General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy it takes luck to get into 3k MMR.

Why it takes luck to get into 3k MMR. in General Discussion

    so cute you guys are trying to convince a delusional kid


      hmm blaming team mates in 2017 LUL. But honestly tho, arent the chances of a 'toxic' team mate, more or less equally likely, to appear on the opposing team as it is likely in your own team? jus try to contribute as much as possible. win more than you lose and your mmr will go up


        yes a rational person would know that.


          Not blaming your teammates and being nice and motivational is one of the easiest way to increase your MMR
          If you can't outskill them, attitude can be your safety net


            Jacked nice party memer spam

            Riguma Borusu

              you still need to outskill people if you want to rise at any reasonable pace


                ive given up the solo dream


                  just like you did bws

                  1-IceTea 🌟


                    Teammate flaming each other techies picked because he want solo top but WR take 'his lane' AM said he is done and gonna throw this game for enemies to fast end.He meet LC,Kunkka.He solo safe lane and keep dying.

                    And my positive attitude affected them to make them try hard.Enemies keep snowball I keep pumping positive attitude to teammate,and we won!


                      I didn't give up the solo dream
                      I'm just inactive af


                        I failed to get 3200 before year's end I should commit sudoku


                          Alot of toxic games are winnable, even though you think they aren't.
                          This game:

                          I was safe lane Sven with no support against a SK + Clinkz dual lane. I just stayed under tower getting XP and the occasional last hit until they got bored and left. I could have fed and they would have stayed in the lane and killed me again and again while I blamed my team for not supporting me. I just wasn't toxic myself.

                          Often, I am just upset when I reach that 3k range and get really unlucky out of nowhere - and I admit, I am not good enough to carry despite having a team mate or two feed (all the time at least). But that is why I think quite a few (like, 75%) of the 3k players are just lucky 2k players. That was the point of this page, to just vent that frustration.


                            realistically you can have your teammates all be 0/20 and still have the same chance for winning as having them 20/0 in low mmr if you're good at the game yourself

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              ^Agree with cookies go jungle farm until u have big belly and come out to murder everyone and burn their house ahahahaha.
                              It work for me in 3K,easy win


                                ok OP is actually right. it takes luck to get there if you have no skill


                                  Yes :)))


                                    skill? what is this?


                                      how do you check what your initial calibration was?


                                        Don't think you can

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          That's because you played normal AP for 1 year before you started calibrating.

                                          Even then this shows you are bullshitting: You started Normal Skill.

                                          Then didn't reach a VHS game until approximately a year and a half after you started Ranked MM. Here:

                                          So put your epeen back inside your epants.

                                          @Haffy How does my first ranked game being normal skill show that I'm bullshitting? Just because you can't reach 3k, doesn't mean nobody else can.


                                            You can always just pick Riki and Nature's and abuse your invi(n)sibility or splitpush the shit out of the game. What Cookie said: Focus on your own plays.
                                            My Motto was: IF I am better than these dogs THEN I will go up anyway - why bother making a conversation with them?


                                              It's really simple guys: if you are not 3k material, then you will need to be lucky since your team needs to carry you.
                                              Else you are carrying yourself.

                                              casual gamer

                                                3k material :thinking:


                                                  waddup what did i miss?


                                                    requesting tl;dr of this thread

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      2k mmr is impossible to win without luck


                                                        realistically you can have your teammates all be 0/20 and still have the same chance for winning as having them 20/0 in low mmr you're good at the game yourself

                                                        you're saying that, under any possible circumstances, you can rampage the enemy team over and over until you destroy throne if you are 6k mmr and enemy is 3k mmr, if all enemy cores are sitting at around 700gpm from snowbaling your clueless teammates?

                                                        sounds an awful lot like blasphemy tbh.

                                                        seems possible if you play some nice carry and actually tryhard, though...

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          shit players dont hit 700 gpm from even being fed until after destroying ur base

                                                          if im playing tb i will outfarm multiple fed cores

                                                          ex: if i was better id have 800-900 gpm due to 0 deaths and more efficiency, im out of practice on tb

                                                          stacking with lower skilled players leads to this kind of situation a lot tbh


                                                            Well one thing is that comparing 2k to 7k is a joke. Why? Every time I watch Arteezy stream as he is playing pos. 1 carry, he often gets the lane all to himself.
                                                            His support is roaming or stacking, the enemy offlaner is jungling and sitting under his tower.

