General Discussion

General DiscussionSeasonal Rank Medals

Seasonal Rank Medals in General Discussion
Player 30595310

    i know new rank system just came . Noone actually know how does it work. For example if my rank became Crusader and 3 stars. when i increase to 5 star and then can i up to Archon ?

    if i dont, game isnt gonna be fair anymore. im stuck between 2-3k bracket. in that mmr noone listen each other + picking full carry or throwing game etc. maybe trolling. in my last games happened again.

    if this gonna be like that i m gonna be quit this game.

    Friendly player

      What are you asking?

      Player 30595310

        i'm asking can this medals upgradable? Crusader to Archon , Archon to Legend

        and stars can upgradable? 3 star to 5 ?


          yes they are. But your medal actually has no affect on matchmaking. You still have an mmr, its just private so that I believe only you can see it, possibly even hidden from you I havent been able to get on and actually see anything for myself. The medal also only shows your highest point, so you could get a stretch of really good games and jump up a lot on your medal but then lose a lot and fall back down to where you were but your medal will not come back down.


            Ofc u can upgrade your medal after u reach 5 stars on your current medal.

            casual gamer

              Less won games to climb medals than old 1k jumps btw


                i've seen some data analysis that puts it at 840 mmr to go all the way through a rank with each star being about 140 mmr.

                Player 30595310

                  if medals are just show on your profile ( and beginning of the game ) and mmr matchmaking continues, why medals are came? Valve doing what ? what can i understand in this situation? for example i expect only divine pool, only these players plays each other. its so shame.

                  by the way , i done 10 games. 4 won 6 lost. still not calibrated (:


                    u have to win next game in order to get your medal shown


                      where can i see my stars lvl? i just finished my calibration and i m so tired i forgot to printscreen when i got a medal...i belive i got 3 stars but again i m so tired and i cant be sure...please help me??


                        @kofrague it should just show on your profile

                        @MID the point of the medals is to give a visual representation of your skill since mmr is no longer displayed to other people


                          yeah bro i got it...seems like i have archon 0 lel. thx for help

                          IM BATMAN



                              because each star is about 140 mmr which means it could take like a six winstreak to move up a star. Thats if badges are based off your mmr after calibration which I'm not sure on.

                              IM BATMAN

                                oh i see thnx alot @bearcat0611 tht actually makes sense btw any idea hw much mmr is for legend...


                                  if you go to profile and stats up in the right corner you should be able to see your mmr but I believe legend is about 3.4 to 4.2

                                  unbreakable spirit

                                    I just got archon five and it show I'm 3243 mmr, so I'll be legend soon xD

                                    One Man Army

                                      Divine 4 - calibrated to 5800, so i guess 6k+ is divine 5

                                      pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                        can some1 tell me how many games or how long i need to play to reach 1 star or 1 MEDAL ,is it 6months season ? or if i win like 50games in row i can instantly get divine? some1 explain it pls ?


                                          I don't understand how so many people find this difficult. The medal is just a visualisation of the highest MMR you have obtained this season. It has nothing to do with matchmaking - that is still done off your current MMR that goes up and down by 25 as before - it is just no-one else can see it any more.

                                          Nothing has actually changed in matchmaking apart from the opportunity to recalibrate.


                                            why this matchmaking pool so hard right now, these 5 games of mine 4 lost cuz a cancer cores dayummm gj valve


                                              How is possible they implement a new ranking system and they dont explain how it work?
                                              Thats so unprofessional...
                                              Really a bad joke.

                                              pos5 with carry hero,ez g...


                                                making new ranking system and details are "turbo mode changed " roflmao

                                                valve pls stop using COKE coz u dont know what the fuck r u doing with game , thx


                                                  You still have old mmr.... Check on profile - stats - and top right corner there ur tiny mmr hahhaa

                                                  A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                                    <<<< Divine 5


                                                      @divine wow congrats :D


                                                        Can someone tell me what is these other 6 medal??


                                                          Can someone tell what is these other 6 medal under of herald, Guardian,Crusader, Archon, Legend, Aecien and Devine?
                                                          pls. Thanks in advance.

                                                          Frank Woods

                                                            how to gain 1 star?


                                                              i have 3k9 MMR solo, and got legend 4, so it is true that legend is somewhere about 3k4 to 4k2. and i still not reach higher nor get any star.. hahaha. keep stuck at 3k9. matchmaking ratio still worked by average of team's MMR. not by ur medal.


