what is this cup shit all about anyways? just longer loading time if such a cocksÜcker gets queued with u
It's a mini BO3 tournament. You get 4 friends, get mics, communicate and tryhard to get the trophy for the week. One battle cup tournament a week. It's at a specified time, for the americas division at 5 - 6 PM (PDT), so the queues actually are very short. We typically find a match within 10 - 20 seconds.
Plus, you win 15 compendium levels for free, and for a week you have access to special emoticons -- check here https://www.dota2.com/battlecup/
It only costs $10 for the compendium and then $1 for the battle cup tickets. It's not a whole lot, but yeah I can see why you wouldn't care.
Are you seriously doing an AMA for winning T6 BC? lul
Gtraz of the achievement.
btw the victory streak counter is bugged af
shows 2/4.
Please show some love to this thread ty http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=270157