General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen Warching replay, should I be watching wins or loses?

When Warching replay, should I be watching wins or loses? in General Discussion

    I'm roughly 2.5k solo atm and I have recently started putting in the extra time and effort into watching replays. For the most part I have been watching only lost games, but I wanted to know if wins still have value to watch?


      watch everything


        Any equal game is worth watching irrespective of the outcome. U can determine whether the game was equal or not by observing xp and net worth graphs, kda, cs and drafts in general (like do both teams have teamfight/lategame etc). Pre-watch analysis will significantly improve ur game knowledge. U can find nice replays to watch in dbuff guides and top hero rankings. U can also watch Miracle and RTZ playing with their stacks in 4k plebs though


          watch ur worst games; not those ones that were 20 min long and u stood no chance cz of ur teams' picks/plays, but the ones that u fucked up personally. ur aim is to get rid of ur mistakes, and not to re-watch easy and satisfying games.


            I got summoned by the word "aim"


              K thanks guys I will keep these in mind


                The watching replay meme is getting out of hand.

                You watch replays when something that went wrong that you don't know the reason for, like why did I die in this otherwise perfectly planned gank or whatever. Not to "le watching le replays so git guder xd cuz dats wat reddit le says xd"


                  no watching replay is really helpful to get better. watch your perspective, watch others perspective, watch ward placement, watch movement. The biggest thing is knowing the limitations of fog. Literally impossible to know how the fog is without watching replays from both perspective. How can you move without being see assuming there are no wards.

                  watch your positioning in team fights. if you are strong you need to see if what you are doing are safe for everyone. if you are weak you need to know how close you can be without putting yourself in danger.

                  if you're in a game, in a certian point of the mid game try to guess what the net worth differential is. if youre close you can make better shot calls in game than if you have no idea how the game is going mid game. only way to verify is to watch the replays and see how strong each player and team is.


                    no watching replay is really helpful to get better. watch your perspective, watch others perspective, watch ward placement, watch movement. The biggest thing is knowing the limitations of fog. Literally impossible to know how the fog is without watching replays from both perspective. How can you move without being see assuming there are no wards.

                    watch your positioning in team fights. if you are strong you need to see if what you are doing are safe for everyone. if you are weak you need to know how close you can be without putting yourself in danger.

                    if you're in a game, in a certian point of the mid game try to guess what the net worth differential is. if youre close you can make better shot calls in game than if you have no idea how the game is going mid game. only way to verify is to watch the replays and see how strong each player and team is.

                    coco crunch

                      Also watch how pro players move or how they farm that would help you alot, im from 2k but now i got 4k

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        The biggest and the most important thing I learned from watching replays is wards placement.

                        Pro player put their wards in unorthodox spot yet very effective.

                        In my bracket, wards are 90% in the rune area or jungle xD