General Discussion

General DiscussionIt seems no matter how hard I try I'm stuck a 900 mmr

It seems no matter how hard I try I'm stuck a 900 mmr in General Discussion

    This is just a little rant because I would like to say what I'm thinking currently. Well For what seems to be 4 months now I've been fluctuating at 800 and 900 mmr for the longest time and I really want to get to 1k just to feel like I can do something with a game, but it turns out no matter what role a play I get stuck in an endless trap of like 3 wins then 3 losses. Then again my win rate is 50% so I guess it makes sense but it really just gets irritating at times if anyone understands what I'm getting at. Thanks for listening to what I have to say, I've made topics asking for help before and they've helped greatly but I'm just stuck it seems.


      I see you have high winrate on PA, maybe you should try spamming that if you wanna climb fast. First pick it every game so even if they counter pick you you'll learn how to play around these counters and master the hero. As for getting better in the game there's no shortcut. Climbing the trench and getting better are teo very different things. If you wanna git gud, pick a role that you like or are good at and keep practicing, that's all there is to it. You'll get out as soon as you see yourself genuinely improve.

      1-IceTea 🌟

        900 mmr don't have counter pick,they don't buy anyou TP,pick Lycan jungle and end them in at 20 mit mmr by solo push,ez life


          play heroes your good at, play positions your good at and if you can get 40-50 last hits by 10 at that mmr and you build items that are actually good on your hero you will start to win games.

          B O O L I N

            yeah I see what yall mean, I was trying to be more viable but I guess I should start playing her a lot more again, and i can get 46 lh by 10 minutes on her.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              play insane computer and win it all time->do the last hit challenge,10mit don't miss any last hit and you can easy get 3k

              Giff me Wingman

                practice lasthitting
                figure out which heroes you can play best
                don't pick babysitting supports since they are useless in your bracket, focus on supports who have high impact in teamfights
                Think about itemchoices
                try to communicate with your team, even tho some might write spanish
                Don't test heroes in ranked, use that for unranked.

                B O O L I N



                    u can find guilds on how to play on utube and ask ppl here, but there's one thing u gotta do on ur own.
                    it's ur mentality and mindset. so u read all these comments, watch some purge videos, some pro replays, some gameleap videos first right? then u'r like ye imma do that in my next game. u'll do it for next 2, 3, or 10 games. but then because it's not ur habit still, it's gonna go away slowly till u get back at ur old self, and ur old self's mmr is 900 not 1k not 2k so u gotta change for good to get a bit higher.

                    im not gonna give you any guide on what to pick, how to play or anything, but just do this if u wanna tryhard:

                    first watch the gameleap videos on the yt channel, most important ones are the ones that are about game itself not heroes.
                    then watch ur replays, better if it wasn't a game where u raped enemy. from what u learned from the videos, and ur general knowledge find ur errors, in decision making, in item builds, in having tps, positioning in fights and generally, ur map awareness, and etc. u'r 900 mmr so u 100% got a lot of these mistakes. after u found the mistake, WRITE IT DOWN on a piece of paper.
                    collect these pieces of paper and when u'r starting ur new game look at them and say im gonna do these ones correctly in this match. and the next match and so on till it becomes a habit for u to do that thing right.
                    also in lower mmr communication is really unnecessary, most ppl dont know how their heroes work and wont do as u ask them to or will do it wrong and fuck it up even more (like that void i played with in my sub1k friend's acc unnecessarily chronoed 4 mates to get 1 enemy). dont rely on them about anything. if u going mid and they dont get cor, get it urself. get ur own tango, mute them from the start. keep ur positivity but not to them, to urself and dont pick heroes that cant carry the game to win. u can be a support since u'r 1k urself but i wouldnt go sup and rely on a person who cant lh, cant make the right decisions, builds items from suggested items.

                    and good luck ;)

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      I don't watch game leap
                      I watch just a few purge
                      I am full time jungeler
                      Can I hit SHS?


                        sorry bro we can boost ur account but u wont improve
                        i think u should learn what u need to win lane fights and game


                          I can only give you 3 advice:
                          1. Stop playing support and play carry because it seems like you are a good carry
                          2. Learn to get around 70 cs at an empty lobby.
                          3. Watch pro player play. Like rtz on twich

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            'sorry bro we can boost ur account but u wont improve'

                            I don't remember I ever ask anyone boost me lul.

