General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes to spam

Heroes to spam in General Discussion

    so, right now, im coming back to dota after a 2+ year break.

    i'm finding it a lot easier to get back on my level if i just focus on a few heroes and play lots of games with each of them

    right now i'm on offlane mirana, and i'm getting quite better at it.

    i need a hero for:

    - mid
    - carry
    - support
    - jungle

    which ones do you suggest me?

    Mary Poppins

      Tinker/Ember Spirit, Juggernaut, Doctor, Legion/Bloodshitter


        Carry is still the same as 6.87 lifestealer, luna, jugg
        Mid is kind of wierd
        I have seen a lot of od
        I also know good qop player that carried a lot of pro game(sccc')
        Ember is one of the top pick coz new item build and ridiculous magic damage.
        Support is mainly rubick and sd in pro games but i dont know in pubs


          jungle lc ,bs or lycan , mid ember , invoker , tinker or sf also there are many mid heroes and mk the new hero there are many people who playing him mid
          carry jugg , sven , am , luna , drow ranger , slark or pa
          support wd , shadow demon , shadow shaman , es , , omni knight and oracle
          if you gonna spam only one hero from each role then chose heroes which you like them more than others


            ld ranged form.
            Mid, offlane, safe lane, wood.


              mid : sf is reliable mid this meta with an even better scaling into the late game than before
              carry : luna is defiantly the best carry around this meta with a high damage output early/mid/late game
              support : treant protector is the most OP support rn
              jungle : it is not recommended to jungle actually but if you have to/if you can take advantage of the enemies greed lanes , lycan and axe are very efficient junglers with a very good overall impact


                1 - luna jugg
                2 - jugg ember OD SF QoP
                3 - potlord SK dark seer
                4 5 - treant

                Andre Kairalla

                  3- Omni s2

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!