General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the secrets to trilane in 4-5k MMR

What is the secrets to trilane in 4-5k MMR in General Discussion

    I hate trilane tbh because as a support i will be very weak and lack in levels. It's also because i'm already used to play 2-1-2 laning in normal match. So any players out there can tell me how to effectively win in trilane and not falls behind? This is some examples of my recent match.

    In this match I played underlord as an offlaner. To tell the truth, I do not gank much as i'm afraid to leave the am to free farm. My teammates do not come to gank that am too.

    This match aa and I truly falls behind. We have void as an offlaner too.

    Hope you guys can help me.

    R A B B I T !

      The key to a succesful trilane is accomplishing farm for your carry AND to simultaneously give near nothing to the offlaner.

      This is done by the carry establishing and preserving lane control (making sure it doesn't push either way), by the supports pulling (if necessary and possible) and by zoning - or, preferably - killing the offlaner(s).

      Usually you will snowball off a feeding offlaner to then spread your presense to the other lanes with smoke ganks while your carry is still farming away.

      If you cannot really zone the offlaners or keep them at bay, you should consider freeing up space by ganking other lanes or by giving lane advantage (through ganks) to your mid or offlane.

      As a 5.1k player (I play mostly pos 5 4 and 1), this has almost always made it possible for me to get lvl 6 around or before minute 10 with a decent bit of money.

      Not dying is crucial, so is not stacking stuns as a support. And don't forget that, if you're a ranged hero, you can easily jungle a little by hitting and then running from neutrals. Do this if you can't really do something for your other mates that moment. Use your time wisely, try to be always doing something: warding, ganking, farming or protecting.

      Three last tips:
      - If the enemy offlaner(s) abandon the lane then follow their movement around. Keep making their life miserable, give them nothing. That means you won't dive in like a headless chicken and feed, of course.
      - If there's a free lane anywhere, try to farm it quickly if it feels safe. 200-ish gold from a whole creep wave and like 200(?) solo xp is a big deal, especially if it adds up.
      - ABUSE smoke of deceit. It is insanely useful for 50 gp. You can ward and gank unseen (even unseen to sentries, which is why people smoke to rosh). Be creative and make big plays.

      I hope this has helped you, either way gl in your games applying this.
      If you have any questions feel free to ask them.


        As aa you need to pull, if ur lane is fine gank with another stun hero to get your cold feet off and profit. Secret is vs dual offlane you baby sit if solo offlane you gank a lot.


          ^wisdom right here


            I see... One thing that I don't do is smoke gank in this game... Will keep that in mind. Thanks btw

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              how does underlord prevent am from freefarming


                I'm not sure. At some time we trade blows and i was low on mana he just ulti me and died miserably. Maybe it was a stupid thing to do


                  I believe the atrophy aira reduces AM's already low base damage in the lanin stage


                    I raised my skill 2 first until max before skill 3... i thought having longer stun is better...


                      Based on what you said, here's what I can say based on my experience.

                      1. The purpose of trilaning doesn't always equate to killing whoever is in that lane, and if you're playing a support tri, then your job with the other support is basically stacking camps for your carry (assuming he can flash farm). So what do you do if you're not stacking camps? Zoning out whoever is in the lane. You get exp when your carry takes the stack camps. By doing this your carry will not be lacking in exp because you're not leeching his exp and giving him space to farm and he still has stack camps to clear. At 3 minutes mark or so into the game, you can also smoke and rotate mid to get a potential kill depending on how well and successful your trilane has been. If you completely zoned out the offlaner, you should be safe to rotate to another lane and make something happen. (This is besides the obvious where you pull to get exp and some gold)

                      2. Personally, I don't think you can stop AM from farming regardless of what you do unless you have at least 3 guys committed to continuously take him down to stop his farm. So not rotating as a solo against AM I feel was a mistake especially if the other team is committed to stopping your carry from farming. One of AM's counter is to push early as 5 and get map control to starve the AM which was probably something you didn't think about.

                      3. Your itemization as an underlord isn't great either. You went from probably blink to pipe to abyssal. And none of your team mates has bkb against a very spell intensive lineup. A mistake I feel is not looking what what your team is lacking and building what you need to win the game.


