minutes. And by that time my meepo game was pretty much over. Meepo isn't really a good early game hero. Well he is in the laning stage but after that i feel like you should just afk jungle till you get your items and occasionally gank when you find an opportunity. And yeah. I usually skip blink. And go for stat items instead. Probably a mistake by me.

        This is the xcalibur Meepo video if you're interested: (it might be pretty outdated though so idk)

        Dark Hunter

          And really. I don't really mean to say that i'm better than my teamates. I'm just asking if meepo could be viable in 1k if i get good enough with him. Or if i should stick to other, less farm intensive heroes in lower bracket.


            Certainly some games are beyond saving. but you also need to be able to adjust your playstyle for the pace of the game. If your team is getting utterly rekt youre not gonna win by farming up solo in the jungle, go 5man and try to catch them alone, their single heroes are worth a ton from comeback gold. buy the blink, travels, and try to be active on the map. farming up safely is a luxury, so live within your means.

            M u r d e r

              yes meepo is viable in 1k (when i was playing my 1k account decent meepo without nukers in team was nightmare). if you are good with him, you will annihilate entire teams of 1k and noone will do shit to you. at least if you are not up against insane magic nukers like lion+lina+tinker combo that can burst your meepo in like 2 seconds.


                ofc bad cuz u cant play him


                  U should stick to other, less farm intensive heroes in lower bracket.


                    he is just too difficult for you (at the moment) keep practising. buy your own wards and don't get ganked :)


                      I managed to go from like sub 1k to 3+k and used meepo, the heroes good if you know how to play him. Mid, Stout-Bottle-Treads-Aghs-Blink-Hex-Skadi-Skadi-BOTS


                        Take your little meepo mid, ignore everybody, get a kill or two once you have two meepos and buy your own wards(seriously), there are no supports in 1k, deal with it. Just farm with your side meepos in the jungle or a free lane, ward some important spots with the main meepo and look for kills. He will be viable if you snowball, otherwise noone in your tier can finish games within 30-40 minutes mark where meepo peaks and can do a 1v5 roll if even just normally farmed.

                        Honestly tho, dont pick him against the typical counters cause everyones gonna get farmed and ember will one shot a sad meepo :D.


                          there ARE supports in 1k.


                            Normal Skill
                            Lost Match
                            19 hours ago
                            All Pick
                            GIT GUD
                            MEEPO OP TILL 9K


                              in other words
                              get a fucken blink and GIT GU- blink poof some dogshits
                              get good at farming with split up meepos
                              ETHEREAL BLADE AND BLINK AT ~22 MINUTES
                              END GAME BEFORE 30
                              ??? +25+25+25 PROOFEIT

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!