General Discussion

General DiscussionCookies Last hit challenge

Cookies Last hit challenge in General Discussion

    skill does not come from talents, talent means the person's mental capacity in that matter is higher. hums use less than 10% of their active and conscious side of their brain. to be successful, you just need a right mindset. there are taller, bigger, stronger people in the world than messi and sure as hell they got the same brain structure and no one has football gene and dna. yet messi is better purely because of skills. is sumail more talented than us since he's younger or he played dota 15 hours a day for a long xonsistant amount of time and get coached by fear and wanted his goal hard enough? u tell me

    Chao Vritra

      these are good drills.


        @dis-moi que tu m’aimes its doesnt mean you can get good, but it does mean you can get better than you are currently at. However,when you enter a dota game its already implied you have the basics. You dont have the basics? get in the lobby and there you can practice. Thats what I already wrote. You want to be better, learn farming patterns? enter the game and play agaisnt real opponents.


          literally everyone that's good at something got the fuck off theur asses and learned a shit ton and put a shit ton of time to become who they were. how the fuck do you expect to grow fast just by chill and play.

          ps. it's cool if u just wanna chill and play but then saying ppl dont need to fuxkin do anything else to get better just because you dont do it, ...

          pps. let me give u a hint on ur life; u r gonna be a 20k a year networth man who has little to no savings and cant effort whatever he likes but has to be ok with whatever he could get, unless u change ur mind.

          n e e g e r


            the whole point of lobby practice is not having a mind filled with different stuff and not being punished for your mistakes and being able to do smth u can do once in a normal game way more times in the same amoumt of time (like first wave creep blocking on rtz spot with spawn units cheat while u can only block once a 40 min game thats if u r radiant)


              OK look, in 2010 there was map mod on SC1 called Diplo Infinity 2.8a, about 20,000 people played it on useast back in the day. At one point I started to learn from and be taught by one of the 10 best players on that map who was known as a "pro". when Sc1 useast went dead I had become one of the top 3 players of all time at that map mod, and anyone who played in public lobbies knew who I was. In Public games I would be either instant kicked from the lobby because I was too good, of they would decide to 1v6 me, and they would lose. Which Is why I usually spent all my time 1v1ing other pros cause hosting 2v5's or 1v6's with pubs was too easy.

              How did I get there? By practicing by myself in private games till I could perform perfectly, essentially I would do the equivalent of 1200 CS in 30 minutes with every country in that map. The fastest way to become the best is practicing every aspect till your perfect at it, I practiced Diplo infinity so hard, That I had become one of top 3 from being a noob in 2 years, when the other top 2 OutlawPoet and UFO[Infi] had played for 7 plus.

              If you wanna get gud, Practice. That being said I really think we need maps for practicing other mechanics.

              For example I really want a map where I can just practice psi blades on moving targets and a map where I can practice dodging psi blades. Maybe where the creeps heal at a constant 100 hp per second, and a bot walks back and forth behind the wave while you try to hit it, and then another one where 3 tas at 3 angles that are bots hit the creeps constantly while you dodge.


                Well thats the thing. You can approach this game with chill, normal approach. You want to win, but really dont care you lose. Or you can play to get better with full concetration, positive mentallity and dedication. Huge difference and all really depends on your goal.

                "he played dota 15 hours a day for a long xonsistant amount" thats my fucking point. He played shitton of dota, with consistent approach and good mindset with a goal to learn in every game.

                I doubt he stayed in lobby doing cookie LH challenges for 3 hours per day.

                queen's speech



                    yo dude a cool trick for this type of practices:

                    go to a 1v0 lobby
                    spawn bots with ( -createhero enemy axe ) then shift queue a shit ton of move commands for them and make them move this way and that way, then try your thing. like here, it's landing psi blades so focus on the one running in front to hit the other one, or create a bot and put it near creep wave and shift queue moves and start doing your psi blading from creeps to hero. also simple passive bot can do since all it does is move and nothing else


                      hail lord cukie of hell


                        Find me any professional dota player that claims he got better at this game by doing lobby challenges on daily bases.


