General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts about this player?

Thoughts about this player? in General Discussion

    So this guy last picked timber. And was against a luna and treant, at lvl 1 he died cause he went too deep and when he walked to the offlane, he died again, repeating the same pattern over 10 mins, and when i saw his skill build, he doesnt have 2nd skill, and maxed 3rd and 1st.
    Me and cm even ganked his lane a couple of times.


      I don't understand, his build maybe a 'perfect' offlaner build? Idk


        Still better than 4-4-0 timber

        Potato Marshal

          Looks like an autist who spams the exact same item and skill build every match.


            timber is his most played hero and he has low kda with it, which explains the dying


              just cancer in SEA server thats all ;P


                I feel bad for him 80% of his games on timber still cannot play timber worth a fuck. Build Sucks KDA sucks Win % Sucks....


                  Subtle "fuck my team holds me back" rant I see


                    luna was beyond godlike before 10 mins, and he had no 2nd skill, i think he doesnt know that 2nd skill can be used to escape against treant


                      And after 10 mins, luna was extremely fat and we finally lost our cool and started to ignore timber cause he is so toxic and blamed us because we didnt help him at bot enough, ganking offlane multiple times isnt enough? and HE STARTED SAYING THINGS like ALL OF YOUR FAMILIES SHOULD BURN IN HELL, and more things about our families, what the heck does family have to do with this?


                        @bws its not about that, because it is inevitable to have players like these, and i didnt say that my team always holds me back.


                          what the heck does family have to do with this

                          stop looking for logic in dota 2 chat


                            well both of u are tr ash to be exact


                              Well i admit that i play bad sometimes but this player plays bad all the time, he has the same item build on timber every game and his KDA ratio is low


                                i will give u a tip dont care about toxic players if u blame them thats just showing how trash u are
                                why u may ask?
                                because its pointless to talk to toxic players because most of them are ignorant ur just wasting ur energy on talking and ur focus as well
                                keep in mind if u meet another toxic player mute him its the best way and u will see ur skill growing and ur win rate if u play good


                                  He is toxic and a feeder at the same time, well me and jugg lost our cool when he said bad things about our family so we started trash talking him


                                    again ur reaching ur point when ur becoming to be bigger trash than him i know ur a kid but can u calm down a bit


                                      Yeah i should have just muted him then reported him


                                        do it also for every other toxic player and dont blame them that will make things worse


                                          And im not a kid, im already 14


                                            I'm 12
                                            Am I still a kid?


                                              even if u are 14 they still act half childish but still it dosent really mean that u are a kid but its just the acting if i see someone acts like that i can dectet if hes a kid or not if hes not then hes near

                                              ws yes


                                                Yeah i act childish sometimes but those kind of people who are already in their 20's are worse than me


                                                  when even a trash timber has better mmr then u......


                                                    well from 0-4999 mmr, the quote "mmr is just a number" is true.

                                                    Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                      People who buy cloak before bs on timber hurt my eyes


                                                        Thats basically his item build EVERY timber game, regardless of the enemy lineup he rushes hood of defiance into pipe, without boots too

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!