General Discussion

General DiscussionHi guys need help to improve my meepo

Hi guys need help to improve my meepo in General Discussion

    sometimes i do little bit good sometimes i am trash
    i can farm better if we dont have a jungler (90% ns games have jungler)
    sometimes I am just flamed like"Report meepo 12 min no gang" by 12 min I have BoT iron talon bottle and 2 parts away from my aghs but what happens there i look at his lane and he is getting fucked cuz he cant solo cuz we had jungler so instead he flames me and tells never play mid again this lane only for gankers" what ...
    there i go to help him bam i am dead ....


      tl;dr :-
      i am asking should i ever gank with meepo b4 my aghs (i know the answer is no but i want to be sure)


        12-13 min you should have aghs+ bots on meepo, especially in NS


          oh hey it's cookie but did u see that 90% of NS games have jungler if u ever think farming a camp he is not farming the ping hurts ur head yeah had 2 perfect meepo games but i was able to farm the jungle


            oh hey balance, have you noticed my 90% winrate in NS. have you ever tried pinging them to leave you that 1 camp next to the midlane?

            if he's not farming it, juts take it and mute him.

            you shouldn't limit yourself if your teammates are stupid


              yeah tried they say thing like go fuck urself noob but i keep my self positive also can u teach me ur ways to 90% wr :(


                like i say, just take the camps from them, you're higher priority for that farm.

                p.s it'd take for me to write a book for you, so you'd reach 90% wr in NS. no way i can do that over forum posts.


                  build blink and scythe of vyse after aghs
                  try to gank solo enemy to get a kill

                  farm jungle and lane at the same time


                    Meepo is my favorite hero. I am not a super great player, but my advice is to not feel pressured to involve yourself in team fights during the early game. Meepo is at his absolute weakest during the first 15-20 minutes of a game, and if you fall behind then, you are basically done because Meepo wants to end games before 40 minutes. I go Boots of Travel first item, Aghs, usually Blink or Dragon Lance depending on the game, then E-Blade or Scythe of Vyse usually (also depends on the game). I have recently started getting Diffusal and omg it is great. Bottle is nice, but not really necessary since you can easily rotate your Meepo's in and out of fountain after you get your BoT's.

                    The most important thing, though, is to stay alive in the early game. Be extremely careful when you do get involved in fights. In NS if your team is bitching that you're not ganking or doing anything, just fucking ignore them. Concentrate on your farm.

                    My skill build is usually Poof at level 1 (I don't skill it immediately in case I need Earthbind at the first rune or something), I don't skill at level 2 so that when I get level 3 I get Divided We Stand and then Poof, so that you have two levels of Poof at level 3. I max Poof first, I get one level in Earthbind, then max Geostrike. You can cancel Poof before it finishes casting, so I use it a bunch in the lane to chase the enemy hero(es) away (they see poof being casted and run). Then they get used to you cancelling it so when you DO use poof to farm, they stay next to you thinking you're trying to fake them out again. Lol. So you can poof the lane to push it a bit while you go farm your jungle stacks (very important to stack every single minute).

                    Good luck to you, Meepo!


                      Just watch ABED meepo on noobfromua. Hes so far the best meepo in dota atm,next maybeweeha meepo. Microeing skills is indeed must be learn from your heart and soul. Meepo is one of the hardest hero to master. It will take you 1,000 games to fully execute his mechanics and gameplay. Glhf.


                        What are your control groups for your Meepo's?

                        I have 4 buttons I use most for my micro groups. The first button is for Meepo1, the second for Meepo2, and the third is for the third, fourth and fifth Meepo. The fourth button is for selecting "all other units", which is almost always just Meepo2-5 (also illusions when I have those from rune or whatever else). When I need to, I reassign the buttons with whatever I need, but for the most part that is exactly all I need.

                        I used to use the second button for Meepo2 and 3 and the third button for Meepo4 and 5, but I think it's better to be able to quickly select another single Meepo. There are many times where that's a lot more helpful.

                        EDIT: I'm sure you already do this, but you have Poof and Earthbind set to quickcast, right? Because if not, do that immediately. I am so sure you already have that covered, because that is almost the first step for learning how to seriously play Meepo.


