General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy can't I first pick timbersaw without someone telling me ursa is a...

Why can't I first pick timbersaw without someone telling me ursa is a direct counter to that hero in General Discussion

    Timber is a hero who almost literally doesn't right click (can't right click with ult even), having a ghost scepter handy in case he's focused by physical damage lategame is a fucking no-brainer.
    And no, solar crest doesn't counter timber, sure, reducing 10 off his 30 bonus armor might sound nice but it's more effective to buy a fucking dagon than solar crest vs him. Don't get me wrong, every team should have a solar crest most games (or even two), but timber is one of the top 5 heroes it's shit against.
    Shiva and lotus are common pickups on timber too, so reducing his armor makes no fucking sense since it's still a fuckton of armor. I mean, sure, if you are running a -armor strat you'll go for -armor builds no matter what, but it just isn't effective against timber, unless you catch him after buyback or TP from base when he has no stacks of reactive armor.
    Minus armor doesn't counter +armor, it's the other way around. That's why sven and dk are good picks against slardar or in general -armor lineups.

    timber isnt a +armor hero



      op's retarded

      Fee Too Pee

        I see this thread , remember the safe lane riki thread , where the op think its has no counter because he is good with the hero.

        Op, in GENERAL. Timber have difficult time with ursa , so its fucking normal for people to question timber vs ursa lane. Does not matter you good or not with the hero. The matchup is just bad like AM vs PA , Axe vs Veno. You can play around it , but it just bad in general. So its fucking normal for people to question you

        Riguma Borusu

          timber isnt a +armor hero

          Yeah, he's super squishy with his +32 armor bonus from Reactive Armor lvl4. In what way is Timber not a +armor hero? Because it's unrelieable? Well, Sven's also not a +armor hero then, because you can purge warcry, or silence/time dilate him. DK's passive can be broken. And as far as I know, if you break reactive armor, Timber will still have his stacks, but won't be able to receive new ones, so it's good if you gank him without stacks, as far as I think I remember seeing, could be wrong.

          I pick LC into Dazzle whenever I want because I can play around him. In fact, my LC winrate against Dazzle is 2% higher than my general winrate, just because Dazzle is a great duel target - a squishy, low str gain int hero, so I just farm him for damage.

          mr. rabbit

            timber needs to stack up his armor

            in a teamfight during the earlier parts of the game (12-18 mins) you suffer so fucking hard vs -armor comps because -armor comps shreds your non-existent base armor

            this means you cant do shit if they decide to rosh or kill ur team and take towers

            not to mention 12-18 mins is fucking hell because slardars will get their blink while you only have potentially bloodstone components which just makes u squishier vs them

            sure u kind of have an easy time vs them once u get ur items but they can just pressure you so fucking hard when ur at ur weakest namely when they get their first core item while u still dont have urs cuz its a fucking 5k gold item named bloodstone

            edit: its not like timber's reactive armor is "press E and instantly get 25 armor!!!" spell. you have to sit and tank a creepwave/camp to get it to full first and you cant always do that when a fight suddenly happens

            mr. rabbit

              its kind of the same concept why ursa does well against timber in the first place

              Riguma Borusu

                Well, yeah, I guess that's true. Now that I think of it, timber's armor unreliability actually is one of a kind. And, yes I am aware that -armor works well against timber BEFORE he stacks up reactive armor, I even said it, I just said it's kinda shit once he stacks it up.

                Potato Marshal

                  Timber survives by having people hit him a lot, Ursa does more damage when he hits someone a lot. Seems pretty self-explanatory.

                  casual gamer

                    timber doesnt always have max reactive


                      Why cant timbersaw in my team lane solo against solo luna without feeding.


                        cuz magic lul


                          Not really, he kept on getting solo killed by luna before luna even reached level 3 and 4


                            ursa directly conters him in lane only

                            later he can kill timbersaw easier then others but still it will be much difficult to kill without basher or purge


                              OD still kills timber the fastest and if od has AA as supporf, expect timber to die within 3 seconds

                              Lester, Moe

                                So in short, if ursa counters timbersaw, he also counters just about every other meelee hero in lane. Note that I said in lane.

                                Yung Beethoven

                                  well obviously he does. He was imo the best laner you can have with monkey king being the 2nd (the old one was maybe even on the 1st place).

                                  you cant argue about ursas extreme lane presence. This hero will just wreck you if he was some kind of disable with him.


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