General Discussion

General Discussion[EU] Low skill smurf - add

[EU] Low skill smurf - add in General Discussion
Story Time

    Just in case you wanna some meme builds and fun at 1k mmr level, add my smurf to your smurfs and lets go full retard
    player id : 137292332


      What if im 1k without smurf?
      Normally good, but held back by team


        What if im 1k without smurf?
        Normally good, but held back by team


          @kormoranas When I was 3,5k I played a 2k account and got a record of 16-1 so I do not know what you are talking about.


            but i really get trash teammates all the time, its impossible to escape this 1k trench in SEA!!!

            Story Time

              ^oh dear :D u dont even play in sea, why trash my thread?


                my pc is getting fixed and should be finished by tmw
                will you play tomorrow?

                Story Time

                  I play almost every day around 23 00 till 1 or 2 at night european time :)

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!