                          i have 1 for main 2 for 2nd and 3rd meepo 3 for 4th and 5th meepo 4 for all other units 5 for all of them
                          i have quickcast on and can do blink poof easily tried 100 time on demo hero to do it correctly


                            Watch full meepo games not just the highlights and look at what they do in each situation and as in NS u just gotta mute flamers. Dont mute from start try to make jokes and not be a dick and be the leader and explain why you cant gank b4 aghs and if there was a person who still was flaming, dont get involved just mute fast if ur head is mot focused in game, ur not gonna perform as much as u can.
                            As cookie said try to communicate first and ask for having 1 camp and stack it for urself with meepo 2 (up to 4 stacks) and just kill the stack ~min 10. U can even stack the secret shop camp if they kill the camp near mid


                              Also u dont actually NEED control groups for meepos, specially in NS. I have a friend who plays meepo in 2.5k and gets rampage like everyday his meepo rampages in my feed is always there. He dont use control units
                              U just need to choose two with mouse and click on a camp and shift queue to another camp and do the same for the other two and as for blink poof u just need to select all others n poof tab poof all no need for control and for bailing out, just poof all the meepos to the furthest meepo from danger or click on the endangered one

                              Thats just my thought anyways gl any way u wanna play him


                                i an used to get aghs around 14-15 min yeah i need to fix that also that what i do i have 2 meeps in jungle 1 on lane i use shift queue command still i limit my self with 2 camps near mid tower L and M camp maybe i should improve my farming pattern i know i can improve but is there anyway to win a game with fed sven and fed PA or maybe fed LC who 5 man alot only in 18-20 mins


                                  The thing is somehow if u have enough experience, u think and understand the situation, sven aint fed that much in min 10, even if he has 4 kills, it's still not late. sometimes u r late to stop him but i think most of the time if u see someone is struggling in his lane, u might have to sacrifice some of ur famr and go help that guy, ask ur supps to rotate eith you to gank and after the gank try to take an objective like tower/rosh and try to limit their farm. In these cases communication is very important. Like explaining the guy who's feeding he cant be aggressive in that lane and he should justtry to stay alive or that act naturally we're coming to gank. Just make sense of the situation and ask for rotations. Imagine when u go ganking enemy safelane with ur offlaner in the lane, u r 2 and they r 2 or even 3 ppl in that lane but if u go 4 man, how much do u think ur chance of a successful gank would be instead of the first situation, and normally in NS ppl dont pay attention to missings and even if they do u just put meepo 2 on mid and go gank with main, they 99% wont notice

                                  Corona FRIES

                                    If theyre 5men a lot early all you need is to avoid fight and split push, force tp, keep farming and take fights that u're confident in. Ask ur team to not fight first while ure trying to force tp, in ns usually few heroes will overstay when 1-2 of their teammates tp because of you, you can take those fight just becareful not to die because dying in meepo is pretty big deal, you fed both high exp n gold


                                      There is good advice here. It is possible to become too reliant on control groups, like you see your fourth meepo dying so you press your third button to pull him out, except that also grabs the fifth meepo who is not dying and that's wasteful. I had to consciously learn to calmly select the portrait of my dying meepo on the side of the screen instead of panicking and pulling out my entire control group.

                                      It's also better to look at the side-screen portraits to monitor health instead of looking at the healthbars in the center of the HUD when you have all units selected. I think so, anyway, because you get in the habit of seeing the portraits that are always visible. Otherwise, say your second meepo is dying while you have your third, fourth and fifth meepo selected, and then you don't see the health of the second meepo getting low.

                                      I really would recommend (at least!) trying out the control groups I use, though. Binding your second key to only the second meepo and the third key for the third, fourth and fifth meepo. I used to do exactly what you do and changing it made a big difference in both my play style and my success rate with Meepo.

                                      As far as a farmed Sven (edit: or other carries) goes, all I can think of is picking up CC. If you're already having a rough game and Scythe of Vyse is too far away, Heavens Halberd might give you enough time to take him down.

                                      Edit: Something else I started doing which has helped a lot is keeping my main meepo out of the fights so I can avoid CC and come in exactly when I need to use certain items. Ex: pushing t3 tower, you know enemy Axe is about to blink in, taunt, and demolish you. Pull your first meepo out, but within Blink range. When Axe blinks+taunt, you blink in and hit him with your e-blade. Or Vyse. Or Halberd. Whatever you've got. Same thing if you know LC is about to blink+duel, or Riki blink+smoke, etc.

                                      Plus you give your other Meepo's a semi-safe distance to poof away to if shit starts going wrong and a quick tp isn't feasible.


                                        the way to gank before aghs is to buy dagger instead of aghs early game


                                          You should be looking for ganks as soon as you have your bots.

                                          But you have to be aware that you are squishy as fuck so you should only be rotating to turn a won fight into a rout.

                                          You will get flamed in normal skill but you play meepo and you know how important aghs is so be super greedy until you have it. Mute all at the first sign of discontent :-)


                                            well , meepo is weak early on , so consider farming rather than ganking .
                                            you should get your bots @6mins , aghs at 14mins , and then farm a dragon lance and blink , go take roshan => force fights and win the game .
                                            if you ever had counters [ Sven , EarthShaker , lich , ember , winter ...] in the enemy team go for sheepstick after blink, otherwise just build one or two ethereal blades . the game should end around 30mins , preferably from 26-29 mins.
                                            meepo can't handle late game , you should never get to that point .


