General Discussion

General Discussionyall kids playing in a hidden pool

yall kids playing in a hidden pool in General Discussion
basement :)

    Cookie, stop trying to test on 3k accounts. I have won many games on my 3k smurf which I regularly intentionally feed and abandon on playing carry off lane Lich and Treant. These games are too easy to win to mean anything. The most accurate test would be to have 2 accounts AT YOUR MMR. One with hidden pool. One without.


      it has nothing to do with winning or not, the point is to show the extent of the hidden pool.

      basement :)

        Wait, are you seriously testing for these?

        - intentional ruining/feeding
        - intentional AFK
        - intentional abandoning
        - destroying items

        I have told you the past before. It is much more likely for someone to be reported for playing bad than for actually game ruining simply because game ruiners are so rare.


          Hidden pool was introduced by Valve 3 years ago, couple months after ranked was in the game. There was shitton of sandboxie abusers that would simply queue on South Africa with different language on less popular hours. One guy would have under control both accounts in different teams or all 10 players.

          So valve to prevent that, puts hidden pool, whenever MM sees somebody queing from same IP they get into hidden pool and they can ONLY queue with other people that are in hidden pool.

          What most people talk here has no relations with hidden pool. YOu just have fucking low behaviour score. Probably what Matchmaking does is when your BS lowers under some Value it puts you with other people that have low value. Angry griefing people playing with other griefing people, seems nothing wrong to me.


            doesn't matter what exactly i'm testing for, as long as the predictions are met.

            as long as it's objective, when i get to the high BS acc a trend should occur where the overall total of intentional ruiners should be less than on this acc.

            from the 30 games i've played that'd mean there should be up to 270 other players, 21 of which were intentionally ruining.

            the 249 of others could be anything like flamers, ragers, bad players etc. or even just people who are unlucky.

            but those are subjective, and not easily tracked. the points I've made are easily traceable by anyone.

            basement :)

              I feel that it is more so based on recent reports rather than behaviour score. The Valve news said they only added behaviour score matchmaking for new accounts.

              I have remained mostly calm this month because I knew reporting people will get them hidden pool. Haha.


                I've been calm the past 2 days and stopped tilting so easy, I noticed my behaviour score going up massively and I was getting better teammates, I was playing better myself and started to win games again.

                The only game I tilted was my Sniper game (we still won) but man that was 1 of the worst games I've ever played.

                4 russians in my team, my 4.9k Bane was walking around with 4 obs wards for atleast 10 minutes and not planting them and then said 4k when I called him out on not planting his wards.


                  it had 19 reports when i opened it, average queue time is 5-10 mintues.


                    I used to get 15 min que times, now It's around 7 minutes.


                      i always get around or over 7 min queue time. If i ever get a 1-2 min queue time the game is an auto loss... >.<

                      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                        I've started with high 9k beh. score on this account, and despite the fact I won most of my games, I'm sitting at 6k now.

                        I never abandoned..

                        Mlada i Luda

                          i just abbandoned my luna game cause i had a super trilane , 2 "pro-se' supporting me and i decided that idont have to go through it, ijust abbandoned and decided to make luna quest next game. i do already have a 6.6k bs. i dont give shit about bs or mmr. i talked about bs some months ago, wheni noticed about it, thats it, idont care how people will 'take' it, use it for excuse or whatever. the truth is that when i talked about it, mostly of you were flaming and talking shit about it. but now that it is proven by valve that it is a 'factor' on matchmaking you making chilidsh excuses ,to not look like retards byyourself , thats make it even worse. among all i can understand only cuki for his 'agresive' statement since he already admited to me that this might be a factor , but he was afraid to make it ' legit' , cause he predicted a shit tons of kids comming with that as excuse for theyr losses. and he was right. i also knew that. as cuki said , he is making a experiment , but that experiment is for him, its his point of view. from my point of view bs is 'legit' and it affeects matchmaking. HOW MUCH ? no one can answer that, since it effect different ways on different players. the experiment that cuki is making will at least prove that it doesnt efect that much , that a 6k player to loose in a 3 k bracket . doest that effect a 3k player and wil he tend to loose more if his bs is 1k, and not 9k, yes for sure, at least i tried it, maybe it effects me more cause i tilt faster. thats a factor too. BUT IN THE END OF THE DAY, NO ONE CAN SAY ANYMORE THAT BS IS NOT A THING AND IT MEANS NOTHING. you were all wrong , deal with it. will be there more kids crying about it and using it as an excuse for they badplays. yes it will. do i care? no .not at all . idont give a shit.



                            Mlada i Luda

                              i mean after all my team won that game that abbandonet lul. if someone else would be the instead of me, that kind of experience maybe would not trigered him , and would go through it and won that game in the end. so from my point of view bs, effects more ' indirectly' than diectly probably. undirectly imean you are more open of ' tilt' scenarios , and that will probably cost you the game more than your teammates. anyway if you tilt like that ' like i did' , it means you deserve that behavior score you have. like i do.