                          ok then u arent saying the wrong thing. it's just that op is tryharding but u told the challenge is pointless and didnt specifically say it about chill players


                            sia, yeah but then creeps die and move, thats a slow practice, I want like an undying creep wave so I can just sit there for 20 minutes till dont I miss any


                              and cs challenge is for ppl who arent good at farming patterns and csing ofc. pros do the same thing but with different thing. i even saw one of the 7 or 8ks from pvgna/gameleap say they dont just play scrims exactly like sports they do drills and things in lobby.


                                Infact find me any professional dota player that when asked in interview how to get better in this game, has not responded with "just play more."


                                  cs challenge has nothing to do with farming patterns and csing, because in a real game u a) don't have a free lane b) don't have a free jungle and c) don't afk farm for 30 minutes

                                  sorry to crush the way u think about "COOKIE CHALLENGE XD!!"


                                    @CUKIE DESTROYER OF HELL Thats exactly what I meant. then why is your fa ggotish anime buddy quoting part of my sentences?


                                      sure nobody's forcing u to think the way i do. learn how to meepo micro from 0 in real games and lets see how fast you can improve


                                        ayy why am i arguing with you imma go study u stay here thinkimg the purpose is just learning to afk farm


                                          because both of you are wrong

                                          practice in lobbies is super useful, just not for this kind of stuff (except mb to warm up)

                                          there is no reason to analyse replays/practice in lobbies 24/7 as much as tehre is no reason playing games only

                                          farming/csing for 30/60/900000000 minutes wont get u anywhere


                                            As I said, when you enter a dota game, its implied you know the basics. When it comes to meepo, basics are that you know switch between them, grouping them and doing basic combo. You dont know those? enter the lobby and try it out. You want to get better at it and progress? enter the game and play it where you have different sitatuions agaisnt real opponents so you can actually test yourself and thus gradually improve.


                                              @Coroner idk what's your problem dude


                                                @Illidan You should be more specific


                                                  well "cookie cs challenge" is just a thing he invented nobody said it's legit af helped me didnt help u no need to argue. my point was that lobby practice is really good because of no real game pressure and being able to just focus on 1 thing till u excel and going to next


                                                    i have no idea why is this an argument, my methods as ridiculous as they are make results

                                                    i on purpose made these super hard, not easy.

                                                    are they over the top? beyond over the top, but it gets idiots off my dick who don't want to try to learn and only say ''play more dota''

                                                    well how does that work out for you with 4k+ matches and 3k mmr?

                                                    your improvement rate is literally 0, you have no words to say about improving when you don't even have the mmr= matches played coroner.

                                                    my methods are specifically made to eliminate 1 thing ''unmovable rocks'' like you who just complain and bitch instead of practicing.

                                                    those who want to get higher mmr will do whatever is necessairy to get it, my method is only one of a thousand other high mmr players

                                                    but my methods are extreemly objective and easily practiced, compared to other methods from other players which are simply a ''read and forget'' type

                                                    no one is forcing you to get better, for all i care you can stay low trash forever


                                                      i'm not a moron corner, my methods are calculated to a precise point.

                                                      back when i started coaching i didn't have any, i just took in whoever wanted to learn

                                                      but then i quickly realised that 7/10 students were just morons with dunning kruger who didn't want to try but only wanted a confirmation from a higher mmr player that the system is shit and that you can't improve.

                                                      1/10 were just too stupid even if he wanted to try(example artmiss, i coached her for months and she'd just forget everything the next day)(she even bought coaching from purge for 100$ and other coaches, she spent hundreds to learn nothing), 1/10 were smart but didn't want to try and only wanted those ''quick and easy get rich fast'' methods that don't exist and only 1/10 was actually trying and pracitcing

                                                      those last 1/10 students actually made progress were my golden students who gotten like 500-1000 mmr upgrades in a month, i didn't even need to do any of these challenges with them as they could just understand the theoretical part fast and abuse it.

                                                      but what irealized, 1 out of 10 students is worth my time, 9 out of 10 just annoy the shit out of me.

