General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with ignorant feeders?

How to deal with ignorant feeders? in General Discussion

    I've been playing for quite many games now, I'm not sure if it's because of the Russian servers or what,but 6 out of 10 times
    I get at least three feeders in my team.

    Also, most of the time they draft carries but cannot carry.

    I'm often afraid to pick support, because of this.

    Some help from 4-5k mmr players or higher would be greatly appreciated.


      Sniper game 125 cs in 41 min game, its a terrible score. I can get same score with pos 5 Winter Wywern.

      Sven game ... Midas xd and ..... BATTLEFURY ON SVEN.... Man thats some serious comedy. You have in-build battlefury already. Just follow recommended item builds, nothing more for now. Item choice for a complete newbie or troll. 225 cs for 42 min game on sven is 50% of what you should have by this time.

      Hard to say anything about this game. You probably played against a bunch of feeders. See ? It doesnt always happen to you, but to enemies also.

      Sniper game... 5 core players in team xd You have the worst score between your teammates.

      Back to your question. You're in potato bracket. What you expect ? You make tons of mistakes yourself. Learn how to farm and you are 3k in no time.


        How do people make smurfs in 2017 and play normal skill games...


          Normal games are fun :P

          Next lvl throw with buyback only on zeus. Big advantage, no buy backs in your team. Ez lose.


            bro you play silencer mid 45 minute game and have 106 CS power treads and shadowblade

            ---> LEARN TO LAST HIT


              Regarding the battlefury, I just wanted to try it. Since there was not much hope of winning, might as well try to make it fun.


                Be an ignorant pro :)


                  ye ye ye human logic right there xD


                    "I get at least three feeders in my team."

                    you're one of them?


                      They are next level players abusing the comeback gold mechanics!!


                        the good old ''i get idiots in my team so i justify being an idiot"


                          Guess I'm going to play all random or single draft in EU West. Should partially solve these problems.

                          Not sure what is your point of posting something irrelevant nor helpful. Never heard of the saying "if you have nothing nice to say, keep quiet"? You should try to remember this and stick to it, pretty sure you make more friends that way.

                          It's quite hard for me not to get dragged into the quicksand if everyone is just feeding.

                          Having a pa and tiny in your team for example and not pushing a single set of racks is just amazing.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!