General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout saving buybacks

About saving buybacks in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    This is usually a problem for me playing pos 4 or 5, I need an item but buying it will render me without buyback, which can lose the game.
    So if I don't take the risk, I might not have item progression if I die in fights, slowly losing the game, just relying on carries' item progression.

    Save buyback OR Buy the item(even though it's not game changing)?

    OR do I type in chat "lemme farm my items, don't fight yet"?


        Who needs to save for buy back anyway. I don't do it as a core. Maybe that's why I tend to lose when it goes late


          Depends on the item you are about to buy, if its force staff, buy it because it can save your core's life


            Dont die then kappa

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              check how many of ur cores have buyback
              if nether carry nor mid have bbs then dont bother, if both of them do then don't bother either

              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                depends on which hero ure playing and if you've used your ult yet

                meteor hammer

                  and if you have a respawn talent
                  and if ur item can save someone else (123) who doesnt have bb

                  and how fast the enemy can take hg. a lot of time ur team can fight a 4v5 and slow them down or win, it only really sucks if ur something like omni and ur team needs you to fight, then the enemy have troll + sniper or some similar high siege damage lineup


                    and if you have a respawn talent

                    respawn talents in 7.06 :thinking:

                    Dire Wolf

                      Depends on the support but most 4 and 5 spots dont' need their buyback. At that point in the game only a big ult is usually going to have impact and you should've used it already in the fight you just lost. Like silencer ult is 130 seconds, cm is 90, it's unlikely you ulted in a team fight and will be able to buyback and use it again. Heroes like dazzle have a really low cd ult at 40 seconds so you probably can use it again, use at beginning of team fight, die ~20 seconds later, takes enemy team 20 seconds to walk to your rax, you're good to go. Disruptor's is 70 seconds, possibly too long. Just something to consider, don't mindlessly buyback.

                      Although some supports have really good wave clear so you can delay until your carries res, like winter wyvern shard spam. But at same time if it's very late enemy team might not give a fuck if creep wave is pulled or cleared and just tank the tower. Sometimes though just the buyback is psychologically enough that enemy team will back off.

                      So long story short, make sure you can have impact buying back, otherwise it's just worthless.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Buybacks on carries in pubs though are extremely strong because after wiping you most of the time enemy team will be ecstatic and rush down a lane and be on your base and completely overextend. If you surprise them with a buyback you can often counter wipe them and force buybacks and retreat so gold is even again, or go end game if they don't have them.


                          only cores need to save for bb.

                          If enemy team is pushing as 5 and your core is dead with no bb, your bb as position 4 or 5 won't matter.

                          I suppose the only exception would be pos 4 earthshaker who can single handedly defend HG.

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