                                                      so i'm pretty much only being super strict to get the idiots off my dick, i always have 1-2 guys who're gaining all the mmr of the world but they do everything i tell them.

                                                      so what i realized is simply enough, my guides are made for that 1/10 guys who will actually try

                                                      you aren't that guy corner and you will never understand because you're too goddamn stupid, and i pity that.


                                                        yeah cookies shit works, I just got 72 cs in 10 minutes against LC ES dual lane in safelane as TA, with 2 ganks from tinker. When you can get 82 last hits in 10 minutes without trying, you can get 72 under alot of pressure from ganks and over aggressive offlaners. If I used good aggro tricks I would probably get more, but LC and Es just run the creep aggro 24/7.


                                                          the "challegnes" are awful


                                                            i fucking know that because i made them to be over the top like that on FUCKING PURPOSE.

                                                            i'm not forcing anyone to do them, it's their choice,

                                                            but those who force themselves to do them will easily learn the rest of my guide and gain lots of mmr.

                                                            my methods prove themselves working like these farming things and the CM things, i don't need to defend them

                                                            but what i want is that you morons stop annoying me with why it's useless and a waste of time as they clearly FUCKING WORK

                                                            if you think that then don't do them, your choice to be low forever is not mine, nor do i care how you'll go up even if you do/don't


                                                              this get this amount of cs @ this time is pointless tbh, if you want to practice last hitting just go and last hit creeps in an empty lobby for 10 mins and it's way better to practice against higher mmr players than u. U get to see what ur doing wrong, some of these games where I played against dedicated "only mid" 7k's - 8k's gave me so much info where I'm weak at and you learn that matchup X hero vs X hero a lot faster and easier, especially if the other player tells u what he thinks u did wrong.


                                                                  Sub 1k comment passing by👋


                                                                    the challenges are super useless, but apparently ure too stupid to understand


                                                                      they only make results for you cookie, and new players. other than that its a brainless activity, which does not effect real dota.


                                                                        how the fuck are they super useless if they fucking produce results, are you that dense?


                                                                          if you want to learn dota go to gameleap, promo code: BSJ for 25% off


                                                                            what results? confirmation bias combined with "omfg cookie best player in hte world!!!"? are u tryingt to tell me that farming creeps in an empty lobby for 30 minutes significantly increases ur dota 2 skill? kappa123 right htere

                                                                            btw kellogs also said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day (to sell their products)


                                                                              are you fucking kidding me??? you've clearly never seen a 0-4k replay then

                                                                              they miss 50% of the creeps and camps

                                                                              then they go fight and push with no items like idiots chasing around the map isntead of splitpsuhing and farming then fighting when they get items, and they end up with 300 gpm at 30 minutes blaming their supports for ''no wards''


                                                                                I feel like gaining 500-1000 mmr is a result but wtf do I know


                                                                                  so what's the point of farming for 30 mins when u miss the creeps in the first 5mins? also u can't splitpush or w/e in an empty lobby and things wont work like that in a real game anyway


                                                                                    the orginal challenge was 500 and harder version was 600, simply to understand the most efficient farming paths(which were realistic to the game as the camps spawned every 1 minute back then) and to be able to press buttons rapidly( to get used to tread switching and managing your mana/hp) and getting the most of a given situation and to be able to farm without putting thought into it

                                                                                    so you can plan to push/fight/communicate and watch for gankers.

                                                                                    which is what low players don't do, they just run around in circles like headless chickens

                                                                                    this gives them at least a simple purpose for their role.