                        @spprtz you can just get 1 lvl in atrophy aura, it gives you bonus damage as well for creeps that die so you can outdeny AM and at the same time he can get his last hits messed up cause of the damage reduction. Then you can max 1st or 2nd depending on what you need.


                          haha xd




                              keep in mind trilane is for denying the other side any farm and even xp
                              u could do it as a carry + 2 sups in safelane in which the carry should be one of those who prioritize farm
                              carry + 2 sups offlane which is actually good in this map, carrries like huskar, ursa can go there to fuck up the farm of heroes like drow and luna and pretty much the other carry just gotta know the matchup not to end up feeding their carries and getting out xped
                              offlane + 2 sups isnt popular i think but it is there. something like a bristle cm sky idk. in these games ur safelane carry gotta be easily outharrassing and outlaning the enemy offlaner(s) and is in need of no help and u dont really wanna go mid and leech xp while harrassing their mid.

                              i guess thats all i got


                                One of my weak points back in patch 6.8 is stacking camps. Now that it is 7.00 I feel like it's impossible to stack camp anymore. And it's true that no one buy bkb so that's probably why we can't push till high ground.

                                It's true. I learned that taking 1st skill to the max is better win rates than others.

                                This is my match with ursa as a carry, aa and disruptor trilane. We still lose though

                                PS: I can't believe that I post 2 images with the same match that it took me a long time to realise! Sorry for the inconvenient

                                BSJ. LGD

                                  the secret is not to trilane rofl


                                    In trilanes its useful if one of the supports is capable of killing jungle creeps. So something like a CM is pretty good.
                                    1) You should make sure to zone the offlaner as soon as possible. If you zone him at lvl 1 then its possible to have both the supps at the same level as him for most of the laning stage. If you wait till hes lvl 3/4 and your supps are lvl 2 then you're not going to be able to zone him you'll probably just feed a double kill
                                    2) One of you should get the bounty rune every 2 minutes. You need the gold and XP.
                                    3) At odd minutes one (or both if possible) should stack a camp. Its more important than before not to miss stack opportunities because they only spawn on odd minutes now.
                                    4) If theres nothing else to do the support that can jungle should kill a few creeps to get gold and XP. Preferably the support that can jungle should let the other supp get bounty runes.
                                    5) Pull the wave if the lane gets too close to the enemy tower.
                                    While one support is away stacking/pulling/getting runes the other should be continuing to zone the offlaner.

                                    Theres more to trilaning then that but those are basic things that you should do. Additionally, if you have a good chance to kill the offlaner then take it.


                                      i think 212 is alot stronger this meta, with the new santuaries and nerfed pulling
                                      however in terms of winning the offlane
                                      couple of crucial early steps
                                      -scouting offlaner ward
                                      -being with your carry (who should be scouting) to catch the offlaner (free burning of regen)
                                      -support catching the range creep while carry blocks
                                      -having your range creep die first so you can attempt a kill on offlaner in the first wave without messing up lane equilibrium
                                      after you secured your lane people usually start pulling, you can do that or you can try to screw over the offlane who propably retreated into the jungle by harassing him or stealing his rune, usually if i plan to do that i get a tp beforehand to get out of sticky situations

                                      also having a ward in the offlane to scout where the offlaner goes (hide into trees to leech, retreats to jungle) is helpful


                                        are you supposed to have lvl 6 by 10th minute no matter what as a pos 5 support


                                          not possible everygame but u shud


                                            If you trilane in pubs with randoms you are going to have a bad time, better to stick to spastic 212 lanes.

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              what to do if i can't zone the offlaner out or even trade(eg nyx)


                                                spam pulls with carry pushing out/help other lanes/ put offlaner ward to defend again +1 ganks into ur lane

                                                casual gamer

                                                  winning dual offlane is the key to winning every solo q game, idc if its 3k avg or 6k

                                                  a strong lane combo against weak trilane would be something like tree + weaver. against a strong trilane monkey abb or monkey io can brawl pretty hard 2v3

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    if ur against luna pretty much the best way to win is to dump on her HARD in lane. sucks because everyone in her lane gets a free broadsword but if you want to autolose go sack the offlane and wait for sd luna illus to win the game 20 min later

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