                                              If you're farming well you should have BoTs Aghs by 14 mins max. Not really any point in buying bottle, just go 0-2-0-1 build then poof down waves mid, go to nearby jungle camp then poof that down using iron talon. If you have a jungler fuck em and just stack one camp for yourself every minute. They won't be able to take it themselves so they'll have to suck it up and farm the other camps.

                                              And no you shouldn't gank on Meepo, that is literally retarded and you should mute anyone that complains about it. On Meepo you farm hard for 15-17 minutes until you have BoTs, Aghs, 2x Dragon Lance and then you go and kill everyone, picking up Aegis around your level 17 and you'll get blink at that time too. Then you end the game at 20-25 mins because you have items cause you farmed, and your enemy doesn't.


                                                think my post was misunderstood. with just bots you can enter fights carefully and get a couple of kills but no you shouldn't be runnign around the map trying to find them.

                                                any tower dive should be punished after 6mins


                                                  How about shadow blade instead of blink for noobs like me :D just M on the hero and poof tab all meepos on him, how about that?


                                                    You gotta do what works for you, Arin. There is a time and place for everything ("Anything can work!"), like a shadow blade with Underlord on your team is absolutely viable. If you just can't blink-poof properly and using a shadow blade yields better results for you, then that's what you do! Though, tbh, if you're using quickcast, there really is no excuse for not being able to blink-poof.

                                                    (Edit: take ten minutes in the demo hero to practice. Select all Meepo's, have Poof set to quickcast, have your button for moving to the next unit in your group (shift), have the item slot that you use Blink Dagger in set to quickcast. Start with your second Meepo, cursor at the location you will blink to, then Poof2-shift-Poof3-shift-Poof4-shift-Poof5-shift-Blink!)

                                                    @Rocket, I misunderstood your post initially as well, I was about to comment about it before catching my mistake. I would just emphasize that you shouldn't *looking* for gank's once you get your BoT's. If you see the opportunity, then by all means! But really only if it's a sure-thing. Failing a gank and dying is the absolute worst thing that can happen, but failing to kill any enemy heroes and living is still a net loss because you've just lost however much time you spent dicking around while accomplishing nothing. In the NS bracket, you can/should be able to recover, but those kinds of mistakes will certainly become less and less forgiving as you climb mmr.


                                                      the ultimate orb of silveredge is a plus point over blink

                                                      Saaya  Irie

                                                        well as a meepo player in VHS (since game 1 of this smurf). I always carry a TP for enemy tower dives. you can snatch kills even at lvl 3. also previous comments is correct. don't limit yourself of farm if your team is stupid. if you think you're a better player and it shows, just get all the farm you can and mute those fckers. also. If you wanna farm a lane. just friggin' buy a WARD. 75 gold man. everyone should do this. Don't expect from other players. Just don't die from minute 1 to min 10 and get BoTs(if your line up have good aoe/active heroes) or go for aghs (if you think game will be hard). and you're fine. Always look at the mini map.

                                                        On my average games. I always get BoTs first (averaging 7-9 mins in a good game) because I like rotating and ganking. Most of the time lanes are free once enemy get lvl 6 so I can farm lanes with BoTs. following with Dagger. (yes dagger) as I've told you I'm a team player that likes to rotate and punish enemy rotations. Then Aghs, last to build if and only if my team is doing fine. (I'll get aghs second if enemy is getting the flow of the game) It really depends. idk if you can watch replays of mine but yea. Try watching more meepo games from pro players and also play it more. spam it and own it.


                                                          play hundreds of games in pub of meepo
                                                          try hard your micro till you don't need to think much about it
                                                          set up lots of control groups (I have like 8 and manage fine with it)


                                                            just farm your 2 dragon lance after bot aghs and run into enemy heroes easy af

                                                            Himas Bayabas

                                                              Try a hotkey that makes u comfortable. If u want u can try my settigs.

                                                              1- main meepo
                                                              3- select other units
                                                              4- all units
                                                              Tab- change to letter "F"
                                                              6-meepo 4-5
                                                              7- illu.

                                                              Use QUICK CAST

                                                              EARLY game try to farm ur bot,agha and dagger as fast as u can.

                                                              Map awareness also is important.

                                                              Hope this might help u a bit..


                                                                I gave up on using that select all other units and select all units especially when I got illusion rune and sometimes i bought manta on meepo I messed up controlling all units lul

                                                                Himas Bayabas

                                                                  @LUL set a key for ur illusion


                                                                    ^i have the same issue lul. Id rather destroy the rune or have a teammate pkck it up


                                                                      Im ok with my hk i don't really need to set up a key on illussion since im comfortable using numbers 1-4 and f1 for my main meepo

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