                              Lets do Science

                                Don't really get this whole hidden pool debate. Lets assume despite the fact that theres a million people out there who can attest to the fact that you still get rotten assholes no matter what your behavior score is, that hidden pool does group you with other toxic people when you get low enough. How exactly is this still not your fault entirely for being toxic enough to get there?

                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                  ^ 'Cause some of us got there due to connection issues and tons of non intentional abandons and this was personally my case. I know that leaving your team with 4 people is never a good thing no matter what the reason of the abandon is but still, there was never the intention to do so nor any toxicity behind it. But bhs drops anyway and you find yourself in this endless trash. Alright, can't totally complain. Problem is, after you get matched with toxic retards game after game you yourself start to behave like that, tend to tilt more often, enrage, blame and go afk. I got to the point where I'm nonstop tilted and flame even if my team is being quite polite 'cause I had to stand so much retardedness for so long that now even the smallest mistake makes me wanna throw the keyboard off the window. The discussion isn't about whether this system is fair or not, it's based on a pretty valid logic after all and I think whoever believes it exists agrees, it's about its existence itself, since a lot of people are still skeptical about it. The only thing that pisses me off about it it's that it takes SO LONG to get out, on an article I found some time ago it said 2 months. I don't know if they made any change but from my personal experience it feels like you can never get out. And yes, I tried to mute people, to be kind, switched my main role to hard support just so the dumbshits I get matched with don't have to argue with each other and feed intentionally, but nothing seems to work and you get sucked down in that spiral of toxicity, again, over and over. Like I said I'm not even complaining about the system itself, but they should at least reset bhs and decide what pool a player will be put into every, I don't know, 25 games, like every conduct summary or something like that. Also because going from 3k bhs to 5k is pretty easy, but going from 6k to even 6.7k is a pain in the ass, even when behaving nicely, or at least it was like this for me. And if you get even one single abandon it will drop by at least 1k. It's that feeling of this shit being endless, on top of all the retards one has to stand, that makes the situation unbearable, some of us really want to get out.


                                    You have to consider something that I've shown in my first 6 games, some of the players here aren't that toxic/ruining, they just get caught in that cycle of toxicity so it starts affecting them.

                                    So they're looking for any beacon of hope, but can't find any.

                                    showing them some humanity will simply untilt them and they'll start playing 500+ mmr better out of thin air.

                                    but yea, basically what maifioso said, all i want to do is prevent this from being used as an excuse.

                                    @Lets do Science even with a hidden pool/ BS affecting matchmaking, there's no possible system that could predict someone having a bad day then taking it out on you in dota.


                                      That's assuming you get the fucking core role everytime. I got lucky the idiot didnt double me mid this time again but i still got a leeching mirana when i explicitly told him to leave me the fuck alone. I didn't say it once ir twice but a ton of times + pause. How are you supposed to win like that?

                                      I honestly never get core, i got to make it happen somehow


                                        see, just now i couldn't avert this fucktard stealing me offlane, stuck with support. Good shit, I'm gonna keep this am and offlane freefarm and still lose. Aaaaaaand i doubled down cause fuck it

                                        aaaaaaaaand the stealing offlane shit is dc for over 3 min already... what a surprise

                                        also pretty sure ive muted this fucked at least 4 times already. Yet he's unmuted, SOMEHOW


                                          that is simply not true, one of the shortest games was a disruptor game where those hidden pooled 1-2k bs players actually teamplayed and communicated with me.


                                          you must simply suck dicks at teamplay and communication for your case to happen, and i can't help you with that.


                                            what u r discribing is shadow pool, which is not related to bs/toxicity/etc.; its only applied in case of sandboxie being detected, and it works very differently. it doesnt gather toxic ppl, instead it queues u into bots


                                              I always play in shadow pool

                                              Lets do Science

                                                Honestly if Benao and Hanter or whoever that guy is just stopped bitching constantly to their team (and us) about every little damn thing, their behavior score would go up in a few hours and they'd be out of the "hidden pool" yet for some reason, they'd rather unproductively bitch about it for 3 years straight instead of taking a couple hours to not be toxic flamers. No experiment on bs is going to change their minds though, they'll still be flaming now and 400 yrs later while stuck in low 4k thinking its their teams fault they can't stop being dickheads.


                                                  I actually made it to 3k. Those double up help a lot


                                                    I get that tilt is a big factor in losing streaks. But I've had my fair share of 20 games lose streaks where I feel completely calm and happy. And yet the things I see my teammates do are so bizarre that I end up laughing through the whole game.

                                                    But it's so clear that valve is matching people who got reported that I'm legit shocked that more people don't complain to valve about this system. 90% of reports are from going mid and having a bad day. Then you get that 4x report and it just snowballs from there.


                                                      This is really like a question about faith. What is wrong with believing in hell(hidden pool)?
                                                      If believing in hidden pool is an inducement to good behaviour why should you not believe in it? All dota players will be lifted high for good behavior and dota community will be like heaven.
                                                      On a similar vein, people who believe in hell (hidden pool) but are unwilling or unable to modify their behavior gets entrapped in the vicious cycle of never ending MMR trench. Is it really such a bad thing?