                                                                                      the idea is that raising awareness on this issue is enough (i.e. play 10 mins in a lobby to learn how to last hit), or telling them to take care of their farmign patterns during a real game, there's no point playing 60 mins in a lobby as morphling with 30 dmg because wew lad!! CHALLENGES!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                                        Cookie remember you're just a 5k.
                                                                                        I think you think you have found a new method that will better the dota community, people can pick at what they want don't get too defensive.
                                                                                        I agree that those who are trying to learn the Carry role this can be good, other than that if a person is trying to get better and already know the carry role, this is terrible for them.
                                                                                        Beginners guide? Yeah
                                                                                        Carry players? Not at all


                                                                                          rofl can u ppl have ur poinions to urselves theres someone in every topic that starts a "lmao", "useless af", "omfg how are you this stupid" comment that takes the topic into a whole other thing.
                                                                                          keep ur opinions to urselves talk if someone asked ur professional knowledge and advice


                                                                                            quick reminder that no one is forced to do these, and you can play a real game to learn farming patterns to only waste your time

                                                                                            there's 2 parts to farming patterns, 1st part is the mechanical part where oyu just get good at pressing buttons(what these challenges are for) 2nd part(which i'll talk about later in the guide) is the player aspect(your teammates and enemies) which i usually just cover with my students 1 on 1 once they do those challenges for themselves.

                                                                                            which is pretty much how to avoid gankers, when to splitpush/not, how to waste enemy time, when to fight/when to farm,which targets to pick on/which to avoid etc.

                                                                                            as that part is simpler to be thought when the mechanical part isn't an issue that i have to keep screaming at them ''TOGGLE TREADS, BLINK OVER THERE, NOW FARM THAT CAMP'' instead of telling them how to outplay their enemies and quickly close the game.


                                                                                              If I was 3k carry player, I'd rather learn how to last hit early game and stay in lane on my own, pulling, farming efficiently early, the rest comes with experience, comfort and when you improve on decision making. You can practice your mechanics and watch replays. They miss their spells, don't use them, use them on the wrong target, take dumb fights, have no clue what to do in xxxxxxxxx situation, spend their time being useless for their team and you can just go on and on and on.


                                                                                                because it's not easy to find the differences between doing something wrong/ things that you shouldn't be doing VS not being able to execute them because you suck at pressing buttons.

                                                                                                i can show you tons of situations taht are either ''don't do this situations'' or ''messed up button press situations'' there's almsot no difference between them, because they both end up having enemies run away with 100 HP and you questioning yourself how to fix that.

                                                                                                i like to separate those 2 parts to make the learning experience EASIER!

                                                                                                because when you either know that your button pressing is at it's maximum then you know then you clearly know that the mistake you've just made is simply a ''i shouldn't attempted this in the first place'' mistake.

                                                                                                and vice versa, if your decisionmaking is good but you just mess up pressing buttons you'll clearly know the reasoning behind your mistakes.



                                                                                                  not to mention: playing in 5k is a completely different experience from playing in 3k, but i guess u know that


                                                                                                    When I play a 3k game and get some cancerous dual lane and I'm still getting 10-11 min shadow blade on slark and enemy is like "????????? NICE DUAL OFFLANE" when they lose in 25-30 mins, it's not cuz they sucked/underperformed at that mmr, it's because I knew what to do and I was efficient in what I do and I punish every small mistake I see from them, every 1 bad mouse click, spell usage can get them killed, that doesn't come with 30mins and 700 last hits on AM or something and I also did those like 1-2 years ago I think and I realised they were useless, all I needed was 10 mins of last hitting and figuring out how to get farm early and especially in those hard games where I'm against cancerous lane or when my team is losing super badly and you need a whole lot fucking more after that that's like step 1 from the whole step 1000 list and that only comes with your own experience or if someone else tells u and why you should do that. Farming patterns are easy, especially now when creeps only spawn every 2 mins in woods and u cant do patterns in an empty lobby, I mean what if enemy has a fucking magnus and hes missing from the map every time with +2 heroes and you have shit map control, what's ur farming pattern then? U wouldn't be able to do anything like that in a real game, also mana usage and shit like that, it's not the same, you will use spells, items on heroes to harras, kill them or just to let them know to "fuck off you know whos the boss here". empty lobby is only good place to learn warding, last hitting, pulling, stacking, practicing combos, spell/item range and some other shit I forgot right now.


                                                                                                      aFeect carried me yesterday with this exclusive high skills veri patern with slark ^

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!