General Discussion

General DiscussionDoto positioning

Doto positioning in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    How is this practiced and learned? Is it really easy as they say or is it a highly underrated doto skill that is tough to master? Thoughts pls


      Understand what your hero can do = positioning

      Like what EarthSpirit says "That's a good spot" or "MMMMMM An even better spot"


        play a lot of void and you will get a better understand of positioning in general


          Difference between standing in the middle of 5 enemy heroes or shooting them from behind ur teammates as sniper

          casual gamer

            support - > ok I sit in fog until I have to do my thing. I choose carefully when to go do my thing because people will always go to me 1st for kill

            new void I don't end up doing a lot of crazy blink chronoes. you can get by just playing him like pa with a 5s aoe stuns and sometimes catch people with the outer rim on chrono while chasing

            casual gamer

              so if ur a support and ur hitting a tower with ur team and all the enemy team is up you are probably WRONG

              you could be sitting 600 units from ur team and walk up and engage when they get gone on, not u

              obviously its a bit different per every hero, and if you have blink or not


                Positioning is dota.
                By far one of the hardest skills to master and maybe the Most important to master.

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