                                                                has anyone figured out how many MMR do u need to upgrade ur Medal? or do u need to win some specific amount of games to upgrade ur medal or u just need to show mor good skills to increase ur medal? is there some other hidden way that increases ur medal how do they upgrade.....and what happens if someone drops from 3k to 2k again or 3.5k to 2.5k how will his matchmaking work? valve should have explained this...its so confusing

                                                                unbreakable spirit

                                                                  How the fuck is this confusing? The only thing we don't know is what range is each medal or star representing, rest is just the same, u get plus 25 after each win and minus 25 after each lose, u get teamed up with people who are close to your mmr /medal, what's so confusing about this? Wew, people are so braindead -_-


                                                                    Medals and MMR relation explained


                                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                      ^If you drop you'll be matched with people of your same mmr (the one in your stats page), nothing changed, but the medal won't drop 'cause it's just there to show your peak in mmr in the current season.

                                                                      Both medals and stars represent a certain mmr, the most accurate theory is that 1 medal represents 840 mmr and 1 star 140 mmr.

                                                                      So (can't remember the name of these dogshit medals):

                                                                      First medal 0-840 mmr
                                                                      Second medal 840-1680 mmr
                                                                      Third medal 1680-2520 mmr
                                                                      Fourh medal 2520-3360 mmr
                                                                      Fifth medal 3360-4200 mmr
                                                                      Sixth medal 4200-5040 mmr
                                                                      Seventh medal 5040-5880+ mmr

                                                                      The stars represent 140 mmr each within every medal, so if you wanna gain stars or up your medal the number of wins you need depends on what mmr you calibrated at, basically how close you calibrated to your goal.

                                                                      Maan didn't see the previous reply. Basically that.


                                                                        OK i think i got the answer....these medals and MMR's are two diffrent things.....medals show our highest skill level in the game that we have achieved and MMR is out current skill level in the game that we have achieved...for example we take liquid.matumbaman he has new 7k MMR and he is in the leaderboard too but his medal is ancient....IDK why is that but yesterday he was playing his game and i saw in game that he has ancient medal while he was matched to ancient medals players then checked the leaderboard and he had 7K the conclusion is that he callibrated to 7k because he was at 9k precviously but he didnt show that good skills thats why he got an ancient medal.......
                                                                        and 1 another example is that a friend of mine yesterday told me that he has 4.8k MMR and callibrated to legend 2 medal but now after 1 day he has ancient medal but MMR is almost the same.....
                                                                        this means that medals are ur highest skill level that u showed in game ever and MMR is ur current skill level in the game....
                                                                        MMR system works the same way as before u win u get +25 u lose u get -25 but medals can increase any time when u show good skills and then they will never fall down untill the next season to play every game with all u got and get a great medal for urself then worry about the MMR later
                                                                        match making will work the same too it will match u with ur MMR not with ur medal


                                                                          Abouts professional players...
                                                                          They have divine 5 like all others NOT professional players?
                                                                          I feel unfair a 5k is in the same bracket of a pro.
                                                                          At this point implement a league for all the top 200 players like masterleague for st2.
                                                                          So people can check it also.
                                                                          They work whit coke im sure now.


                                                                            I know its just esthetic...
                                                                            But still unfair...
                                                                            Every 5k will act like he is miracle now...


                                                                              but is it really recalibrating? if yes we should have some 3-4ks mmr players coming down to 2ks....and what do you need to reach a 3kmmr in reclibration? a 3.5-4 KDA ratio isn't enough?


                                                                                Depends from where u start.
                                                                                If you are 2k u wont get 3k i think at max 2.5.not sure about it.
                                                                                In 10 games i was clearly the best in team in 6 games , in 3 like average and on 1 i sucked. Got + 200. (2.9 to 3.1).
                                                                                Feel hard u get + 1k for es.
                                                                                Dropping mmr seems easyer most high you are. U can drop 1k ez. If you suck obv...
                                                                                Its not all about kda. Depends wich role u are first.
                                                                                Than all statistic are counted i think.

                                                                                mmr wegnudler 3000

                                                                                  got 5920 still divine 5 so the 5th star is higher then 5880

                                                                                  mmr wegnudler 3000

                                                                                    *divine 4


                                                                                      how about for new accounts?

                                                                                      road to vhs

                                                                                        Why Abed got Ancient 1? just curious.


                                                                                          Where can I see my new mmr? I just calibrated my medal and I can't see my mmr. TIA

                                                                                          Lucifer Morningstar

                                                                                            right side when u click on your stats


                                                                                              I am pretty sure the relationship of medals to MMR is irrelevant because of "MMR inflation". Medals most likely represent your percentile rank against the whole dota community. In other words, there is no point of assuming herald 5=700 MMR=30% percentile when 1 year from now, herald 5=710 MMR=30% percentile.


                                                                                                well i still feel like this whole new medal stuff itàs a bunch of bullshit because it is not well explained the relation with mmr and fucking calibration


                                                                                                  ez medal


                                                                                                    I've been advancing from Divine 1 (5209) to Divine 3 (5512). I could confirm that the data in this table is correct (at least from Divine 1 to Divine 3)


                                                                                                      What happen if we lose? the star will decrease? Lets say from legend 2 become legend 1

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!