General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero

What hero in General Discussion
зачем я начал поиск

    Has relatively high mobility, can farm fast, if needed, independent from team on the laning stage (if the laning stage even exists for that hero), high solo-kill potential and can contribute to teamfights at least decently.

    Preferably either jungle/offlane/roaming.

    I am looking to play something else and I highlighted core hero qualities, which I value and see as highly desireable.

    Don't suggest Broodmother for obvious reasons.

    Raining in Manila

      do you play mid? ember fit all of that


        mobile offlaners?

        Potato Marshal

          Offlane QoP maybe?




              Mobile support?
              earth spirit
              Earth spirit
              Earth spirit
              Earth spirit

              Raj Limbasia


                ILC - Lethal Ninja



                    >high mobility
                    >farm fast
                    >team independent
                    >decent mid game fighter
                    >good pickoff potential

                    I'm sorry


                      high mobility heroes that can farm fast and are strong in laner are very few.

                      Ember is strong, but i wouldnt say he farms super fast.
                      weaver, high mobility, can do sort of okay by himself, doesnt farm very fast either.
                      wind ranger, same thing, but not a fast farmer.
                      probably QOP




                          I prefer Luna for that kinda thing, though I'm not entirely sure about the whole "independent in laning phase" part, and I'm not sure if you count "high movespeed" as "high mobility". Maybe I just suck at her in laning phase. Still, I think she fits a lot of the requirements, if not all of em. Anti certainly does fit well, too, but I think he's a bit more situational this meta, so I wouldn't really recommend him.

                          Alternatively, if you want to be offlane, maybe Timbersaw. Shitton of aoe for farming, good laning survivability, high mobility and pickoff potential... yup. Axe is pretty decent, too, cuz Counter Helix and Call for pickoff and farming.


                            Be a man and learn how to play AM properly

                            Dire Wolf

                              Offlaners can't possibly do all those things, farm fast? and mobile with pickoff?

                              Troll can do all those, and can lane alone if he goes ranged form. You can offlane him I suppose.

                              Otherwise probably beastmaster. Get blink and he has awesome pickoff, he is good in team fights, solo laner, farms super fast.

                              Void fits the bill except for the farming fast part. Slow farming til you get items.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon


                                Dire Wolf

                                  oh damn natures prophet does do all those things! but he also sucks balls

                                  all role player

                                    RIKI is my boi

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      Looked through all of that and got some nice suggestions.

                                      Though surprised no one mentioned something like Bloodseeker.

                                      Also surprised about AM mentions, I mean... AM is a super-team dependent lane-creep with very poor kill potential until bash.

                                      IMO, super-overrated and one of the worst carries in Dota overall.

                                      Suppose I am AM and I have a brain-damaged solo support Rubick, also assume I am laning against solo Bristleback or some kind of Undying-Silencer dual offlane.

                                      What the fuck am I going to do on AM? Like, literally.

                                      AM is like begging "team, win all the lanes for me, also, you won't be able to fight any time soon, because I can't, I need to split push for 25 mins".

                                      AM is a creep in the vast majority of games at any rating in pubs and nuisance, unless he gets his ass wiped by his teammates 24/7, until a critical mass of items, period.

                                      By independent I ment that you may literally not need anyone in lane and in game for very long periods. You don't need anyone to "come and help, they're raping my useless hero"

                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        May return to playing a shitton of Timbersaw.

                                        NP would've been among my most played heroes, were he not THAT weak right now, I just don't know, what to build on him to stomp and whether such a build even exists in theory.

                                        Also, was thinking and maybe I'll give Underlord a shot. Sure, he lacks solo-kill, but still is strong at all other points.

                                        Someone mentioned Ember Spirit and... Well... When I played mid at all, that was only Ember Spirit, so you kind of perfectly guessed my gaming preferred playing style. Lul.

                                        Not gonna play anyone mid now, though and carry's also a bad role to fill in pubs, IMO.


                                          Monkey king


                                            am wud shit on a solo bristle cuz bristle wud have 0 mana to do anything
                                            an undying silencer lane shits on every carry if they have no support

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              way to miss the entire point lad


                                                phase boot, drum, shadow blade, orchid is the bulldog natures prophet shitstomping build




                                                    Bloodsuka. It fits all you said


                                                      I doubt nature prophet can solo kill most heroes.


                                                        That looks like the definition of SK

                                                        Mr. Perfect

                                                          storm spirit?


                                                            as natures prophet u must snowball, so if you are snowballing you can solo kill most heroes and if you're not then you can't... like min 16-20 phase drums shadowblade orchid is a gg for most of the guys you teleport onto.
                                                            u tp into treeline behind the splitpusher, go into sb, sb hit, sprout, orchid, hit, spawn treants from sprout and finish him off with attacks, it's pretty basic if you've been having a good time in the offlane.

