General Discussion

General Discussionlook who's got a big old blue star now

look who's got a big old blue star now in General Discussion

    OMG I finally did it guys, I got 10K BS and 5K mmr from being a shitty support player!!!

    Does this mean I get to dismiss everyone without a blue star and call them NubF@gs?

    Does this mean I can give advice and if I am wrong It doesn't matter cause I got the big old blue star?

    DOES THIS MEAN WOMEN MIGHT want to get sum fuk from me?????????

    OH GOD!!! I can die happy. Life complete.

    Until I lose like 8 in a row and drop back to 4500 MMR where I belong.


    meteor hammer

      yes yes and yes gj welcome to dota aristocracy


        Thanks man!

        now I'll just sit back and wait for the girls to come knocking at my door......


          You Virgin weeebs get a life pls.
          Jk congrats bro


            Suppr0t1ng 1nfl4ts y0ur3 mmr


              Congrats, hoe will be comin in no time


                How did you do it? What role ?


                  Btw doing it with sups u deserve a medal


                    Meanwhile arin...


                      Meanwhile team holds Arin back

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        ^^Doing with support deserved a medal?
                        So am I deserved a knighthood?

                        Congrats toad


                          5k is so trash that 5k think they are good in 2017


                            good job


                              Frank bringing ppl down in 2k17


                                Getting baited by frank in 2k17

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  blue star for what?
                                  mmr for what?
                                  dota for what?
                                  living for what?


                                    gz /10char etc


                                      The real battle starts now..

                                      Try not to fall to the dark side and be enveloped by it indefinitely as you start to get paired with 4.4-4.5k noobs

                                      BSJ. LGD

                                        blue star should be 5.5k mmr for sea and 6k for other servers


                                          like every other guy , op gona pause from solo ranked( noobs like ywn jdf icetea frank etc )

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            I want to reach 5k and rub it in all your faces, hopefully before the next patch when they inevitably nerf all the op heroes I'm playing.


                                              time to freeze mmr at current value and never have it public again


                                                @diox, I didn't spam any hero alot except Phx and veno. Mostly as pos 4,5 sometimes offlaner. Never carry and never mid. I suck at those

                                                @licetea, Thx buddy

                                                @Frankz you are probably correct that 5k is trash. Case in point, I am in it. LOLOLOLOLOL

                                                @ Cuki , Thank you! I appreciate your kind words

                                                @benao, Yes the real battle is to actually keep that blue star rather then it just being my MMR swing (+- 300 to 500 mmr)

                                                @ DT liquids , why is SEA 5.5k ?? I thought it was the worst of the worst of the WORST of regions to play.

                                                @lane dominace, Nah bro I will keep going, I want to see if I can keep my shiny new blue toy or rather I just got carried up enough to 5k. If i can hit like 5.2k or and stay put then I will be satisfied I belong with my shiny new blue star of massive EPEEN. Otherwise I'm not really 5k. I just hit the upper limit of my MMR swing with its fluctuations.

                                                @mafisio, thanks buddy!

                                                @potato, I hope you make it too!, I guess those Veno buffs help push me a little more up. If they Nerf him I'll probably drop a little. In your position yeah if they NERF SB then I guess your dicked.

                                                @Arin, lol I could do that, but then what fun would it be. I would be lying and always have dat Blue star and thats no fun. You gotta earn deem shits.