General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone give me a guide to the offlane?

Can someone give me a guide to the offlane? in General Discussion

    I like playing the offlane but i know theres definitely thing im just not doing right or just not doing. In a good laning phase I can get about 40 last hits from in lane creeps and I understand how to get creep aggro so i can kill melee creeps next to my ranged one and deny it. But other than that I dont know what to do. I dont have a good sense on when its good to grab the bounty tune or when i should go to the neutrals and farm instead. Is having a casual talon good on alot of heroes or should I focus more on faster core items.

    This is what im talking about I love offlane so i want to improve at it any suggestions would be great

    mr. rabbit

      Try ur best to mess up their safelane. Make their life hell

      зачем я начал поиск




          зачем я начал поиск

            In general: block the easy camp, don't die, force supports to waste their regen, time and money on you, farm the side camps, if they pull the easy camp or if the lane is pushed too far away. Force rotations to your lane by raping their carry, if supports went away to roam.

            In the ideal case, depending on the hero, kill them all and push down the tower (only a small portion of offlane heroes are capable of raping the enemy safelane THAT hard).


              don't die.

              зачем я начал поиск

                I prefer to pick super-aggressive or greedy offlaners and just rape the safelane to the core.

                Not some stunning/semisupport stuff, but straight up "rape the trilane" heroes.

                Occasionally pick "get lvl 3 and rape the map heroes", but they are too team-dependent to pick in a solo game.

                It all depends on your hero pool and preferences.


                  If they have a ranged support it feels rlly hard to burn their Regen
                  But basically don't get greedy and know the limits of ur hero
                  U have to know when u can kill when to pressure when to trade when to jungle when to sit back and sap xp.
                  Also bring a ward to block the pull camp in low MMR a support will almost never start with a sentry.
                  They don't always pull but sometimes they do and it still gives vision of rotations as well


                    spam underlord

                    enough in this patch

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      >If they have a ranged support it feels rlly hard to burn their Regen

                      Not true.
                      A variety of offlane heroes don't give a fuck about ranged supports.

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        dont block the easy camp


                          its not that bad just have to learn how to better zone supports


                            Thanks guys this does give me a better idea of what i should do, sometimes i get to focused on getting my own farm and i forget to harass their carry


                              you grab the bounty rune when the creeps pushed near their tower


                                also dont play heros like CK, DK or huskar in the offlane


                                  sounds good


                                    Don't die, that's literally it.

                                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                                      pick cow


                                        is it okay to die if u burn all their regen and the wave pushes to u
                                        basically u respawn faster than they can walk to base and tp
                                        idk just asking if its worth, tho ideally u live


                                          first blood gives so much these days, only if you can get a kill out of it when you come back or completely own the lane, which probably won't happen unless you have insane matchup advantage.

                                          but general idea is dying is bad, so don't do it.

                                          but better than dying would be just buying a tp, baiting them to waste everything to drop you low, teleporting to tower and salving up(or base if you have boots instead). if timed properly, enemy would've been forced to draw agro so when you come back the wave will be pushing towards you so you get free LH under tower.


                                            i mean in my mmr i dont have to do anything they always shove creep wave under tower
                                            i always play afraid tho, and usually i get no farm cuz even when im under tower they harass me or threaten me
                                            like wtf do i do against a hero like silencer or shadow shaman, who just hits u, as a melee hero they keep me on a leash and keep harassing me


                                              well this is a thing for strong 2lanes and 3lanes which will kill you easily.


                                                Ranged supports are my favourite...just play with the fog and trees and hit them in the face. ..u have pms and more regen and they have zero armor..just fucking beat them up while playing with fog....its fucking ogre and omni that are annoying...although you can still outplay them by making them draw aggro from creepwave which will lower them enough so you can burst them....regarding the carries...just learn the matchups and how to play against them...for example my
                                                nightmare matchup as sk is I just play safe around him and fuck off and farm jungle when he is six....the rune thingy depends...if you are just getting destroyed its ok to go grab it...otherwise you can pull enemy hard camp and farm enemy creeps under tower then when you kill all creeps you can go grab rune since you are already close to it. Iron talon is fine if laning vs a fucking wk pudge skywrath trilane where going to the lane is death....but just always try to pressure the lane...if the supports run around ganking mid and rotating and not sitting by their carry you just failed at your job as an priority list goes like this 1-not dying 2-occupying support resources 3-xp...4-blink....if getting raindrops and a wand will keep you alive then its ok to delay your blink since your life is more imprtant...if warding pull camp will occupy supports time and resources without putting you in danger while giving you a pushed creepwave so free xp then why not spend the gold.


                                                  Would you say doom is a good pick in most situations or just a really niche pick for offlane? He has great regen plus i think it does good harass in lane if you can kite them around the trees or is it not worth the mana cost


                                                    @(TIBDP)stan thanks for the advice ill definitley focus on your priority list and everything else!


                                                      Force enemy to aggro ur range creep ))))


                                                        doom is niche

                                                        he used to be very good when dual offlanes were a thing




                                                            ranged supports can wrap around and harass without drawing aggro, and use their range to kite u out
                                                            i find that if i can shove the lane then its ok, i can use trees and fog and shit, but if they keep shoving i can get free xp but not as much farm as i wud like
                                                            still not bad tho
                                                            if im playing axe i can usually solve my problems cuz i feel very comfortable with the hero


                                                              Blocking neut camp doesn't work because they'll just deward it. I often intentionally walk in vision before creeps spawn and just drop the ward in my inventory between the trees so they think I warded it. I go and pick up the ward later during the first wave. Enemy supports are like free ward gold but they just wasted 100 gold on a sentry and got trolled.


                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                doom is niche

                                                                he used to be very good when dual offlanes were a thing


                                                                  Most offlanes have 3 heroes, which means if you show up you'll feed fb (unless you're Tide with kraken shell, or Underlord with PMS and atrophy). Instead, just show up (so they think you're in the lane), then head to your offlane mid camp and stack it. Then show up in lane again. Head to the camp and stack around 1:54 and pick up bounty rune. Farm stack (totally doable with axe or tide).

                                                                  Offlaning requires some mind-games with enemy supps. They'll seldom let you just 1v1 a Naix with Tide.


                                                                    space creating for u're carry


                                                                      I think you'll automatically win against a trilane if u learn some tricks to prevent them from pulling, and the wave pushes towards u from level 1 if u manage to deny your range creep. Or u just drag the wave to your tower early on.


                                                                        dude if ur forcing them to trilane thats good
                                                                        cuz otherwise those supports run over to mid and fuck his asshole

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          dont die

                                                                          know when to jungle

                                                                          when ur support can kill hero with ur skills added tell him to come. sometimes he will tp and usually he wont but nothing ventured nothing gained and a carry kill at 7 minutes usually makes people less likely to win


                                                                            I just had a 15 minute game went pugna offlane killed blood in first minute then he rage quit

                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                              pugnas really fast and noobs have no clue what his skills do


                                                                                Very true

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