                                                      Think about it and you will find that the argument about its existence is pointless. It is better to keep the faith for the greater good of the Dota Community.



                                                        @Lets do Science

                                                        I stopped flaming completely and my behaviour score went up with 3000 points.

                                                        I quit this game for a while and became worse at the game, I reckon I'm not as good as I used to be anymore.


                                                          Well the problem that most have with either its existence or the belief in its existence is its use as an excuse for skill level which many seem to find annoying here.


                                                            I'm not sure about you but I find a weird sense of satisfaction seeing poor behavior score players wailing and crying about being stuck in hell; gnashing at their teeth in agony.
                                                            Judgment by Lord Gaben perhaps?



                                                              because like hidden pool, people believe once you're destined for hell then there's nothing you can do so they start justifying doing bad things


                                                                If they believe in hell then They will believe in heaven. This will provide an opportunity for one to turn to God (Lord Gaben), confess and start anew.
                                                                Isn't that how religion works?
                                                                This is an excellent chance to promote good behavior propaganda throughout the Dota landscape.
                                                                Don't screw this up.




                                                                  I pick anti mage my 2 supports tell me 'you picked anti mage we don't support you'

                                                                  I'm solo against Phoenix, everyone else is feeding, I obviously have no farm because Phoenix harrass etc then I get flamed for having no items L0L. No shit I have no items when supports don't want to help me lmfao, like what the hell this bracket dude :D.


                                                                    what on earth do you smoke?

                                                                    antimage trashes phoenix 1v1

                                                                    no armor, no mana, low hp chicken that loses HP every time it casts a spell.


                                                                      You are doing well with your confession bro.
                                                                      You will be liberated once your behavior score improves.
                                                                      Amen brother?



                                                                        AM trashes Phoenix? WHAT LOL He just spams his thing where you have very slow attack speed and damage over time and shit, how the fuck you wanna go against that?


                                                                          So hard to evade the fire shits..


                                                                            yeah i find it hard to believe that am can trash phoenix in a 1v1 lane matchup

                                                                            get more cs maybe, but the am will be burning through regen like crazy even with an early roh cause phoenix can harass at will


                                                                              i'd find it surprising if any mangina with brain cells would lose 1v1 to bird.

                                                                              Any Q'ers?

                                                                                Look ok hidden pool is not an excuse, let's make a standard copy paste for all hidden pool excuse henceforth:

                                                                                1. Your not in hidden pool if you don't have long que times and less than 45% winrate this week.

                                                                                2. Your not in hidden pool if your getting carried in games every couple of matches.

                                                                                3. If you are in hidden pool play 25 bot matches to clear out your conduct summary and refresh your behavior score, it may take an additional 2 weeks of good behavior to clear.

                                                                                3. Now stop and go improve. Or get a new account. And stop being toxic in your games.


                                                                                  Hidden pool doesnt exist. Low behaviour score games does. To actually be under 5or6k you need months and months of being total retard, abandoning and getting reports as often as possible.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    dude you think you should be allowed to be toxic but no one on your team should be? You realize you are now playing with 4 clones of yourself? If it sucks you only have yourself to blame. And people who dc unintentionally, you won't be in this hidden pool that long if you actually have a good attitude and play the games. If you constantly abandon cus your internet sucks then yeah you will be stuck there as you should be. There's not much difference to your teammates if it's on purpose or not.


                                                                                      sigh.. waste of time discussing with fucking retards thinking it doesn't affect and ruin mmr


                                                                                        Ofcourse it ruins and affects mmr, what is your point?


                                                                                          Ok Cookie next time you ever play AM (which you never do because you spam Arc Warden anyways) and they have Phoenix in offlane I want to see how you're gonna play against him in a 1v1. And I'm not counting supports pulling etc I'm talking about a clean 1v1 from the start without supports even being anywhere near your lane. I want to see your '6k inflated mmr' win a lane against a Phoenix.

                                                                                          If a game like that ever happends (which I just said, big chance of not happening) I want you to post it on here so I can watch it.


                                                                                            rarely dint get this green days


                                                                                              benao u play drow and mirana and u think u wil win 4k games LOL



                                                                                                Wouldn't it be easier if you go to a lobby with cookie and 1 v 1 him with him picking AM and you picking Phoenix?

                                                                                                Then you can show him how good the chicken is vs the Magina??



                                                                                                  Yeah dude that would be such a great idea considering I have 0 games on Phoenix I totally know how to play that hero.


                                                                                                  Idk why u put 'regards' and 'gecko' at the end of every post you make, it makes you look very dumb. We can CLEARLY see that your name is gecko, no need to post it at every sentence.


                                                                                                    doto, I play Drow too and I win 4k games?


                                                                                                      fuck ive been finding it hard to win with drow recently. but its because i dont have supports who secure my lane for me. hidden pulz confirmd

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!