General Discussion

General DiscussionExplain some Dota_game_account_debug details

Explain some Dota_game_account_debug details in General Discussion

    Hey everyone doing a research on account debug and need to info about those lines that i couldnt find on internet.

    [Developer] match_disabled_until_date: 1501033655
    [Developer] match_disabled_count: 131

    leaver_penalty_count: 3

    player_behavior_report_old_data: true

    if someone know what those lines means please explain

    Do not fight with each other on this topic just give answers related to this topic

    Thank you

    Giff me Wingman

      [Developer] match_disabled_until_date: 1501033655

      When you can queue match again

      [Developer] match_disabled_count: 131

      how many times you werent accepting a match in time

      leaver_penalty_count: 3

      How many times you abandoned a game

      player_behavior_report_old_data: true

      Your behavior data is old and needs renewal.

        Thank you Alot damn first time someone just explains wew commended xD

        and have another questiion about the first line, can u tell me what date is that and what do you means when i can queue match again?

        because it finds me matches but with other players like me that have shadowban, so that means when the penalty goes away i can play normal again? if yes can someone tell me the date of that number? 1501033655


          it's a unix timestamp
          Timestamp Converter
          Is equivalent to:

          07/26/2017 @ 1:47am (UTC)

          Giff me Wingman

            It's what reese has posted, it's not for shadowbans or anything. It's just the normal matchmaking block you get when you don't accept a match in time.


              thank you alot

              so if thats my ban date i should have been unbanned untill today or maybe i should wait fomr summary som they renew and see if im banned or not

              peace ty for information guys


                danishblunt are u sure about that? if so than :(((((((((((((


                  account debug doesnt reflect ur shadow ban status
                  also keep in mind that shadow ban has nothing to do with hidden pool (the first major diff is that shadow ban exists), and it is only used against sandboxers afaik


                    ok i havent used sandboxie so where am i >? shadowban or shadowpool?


                      shadow ban is an actually existing mm feature that puts u in games with bots for ~2 months every time u queue, in case sandboxie is detected.

                      hidden pool is an old forced myth of dota community stating that behavior score somehow affects matchmaking, and if you are abandoning games often enough/are insanely toxic, u get matched with people of the same kind.

                      ur last sd mode game has 8 bots in it
                      some ap games b4 that have bots too

                      how did you not use sandbox and in the same time abuse lp, which requires you to run multiple accounts at once by default?


                        do you even have brain cells?


                          Good question

                          Giff me Wingman

                            Shadowban means u can't queue ranked against normal people
                            Shadow pool is something an idiot named "Wave" invented to have an excuse to drop from 6k to 4k on stream (bought account and failed hard), due to the huge amount of people who lack braincells and are deluded as fuck, such as yourself, it became a thing.


                              shadow pool is where you are when you are shadow banned, its the same term
                              wave was talking about some fucked up sort of hidden pool


                                i forgot to mention wave was a god

                                не говори по РУ

                                  gotvet is a GOAT

                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                    Tbh, I have an account, where I've intentionally dropped my behaviour score to ~2000 points and it's barely playable.

                                    4 games and in each one of them either someone went to intentionally feed or were behaving really weird (like non-random lane support Chen), a 4k account.

                                    It may be a coincidence, but I swear it was literally unplayable.

                                    Did it intentionally to test MM matching petterns.


                                      ^its not about shadow pool at all tho

                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        I think there's definetely a hidden pool sort of thing for players with really low behaviour scores, but I can't prove it, for it would require at least 4-5 accounts to make a statistically valid conclusion.

                                        4 games fit within the margin of a statistical error.

                                        To get 2k behaviour score, at one point I had 46 reports on that account, which was insane.


                                          the post is about shadow pool
                                          you are talking about hidden pool
                                          those two have nothing to do with each other



                                            about "" hidden pool is an old forced myth of dota community stating that behavior score somehow affects matchmaking, and if you are abandoning games often enough/are insanely toxic, u get matched with people of the same kind.

                                            ur last sd mode game has 8 bots in it
                                            some ap games b4 that have bots too

                                            how did you not use sandbox and in the same time abuse lp, which requires you to run multiple accounts at once by default? ""

                                            i have already said in earlier posts that i have made battlepass abuse but not with bots but with real people with my friend exactly to say and he got also no the same issue about finding match, so we also have made from the same internet we was on same room and doing the battlepass abuse so i started to think that the dota system have placed us in that hiddenpool or shadowban whatever it is because its kinda the same methode the sandbox uses?? but we was doing abuse with 2 laptops so it wasnt any multiple instances ...

                                            sry for my bad english just in case xD

                                            again ty


                                              its ok, i understood you.
                                              it should be fine to use the same router as long as your devices are different. it is possible that you were punished for the fact of the abuse itself, regardless of sandboxing, but im not very sure, since previously it didnt work this way.

                                              this feature is not officially part of the game so you cant find an update log on it, sadly.


                                                Here is my penalty explain:

                                                1. I cant seem to find a ranked game. but i tried some times and it took over 40 minutes of search and i stoped
                                                2. I do find match in normal match or single draft after a long of time because there are low players with that penalty and so u have to wait 10 players to search and the game will face u with them. Another method is it finds u game in but u play against bots and u have 5 real people on your team and u play against 5 bots. Sometimes u have 4 bots in team and 1 oponent is real person with 4 bots in team.

                                                I dont know if its shadowpool or shadowbann or fucking hiddenpool so someone tell me what is that penalty that i explained

                                                ty and fu :)


                                                  ye, its a standard shadow ban


                                                    @triplesteal allright mate thank you i did like 30+ abuse in 1 day u can check them on dotabuff date 20.07.17 xD
                                                    so it might be from abuse i wonder if it will get off and so i can play again on my account if not im not sure if i continue to play dota its fu*king sh*t


                                                      well, as i said it used to last 2 months several years ago, but im not aware of the current situation


                                                        your best bet would be to message the devs on the dev.dota2 forum and resolve your queue time issue with them.

                                                        btw check your steam and dota language preferences and set them to english if they're not, because i know a lot of people who make bots to 5v5 level to queue them on very specific language settings so they queue into each other.


                                                          Lol nice to know abuse gets u in shadowpool. Good luck getting out.

                                                          @onestepahead. How would u measure "toxicity". As far as I'm concerned, picking Chen is not toxic. Lol a lot of the time players are perceived as toxic through the lens of the player himself who has a toxic perspective of everyone not meeting up to his her expectation. I think the only measurable way is to see how many unprovoked intentional feeders there are in the game. And then use a large sample of games. 4 games is too small.


                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!