As mentioned Axe wreck AM in lane because he needs no mana. LC might do OK during laning but he counters AM in the mid/late game with blink, blademail, duel.
In the lane I don't think there is any solo offlaner that truly gives Weaver a hard time but she has a hard time harassing Void and Cent (but Cent is weak against weaver later on). Mid-late game Chrono is probably carry Weaver's worst nightmare along with Slardar.
However keep in mind the safelane support is a much bigger indicator of how hard/easy your offlane will be. Axe might wreck AM but does it really matter if the safelane support is something that can harass him out of lane all the time (Jakiro, Pugna, Lich, Veno) or just straight up kill him when he overextends (WD, Veno).
Axe is annoying but isn't a hard counter. LC is also annoying because it forces him to get linkens/aghs but otherwise is perfectly manageable (and if you lose the lane he won't even need linkens he will just stomp you)
Personally I think centaur or windrunner is exceptionally good versus AM.
I have a 75% winrate average on AM (past year).
73% vs. Axe
66% vs. LC
LC is definitely a good pick, but axe is really negligible and I'll still beat LCs most of the time. Buy linkens/vlads and maybe an AC or bfly and he doesn't do anything to you.
But I find most games are lost in the lane phase. A windrunner or centaur can shut you down before you're even jungle capable.
Once a competent AM has enough farm for jungle you're never catching him.
Damn you beat me to the punch, was going to say axe counters both very well.
LC is only good if you have a lot of other shit to pop linkens.
Silences too are often better than stuns. For a support sky is pretty good. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say slark, cus he can leash which I don't think AM can blink out of? Not sure, but then slark is also a good orchid carrier for them.
@direwolf, Am can blink out of leash no problem. AM drains slarks mana and then fish is screwed.
Slark can beat AM pre manta with SB and orchid rush, but once am gets manta good luck killing him.
oh you wanted offlaners hmm. Yeah axe, cent, slardar is also good cus he can ult weaver and crush and bashes. Until weaver gets some levels and items slardar is very dangerous to him.
Yeah I always forget manta drops silences. I don't play AM hardly ever. So silences vs am don't work so well.
Another thing against weaver, he's actually kind of weak early in lane cus he needs max sucukhi to be really mobile and his Q doesn't do enough dmg early, nor does he have many points in germinate to spam you out of lane, and his range is crappy. Compounded with his farms really, really slow unless you rush a maelstrom on him or he gets max germinate and deso around like 20 minutes or so. So if you rape his lane early you can put him way behind. Then he's kind of forced to rely on winning some team fights with rank 4 q ability to get back into it so as long as you don't feed him you're probably fine. I've never seen a weaver farm his way back into a game off creeps/jungle, unlike AM where you can shutdown his lane but if you stop applying pressure for like 10 minutes all the sudden he's finished battlefury and farmed a manta.
Sky is a hero antimage counters. No fucking idea why people pick this hero. You better pray you absolutely delete him during the lane phase because once he gets level 11 12 skywrath isnt allowed to press R anymore.
Once AM buys manta skywrath isn't even allowed to play at all anymore.
As for slark antimage counters him hard.
Slark can't keep antimage locked down with pounce. There will only be like a 2 minute window where slark has orchid before antimage has manta.
One abyssal from antimage and slark is out of mana and helpless.
Yes I am an idiot who forgets about manta dispel vs silence disregard and move on with life.
U just don't let those heroes catch you. If they aren't on the map, or at least able to get to you in the time they are missing then just gtfo and wait for them to show.
You might say then what if they never show, well generally I'm farmed enough it takes at least 2, often 3 heroes to kill me so it's pretty easy to see their movements. I only die to smoke ganks lately.
no shit but clearly having to avoid 0 heroes is better than having to avoid 1, or 2, or 3
these heroes are annoying because they restrict your ability to show, or how aggressivelhy u can play
if they have all garbage (no stun, silence) heroes u can just shove lane with 5 heroes missing and walk away when they start hitting you
Ya but realistically that's not gonna happen tho. And if it does it's GG at 13 mins if you didn't get deleted in lane.
realistically being against no blink jugg + sf mid + axe offlane with wd + distuptor duo support is a very different experience than being against ls + slardar 4 with storm mid and lc offlane and ogre 5
Idk what ur talking about.
You jsut listed 2 line ups with good gank potential.
I was saying that ur not gonna get a game with 0 silence/stun/disable otherwise if you do it's already GG.
If I lost a game as AM vs. 0 people who can kill me I'd consider suicide.
If you're just listing 2 lineups and ones better yeah I agree though idk why we are talking about that. I'm confused.
game 1 if axe shows u wont die, manta can remove TS and jug/sf cant do anything to u without sf bloodthorn or hex (lol)
game 2 if lc storm OR slardar is missing ur dead with a +1 from ls or even lc + ogre lol. ur probably gong to end up with a linkens unlike game 1 and it wont do much. only benefit is obviously storm sucks in 5v5s but they have like 4 ways to kill ur hero
its pretty common tbat u can late or last pick the am ehich means ur only agaunst 1 hero that can pick u with minimal assistance then u just play keepaway with him whih is easy and takes small brain (1 tp cd)
wheras if u have to track a void and an axe and an lc and all thise heroes like jungling its a pita
@first post^ ya I get that I jsut think we ended up talking about different things.
Game 2 you just hide practically all game long. Even killing 1 creep wave on their side is dangerous unless storm is showing.
I actually usually pick AM 1st/2nd so that my monkeys don't take core or do stupid shit. I don't play solo much so these games are mind boggling easy when I do play so the counters aren't a big deal yet.
Holy shit I just had a random brain wave.
If I have good vision and LC is a retard trying to solo kill me all game I don't even need a linkens.
I just get abyssal and spam cast the ground when he is coming and then just manta kill him.
damn pick ogre for weaver.. if you want to 1v1 her just buy poor man shield and ignite the shit out of her.
dual lane with ogre against weaver with a support is better.
Night stalker counters both beautifully when he prioritizes skilling his silence. While obviously a late-game well-farmed weaver or AM can kill NS, it is hard to get farmed when you get ganked so hard early. Linkens is not a problem for NS as he can pop the Linkens himself and then silences a weaver/AM and kills them before they can get away. As the game gets later, he might need more damage from team to put them down before the silence runs out.
Good offlaners to pick vs them ? :)