General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes to be picked.

Heroes to be picked. in General Discussion

    I have a question to 5.5k+ players or kinda.
    From which rating should u start picking spacecreating heroes and counterpicking? And from which rating ur mates understand the pros and cons of ur hero, and can do a job?

    As for me, i have, 4.7 main and for me easier to win on 5k average than on 4.4k coz i dont like to pick meta-heroes than can win a game solo.
    But when i play here on my smurf with 4k rating i can lose in a streak of 4 games or kinda but still climb slowly, when i pick heroes that are team-based or just weak at this meta. I just cant win with a puck or kinda, when my core is afk-farming, when we have to push. but when we have to avoid fight he's just getting reaper's scythe and we can altQQ.

    So it's clear that if u are skilled enough you can abuse rating with 1-3 meta heroes and climb really fast, but untill which rating should it be done? I can start spaming bs, necro or bone and get maybe even 5.5k points, but i dont want to become a one-trick-pony. I want to pick heroes i want to pick, but every game now is a set of defoult boring meta heroes.

    How guys u solve that proble being on high mmr?
    Do u always pick heroes of meta and sometimes counter-picking enemies?
    Or u abused ur rating to a good average, when ur mates better understand winning-cases of any hero?
    Or u are spaming meta heroes and the most in-demand heroes, that are good on any rating bracket aswell?


      U pretend to me a 'meta-hater' while u flamed the shit out of me for picking beastmaster 4 hours ago and I had to mute you cos it was impossible to play with your crying on a background


        I only play heroes that are made of water. Seems to work ok.

        Yung Beethoven

          well i play whatever fits the team most of the time.
          Obviously, when an enemy first picks a meta hero which has some easy counters which are also in meta (im talking about picking veno after necro for example) then im consider picking it.
          But as always: what does it help if you pick a meta hero and you cant even play him properly?

          Most of the time when im trying to figure out what to pick i just think about the laning stage and see what would work out. After that i think about the team composition (do we need disable, initation, hg push, utility core?)

          meteor hammer

            sry im a meta gamer

            i counterpick with heroes im good at i e i pick clock against spirit breaker, shaker, and jakiro

            i pick nyx against necro, pugna etc

            otherwise i usually end up playing arc warden ss ww or bara, which works out fine almsot always


              Just pick whatever you're comfortable with. It's balanced enough right now that it doesn't matter that much.


                Damn morphlin spammer. That hero is so shit.


                  I'm sure you just pick Lone Druid.
                  He's gonna be buffed next patch watch (pls icefrog).