                            I will just have my fun time in jungle and keep fuck your deleted mind


                              wow my 20 ursa games are 100 x better than ur all ganes in dota


                                46 in 10 is bad to be honest
                                Work on your farming skills


                                  Learn how to last hit
                                  Learn where to last hit
                                  Learn when to last hit

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    @Dental Techinician
                                    What is your mmr?
                                    care to share?

                                    not arin


                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        Adarsh was able to recently able to climb from 600 to 1k by spamming Zeus and some Invoker.



                                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                            "@Dental Techinician
                                            What is your mmr?
                                            care to share?"

                                            He's a troll on the threads.... i don't say anything cause i'm sure he's really lonely and that's why he acts out.

                                            Pity him don't hate him.


                                              I don't even understand what he saying


                                                Pick a hero that you love most. I felt in love with phoenix so I learned how to play it properly by watching pros play and spam that hero. It's okay to spam if there's love. LOL


                                                  Game-leap guides ez vhs


                                                    @haffy don't share my secret
                                                    BTW it was Luna Zeus and slark.
                                                    Also ALL HAIL GAMELEAP


                                                      " I felt in love with phoenix so I learned how to play it properly by watching pros play and spam that hero. It's okay to spam if there's love. LOL"

                                                      lolz haha i love anti mage he's so handsome


                                                        omg if it's handsome hero skywrath mage definitely on the list. How ironic that they are nemesis (anti-mage vs mage) carry vs support


                                                          lmao @ new phone
                                                          mom rape blung hacksaw ez fuck luck duck necro dead burn fireplace decomppsite ez


                                                            One tip I can give is after watching a gameleap video or Purge, Don't try to do everything you learnt at once. Spend a couple of games focusing on just one thing that you learnt and keep doing that until it becomes habit. If you try to change too many things about your playstyle at once you'll end up forgetting things and it wont be productive. So focus on one or two things at a time.




                                                                It isn't enough to say "Farm better" because you are at an MMR where everyone wants to carry and everyone takes farm. You're not going to have a support zone out your opponent in lane so you can CS efficiently. Your support - if you have one- is going to be right-clicking the ranged creep and trying to take your cs. More often than not, you're going to have a jungle LC who will spend 9 mins jungling a naked blink dagger and the poor CM who wanted to support is solo offlaning while you have an AM/PA dual safelane. You seriously see the most retarded stuff at <1k

                                                                I would argue that 90% of the game outcome at <1k is completely up to chance. This means that there are going to be toxic players, leavers, feeders, griefers etc and there's no way of knowing if they are on your team or theirs. That is why i'd pick heros that are not as hungry and farm dependent who can make a good impact without needing much economy. People are saying dont support - play core but you know by now this means your team will have no courier and no wards and even if you are the most farmed player on the map, you're going to lose due to bad positions and no map vision.

                                                                I'd argue then to play position 4-3 heros and know when to adapt. Good heros for this are Mirana, Necro, Silencer, Omni. you're not going to go on any rampages but you'll help set up ganks and keep your team alive. You're going to have games with 3 and sometimes 4 position-1 carries picked for your team. its better to try and support them into the lategame.

                                                                B O O L I N

                                                                  Alright well I'll definitely try and focus more on what I like doing and maybe playing more cores since I do play better but with all this info I will try and take it one bit at a time so hopefully the next time I make a thread it'll be much more positive from this


                                                                    in my last ember game i marked safelane as ember and others didnt stand on a certain hero and no marks on lanes, then everyone picked core. i got the rune and bought dropped cor in base, i also upped cor, after the game i realised i shouldve gotten a gem too (+ blademail first was better but it's not relevant) so u could get those it's no problem. and ppl farm awfuly in 1k i can garantee u, u can farm so much of the map so fast they end up having nothing to farm so thats also irrelevant. also i would pick mid/jungle/carry offlane in these brackets tbh for the reason u mentioned sups and double core lanes

                                                                    B O O L I N

                                                                      It's funny actually my last match yesterday I was dazzle safe lane against venue because LC refused to not jungle and wasn't relevant until minute 15

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!