                                                            (that is what bulldog does, or at least did (with commentary), when i was watching him play the hero)

                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                              Ursa. Cause u farm those heroes. Gg ez


                                                                visage, get level 6 quick and win

                                                                Dark Hunter

                                                                  Chaos Knight. That guy shits on everyone. He's fairly tanky. can sustain himself in lane. Not that mobile but has spells to get enemies close. Can be active early/midgame. Exctremly strong lategame.

                                                                  Centaur. Might have been nerfed but still strong. Play him solo offlane. Play safe as you're not that tanky early game. Highest str gain in the game i think. can semi carry if needed. good stuns, ulti for mobility to initiate or escape. + blink and you're across the map in 5 secs.


                                                                    @One Step Ahead:
                                                                    Did i hear trash talk about my boy AM?
                                                                    dude his laning is better than most heroes. did you say laning with a rubick against undying and Silencer? tell me one carry who actually can farm through that. oh and I always enjoy a 1v1 against offlane Bristle. He's like a big creep with crap damage.
                                                                    and yes he doesn't take part in early teamfights alot (until he gets Manta), but then again It's not like all carries are roaming for fights. alot of other carries are better off farming instead as it's more gold and less risk.


                                                                      Has relatively high mobility, can farm fast, if needed, independent from team on the laning stage (if the laning stage even exists for that hero), high solo-kill potential and can contribute to teamfights at least decently.
                                                                      Preferably either jungle/offlane/roaming.
                                                                      I am looking to play something else and I highlighted core hero qualities, which I value and see as highly desireable.
                                                                      Don't suggest Broodmother for obvious reasons.

                                                                      Has relatively high mobility- insane high moblity due to blink/tranq/force/euls
                                                                      Can farm fast- bursts a creepwave with 2 attacks and a burrowstrike, can also use sandstorm to do the same.
                                                                      Independent from team on the laning stage- SK is a lane stomping solo offlane hero
                                                                      High solo-kill potential and can contribute to teamfights at least decently- ultimate does 660-880-1100 magical damage, combine that with burrow, passive and sandstorm and you can basically kill any hero and contribute to teamfights whenever you want.
                                                                      Preferably either jungle/offlane/roaming- primarily offlane but can be played as a very reliable roamer/jungler.

                                                                      you literally defined SK with that question.


                                                                        dont people roam with sk more now

                                                                        зачем я начал поиск


                                                                          Antimage needs way too much gold to become a hero.

                                                                          I am not a carry player, but let's assume I pick Wraith King. I get my PT, Armlet, BM and every time my R is off CD I can TP in and take fights.

                                                                          I can push the lane, take T1, farm jungle, etc., but I also always can fight with a high impact. My team doesn't play 4v5.

                                                                          Same is true for Jug, Sven, Luna, any other actually good carry hero.

                                                                          Antimage is like a carry for the disabled. He literally needs supports to wipe his ass against any decent offlane, needs a lineup, that would either split-push other lanes or be capable of fighting 4v5 for a while.

                                                                          AM pick literally forces you to either carry Antimage's ass for the first 20 mins by creating an insane amount of space for him or lose the game.

                                                                          AM wins either because the team carried the AM or because the enemies are retarded and can't just kill his whole team/take objectives/pick-off AM himself in the vast majority of cases.

                                                                          AM with BF+Manta can just start entering teamfights, while Sven with just MoM+Sabre+Blink may pop gs and wipe AM and his whole team at an earlier time mark.

                                                                          AM needs way too much to be set up for him to win a game. Needs literally cuckold-tier babysitting, needs strong teamfight heroes to create space for his ass, active mid, etc.

                                                                          I may be wrong, but that's my experience.

                                                                          P.S. Obviosly my points only apply to pub games. In pro 5x5 Dota drafts are specially arranged for carries like AM and supports know, how to suck him off.

                                                                          tl;dr AM is a very bad pub carry, but is OK in professional matches or 6k+ brackets, where people know, how to play w/AM.


                                                                            @One Step Ahead

                                                                            The thing about anti mage is that he is an investment for the future. The correct term for anti mage lane is that he needs a good baby sitter against aggressive enemy off-lanes. You are right in saying that he is very vulnerable in lane and needs his team to make a shit ton of space for him, but anti-mage teams win in pubs as well because the game drags on to the late.

                                                                            Later on, if you can survive the laning stage, anti-mage shines, not because he is more dangerous than spectre, ck or TB in team-fights, but simply because he can be all over the map pushing lanes and pressuring the enemy team. In this way, he does what naga does, but he also does what naga can't, i.e. fight really well and get pick-offs after manta basher.

                                                                            And keep in mind that he absolutely shits on some traditional solo off-laners, like dark seer, bb, tide, etc. So it forces the enemy to pick an aggressive off-lane to stop him from free-farming

                                                                            In the late game, anti mage is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with due to his map presence and aggressive behavior, despite falling off in the conventional sense to bigger, stronger, mightier carries like Spectre, CK, TB, Jugger, etc.



                                                                              bloodseeker mid safe or hardlane even jungle is good.
                                                                              the best position 3rd hero for utility build.

                                                                              all role player

                                                                                hmmmm sk