General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy you're not VHS

Why you're not VHS in General Discussion

    It's not mmr I'm concerned about.. It's about what itemization n farming patterns can I prove on.. The team can learn with me.. But what other stuff can I do


      That's hard to say, I think 3.8ks generally can farm, it can be improved for sure, but what matters more at this point is game sense and mechanics. If enemy laner owns you and you get 40 cs, game will be hard, future farm will suck, etc.

      I'm sure you can get 60 cs in 10 minutes right?


        1) matchmaking being rigged
        2) teammates holding me back
        3) account buyers


          In most games I can.. Unless the solo support decides to go roam while I get ganked by tinker Chen ursa


            There are things you can do to make up for a shitty support, like expecting him to suck at his role. You can ask him for the ward so you can place it in lane (bit of a selfish ward, but totally fine). Or you know, tell your support what's going to happen soon (chen will gank your lane in a few minutes into the game) and how it's very important for him to ward lane asap.

            Expecting your pub scrubs to be Sonneiko is a mistake in itself.


              the reason that they even make those threads is because they're trying to find excuses, and most of all LAZY

              you can give them advice, but it's completely pointless as they will never practice


                Yeah pretty much but it would be nice if this thread alone shut them up.

                It is pretty weird man, I know when I was a 2k scrub I never thought I belonged in a higher MMR, I remember just being a perfectionist and thinking of what I coulda done better after every death, and I still do that.

                Also off topic but WTF is that random white spot at the bottom center of this forum? I thought I had a dead pixel........


                  This game is more based on which team gets the bigger retards and that team will end up losing.
                  It's all about luck pretty much, matchmaking is not really skill based.

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    this would serve the purpose in which you intended it if you added a small and concise yet effective summary of your ideas

                    walls of text, regardless they are relevant or not, require a tldr. it's tradition


                      What are the heroes which you guys feel you are approaching skill limit on? Only reason to ask that is.. How do you counterplay the counter pick


                        I like to read your post Soy el jefe de los jefes.
                        It shows up some points that should be learned by people who wanna get better.

                        For example myself, i stuck in low 2k for long time and i just cant get out of it.
                        I think the biggest problem is my skill/understanding of the game.

                        My winrate is like 50,3 percent, so i will never get out of this mmr when i dont improve.

                        One point that might be interesting for players who wanna improve: it helped me to stop playing when i lost 2 or more games in a row. Then its maybe the time to refresh your mind and play on the next day. Sometimes it helps me, sometimes not.

                        And one question about beeing good/not good enough to win the game alone: If i am not way better then all my teammates, how can i win games when for example an alchi mid is going 0-10 in 20 minutes? I mean, i have to be way better then all the other players in that game to have a chance to win this, am i right? And when i am not way better then them, i can just let them end?

                        I know the point you wanna make, but i think it does not count for games where ppl with average skill lvl are in.


                          I'm not VHS cuz I just play to have fun.



                            I see you went jungle. This is the wrong strat, sand king is VERY good offlane vs melee safelane carries such as slark, jugg, sven. For some reason, you let your alch solo offlane and that really is your fault. Your jungling efficiency was not even good, your blink was about.. 14 minutes late.

                            It's all about making your team look good. Anyone is going to have trouble as an alchemist vs a bane slark. I actually don't blame the alch in this game, but you for going jungle.


                              nice thread


                                Thanks. Let me know if you have any complaints/suggestions


                                  its baccck


                                    guys pls help, no criticism for spamming this hero but why cant i get into VHS bracket? I've been trying to increase my kda by decreasing my deaths through using WK and have been farming well. please advise i really need help TY

                                    Luis Miguel joven

                                      any pro can play my tbd games_?


                                        see^^ quite pointless to answer their questions


                                          ^^is this going to stop?


                                            Sad life still normal skill


                                              MMR is just a number guys xd