General Discussion

General Discussionhow to maintain in very high skill bracket as a support or offlane

how to maintain in very high skill bracket as a support or offlane in General Discussion

    Just arrived at very high skill bracket again, i just want to know how to maintain in this bracket if i support and keeps on dying, with low gpm and xpm. because i really love the support role


      dont die 5times in 1 game,


        dont die 5times in 1 game,

        Rather than saying this, say:

        Work on your map awareness and positioning.

        Against competent teams you will die, a lot. There is no magic number of deaths that will preserve your MMR. You need to work on things like positioning and map awareness, in turn you will die less and contribute more.


          but my gpm and xpm will be low if i play support, as far as i know these components affect the hidden mmr


            does it even matter? if your aiming to calibrate at 4k above, dream on
            3.5 is the max calibration now

            Lets do Science

              Pick heroes like bh, undying, ogre, or riki and just run at enemy all game. Have the farm of a core while feeding off the enemy team. there ya go!


                aww so it's really true. well 3.5k is not bad, i'll probably just climb to 4k then


                  good attitude


                    because I don't have a choice. 3.5k is still decent though, despite so many smurfers haha. And optimistically speaking, atleast I calibrated at 3.5k with my own skill and hardwork, and not because someone did it for me


                      tryhard nigga


                        well, everybody who wants to achieve high mmr is trying hard


                          you will stay at VHS when you deserve it


                            Play them properly
                            I think offlane is currently the easiest role in the game

                            Lets do Science

                              you can smurf all you want in unranked vhs. just remember that thousands of people are doing the same like you, matching up against 6ks who are drunk / high and playing whatever they feel like, getting trashed by them and thinking you're on their level. I've been matched with a few very high profile players in the past. Does that make me as good as them? Hell no. They were playing super casually and still completely went apeshit in the unranked games they were in. Ya know why? Because the difference between an 8k ranked and a 324832874893272493872839479802347908237980423k unranked is worlds apart. Trying to rate yourself based on unranked games, even using the mmr of the players you're with is super unreliable and WILL give you an inflated sense of how good you are.

                              Long story short: smurf all ya friggin like, you're still 3k garbage.

                              Ave with an internet pfp

                                Iam Jack hi


                                  @Quaker how the fuck offlane is the easiest role in this current patch? enlighten me pls senpai


                                    idk ask alice


                                      Offlane does have the nearby shrine making it easier than previous patches but I definitely feel like mid is the easiest place to lane. They get the benefits of a nearby shrine and a short lane.


                                        hahaha "offlane is the easiest role" got me thinking, damn, OFFLANE IS HARD ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE AGAINST A TRILANE


                                          Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                            lol, it's hard for you because you don't know how to offlane properly.

                                            they said it is easy, because they know what to do and what not to do at offlane.


                                              If u are against trilane and cant even get xp u go jung
                                              Mid is fuccfest


                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!