                                                            In 2k, what do you see? A worthless support who will constantly auto attack or do nothing in lane while you are against a dual offlane who insist on right clicking you out. Keeping a good mentality through that is tough. Getting a bad mentality over that will almost always result in a loss. The game is still winnable... Just tough.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              ^if you think winning a 7k game where you get freefarm (but so does the enemy carry as well, in a lot of cases) is easier than winning a 2k game where you are contested, you're delusional

                                                              every 7k game is tougher than any 2k game, and you'd probably have 0% winrate over 100 games in 7k, if you were to play a safelane carry


                                                                ^That is probably true. Like I was trying to say, its two totally different games. I have to worry less about actually getting farm, and more about actual skills.
                                                                I would earn alot more from playing 100 games in 7k than I would from 1000 games in 2k. I'd still have issues applying everything I learned, but at least in the end more would be gained. I am sure after 50 games (watching the replays and such) I would be able to win a couple - carrying the team myself or not.

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  In 2k, what do you see? A worthless support who will constantly auto attack or do nothing in lane while you are against a dual offlane who insist on right clicking you out. Keeping a good mentality through that is tough. Getting a bad mentality over that will almost always result in a loss. The game is still winnable... Just tough.

                                                                  This is also happening for the enemy carry. A good player would still not miss a single lasthit because people are 2 shit at lasthitting at 2k. Also I boosted so many accounts to the point where i can safely say, people listen to you 95% of the time,you can tell them to stop and do something else and they willl actually do that.


                                                                    ^last part only applies for 2k though, at 3k people start to get delusional and think they know better

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      Not true at all, only if you hit around 3.8kish+ then people start being delusional.

                                                                      You should try mid 4k, that's where you experience true hell.


                                                                        i think it is depend on ur play style , u should learn more. and try 3 or 4 pick . sometime idk match 4 carry at that time u should try pick a supp , sup plus gank. a good sup last hit between 30 to 60 . that is my play type . u need to know how to trade let ur carry kill .

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          worthless support is fin ebecause im playing against a worthless offlaner, 3ks usually know how to click spells and even if they dont i can get 70/80 cs playing a 1v1 lane versus some shitter with xp sapped


                                                                            the thing is a 3v1 lane in 7k is still 100x harder than a 1v3 lane in 2k

                                                                            you don't even understand how good 7-8k players are at laning.

                                                                            only to the eye of the non-experienced it looks easy


                                                                              Well one thing is that comparing 2k to 7k is a joke. Why? Every time I watch Arteezy stream as he is playing pos. 1 carry, he often gets the lane all to himself.
                                                                              His support is roaming or stacking, the enemy offlaner is jungling and sitting under his tower.
                                                                              In 2k, what do you see? A worthless support who will constantly auto attack or do nothing in lane while you are against a dual offlane who insist on right clicking you out. Keeping a good mentality through that is tough. Getting a bad mentality over that will almost always result in a loss. The game is still winnable... Just tough.

                                                                              OP bro, don't worry. most 2Ks would have struggled with this thought at least once. once you figured out why this is incorrect, you will definitely climb bro. trust me


                                                                                watch higher mmr players plays. train a few hero (offlane, mid lane, safelane). learn support, in games that hav few way higher mmr than you as teammate, support them and watch replay how they play. ask support to pick first, if no1 wanna sup, go ahead and sup.


                                                                                  idk even in 3k games if i tell the support to go gank the mid instead of sapping xp, he insists on sapping xp.


                                                                                    op is actually bad, but he is right even high 3k is awful too,"Very High Skill" my ass


                                                                                      3k games where your farm gets contested is way easier than 5k games where you get free farm
                                                                                      Let alone 7k games
                                                                                      Yes I know 3k supports and below are incompetent and so is the enemy offlane, and so is the enemies' support, well, most of the time (well these shits happen often enough for you to win more than you lose to climb anyway, if you're good enough)


                                                                                        And if you play support correctly by roaming and protecting all 3 lanes you'd get flamed for not sitting behind your carry x)

                                                                                        Until the scoreboard is 8-0 and your team shuts up and starts listening to you LMAO


                                                                                          rofl 3k


                                                                                            I watched some 6-8k MMR players messing around one day. They started insulting each other...
                                                                                            "LMAO, you are so bad."
                                                                                            "Me? Youre a 4k shitstain."

                                                                                            Wish I could be a 4k shitstain.


                                                                                              "@Dire. I used to think that. Sure, if I was a 4k Invoker player I could have carried that game. Problem is, I am NOT 4k, and I doubt you could win a 3k average game with the same drafts I had. Thing is, this is a consistent issue for me. Literally everytime I hit that barrier or get above it my team gets a terrible draft where someone wants a pick because they "want to" not because they want to win."

                                                                                              As you stated. If you were a 4k Invoker you could have carried that game.

                                                                                              Now go and practice, get good, and be a 4k invoker and? = ez, profit


                                                                                                go buy 5k account , lmao

                                                                                                . . . ?

                                                                                                  takes luck? lol this account used to be sub1k now its low 3k after 2 months. You're just bad lol like all the other delusional kids out there..


                                                                                                    es = op

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